Print Students schedules from Skyward like they do from Student Acess
Schedules print from Student and Family Access in a very easy to read format, especially for complex day rotations. We would like to see that type of schedule format available from Current Scheduling, Reports, Student Schedules. We have complex day rotations at our Middle School, especially our 6th grade classes with both Trimester, and Year Long Classes that meet different days throughout the week, sometimes one day, some times two days, sometime 6 days. The Student Access schedule lays it out in a very readable format, much better than the one available in the Current Scheduling reports. However we cannot mass print from Student Access. Either provide that report out of Current Scheduling or provide a way to Mass Print out of Student Access. That would be ideal.

Rita Henn commented
It would be great to have this format and still be able to have things like locker number, combination, advisor and credits shown.