Student Management Suite
1598 results found
RTI Referral Report - Advanced Custom Form
Teachers have the ability to print RTI Referral Reports and include custom forms that were part of the process. When they print the Referral Report and include custom forms, the custom forms print in HTML format. The result is a very long list of fields that wastes a lot of paper.
Please allow the Advanced Custom Form to print as it was designed so that teachers can view the information in the same manner in which it was entered.
11 votes -
Creating a Teacher Aide (TA) button to add a student to a section roster as a TA w/o having to create a new TA section
Creating TA specific sections of a course allows us to keep track of specific TA sections of a course for attendance, reports, etc. However it causes us to have many sections to have to be created for just one single student in this position, thus creating a large, unwieldy section master.
Could a TA button be added to scheduling so that any student enrolled in an existing section could be made a TA (shows on teacher roster as such and changes grading to P/F) by just clicking the button? We had this with a previous SIS that we used and…
8 votes -
Texas - CCMR module/tab needed
Texas has added CCMR (College/Career/Military Readiness) as a criteria for our state accountability ratings. We need a CCMR module as well as a tab on the student profile that shows where each student is in meeting the state standard. Counselors use this information to help make better decisions about whether students can have off periods, whether to route them to special classes for College Prep Math or Reading, etc. The components used for CCMR all exist in Skyward - course history, PEIMS coding for industry certifications, military enlistment, and grad plan type, and test scores for ACT, SAT, AP, and…
16 votes -
Mobile App Language translation
It would be helpful if there were an option in the mobile app to select for language translation for the individuals who do not read English and do not have access to a desktop device.
10 votes -
Apply earned credit before planned credit to grad requirements
We are having issues with the configuration of the grad requirements module. Skyward is not considering earned credit before planned credit. Problem>
We have a student with 4 courses that meet a graduation requirement.
2 are earned credit and 2 are planned credit. When we change from the default to the school year configuration, in both cases, 1 earned and 1 planned credit are applied instead of 2 earned. Both configurations list earned credit as the 5th criteria considered out of 8 criteria. Any counselor in our district would tell you that earned credit will always trump planned credit when…12 votes -
Fee Managment Balance and Total of OUtstanding Textbooks
Would it be possible to add the dollar amount of outstanding fees as well as any textbooks the student has assigned under the ENTRY/WITHDRAWAL tab? This will alert the campus registrar and facilitate access that data within the same location (entry/with tab) and will enforce to zero out any fees and return textbooks before withdrawing the student.
6 votes -
Add Check Mark & Completed Date/Time for Step 2 of Online Form Process
Adding a check mark and the completed date and time to step 2 of the online form process would be instrumental in reducing parent confusion.
7 votes -
We MUST get TRACKS to post on Superintendent & Principal (Contact Hrs) Reports!!!!!!!!!!!!
We MUST get TRACKS to post on Superintendent & Principal (Contact Hrs) Reports!!!!!!!!!!!!
18 votes -
Custom Form/Advance Custom Form Watermark and Date/Time Stamp to show Current User
Update Custom Form/Advance Custom Form Watermark and Date/Time Stamp to show Current User filling out the form not the Family 1/ Guardian 1 as shown on the top when forms are printed. This can be used for legal verification of who filled in and submitted the form.
9 votes -
Hmbnd/Hospital Notification
Create a notification tool when line item has been entered into the hmbnd/hospital profile tab so the District Office can be notified when this area is used?
9 votes -
Sort in Interactive Scheduling Board
When using teacher view in the interactive scheduling board, I have to click and drag each teacher to sort them in the order I want. It would be nice if I could sort them by course or department as well and it would be nice if I could select more than one at a time. I have to click and drag each one... one at a time!!!
6 votes -
Stop Ala Carte Purchase option enabled by parents on Skyward Family Access
This is a great option, however, the message is confusing in POS. Instead of saying " A Permanent Stop Purchase option is set for STUDENT NAME," can it read "A Permanent Stop Ala Carte Purchase option is set for STUDENT NAME?
8 votes -
Fee Management Emails
When emailing statements, it would be so helpful to have the option to email to both parents in family 1 - both families would be helpful as well
It would be like the message center then, where you could choose who receives it.
We have so many families where mom is listed as parent 2 but dad is the one getting the emails but never checks his email.32 votesGreat news! This idea is currently being researched by our Product team. Thank you all for your comments and votes .
Student Management Configuration Pop-up Alert for Parental Consent Notes
In the Product Setup, Skyward Customer Access, Student Management area, you can set the configuration to turn on a Pop-up for Critical Alerts. We would like to see a Pop-up for Parental Consent Notes as well. We have many Critical Alerts, so it becomes unwieldy to add the Parental Consents as Critical Alerts, to use that functionality. Too many pop-ups are annoying. But a separate Parental Consent pop-up would make sure staff knew if a custody issue existed when parents are picking up their students.
15 votes -
Add Email Column to NSOE "Enrollment Application Processing"
There needs to be a Guardian Email column in the "Enrollment Application Processing" screen. Currently, you can only capture the email address AFTER the application has been processed. If you need to communicate to applications in a Work In Progress status, you have to open each application individually to get the email address. For example, if you have 50 applications in a WIP status and all the parent is missing is a birth certificate, you could email just those applicants about the missing BC once you export the list to Excel, perhaps.
22 votes -
Processing Lists - Add Option to Choose View/Edit/Private For Other Users
Please add an option to Processing Lists where users could set security similar to those available in Finance templates. These would be: Allow others to View, Allow Users to Edit, and Allow No Access to Other Users.
9 votes -
Address Master search functionality
Currently in Address Master you can only search by Street. We would like the functionality so that if we sort by Number that we can search by the Number by typing in the search box.
17 votes -
Schools should be able to view the attendance record of a student from a previous school just as they can view the discipline and the grades
The grades and discipline of the student are part of their record that follows them from building to building. However, attendance currently does not work the same way. The focus on truancy and chronic absenteeism make it mandatory to monitor for the year without having ease of access to attendance as they do the grades and discipline.
18 votes -
NSE - Use Calendar to Validate Dates
We would like for the calendar to be used to validate "expected enrollment date". For example, if we only have NSE turned on for Current Year, we would like for users to not be able to enter an expected enrollment date beyond the last day of school. Additionally, if we have Next Year turned on, we would like for users to not be able to enter an expected enrollment date prior to the first day of school for the next school year.
24 votes -
Mask Staff / Student SSN
We would like for all SSN to be masked on reports. This would be staff and student SSN. We can prevent staff SSN from being viewed based on the level of security. However, the SSN will still show on reports. We would like for the number to not show (like confidential phone numbers) or at least only show the last four digits.
16 votes
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