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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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71 results found

  1. Other ID vs Skyward's Student ID in Maintain

    Having the Other ID in the Maintain browse would be more beneficial to search a student that using Skyward's internal generated Student ID#

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  2. PIMS C6 Student Updates

    PIMS C6 STUDENT UPDATE PULL: It would be amazing to have a report that shows a list of ONLY students who have had a change to any piece of C6 Student Update template information that needs to be reported and what that information is (like appear in red). If it could also contain new enrollments that would be a plus! We could use it to submit student updates by individual if desired.

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  3. I need a report to pull dual credit courses and credits for a students career.

    I need a report to pull dual credit courses and credits for a students career.

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  4. State of Texas has specific requirements for grade levels and Health vision and hearing screenings.

    We need to be able to run a report that shows students out of compliance for those screenings.

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  5. District and School Accountable Dropdown

    It would greatly help if the District Accountable and School Accountable fields would be drop down/lookup fields similar to the Res Dist field. It is easy to mistype the codes.
    This is similar to this request.

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  6. Ed-Fi Setting for Future Entry/Withdraw dates

    Could we have an Ed-Fi config setting that allows us to set how many days in the future Ed-Fi will sync records?
    For example, before the school year starts, winter break, spring break etc. we have families tell us they will withdraw or enroll in the future. Currently, if we future withdraw or enroll, we get more conflicts and errors on reports.
    I would like to only send future E/W records if the date is 3 days in the future, otherwise the record should not be sent. Other districts may want to set it to 5 or more days.

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  7. Include the header that appears in the PIMS Maintain Data screen in the PIMS Export files.

    Adding the ability to include the header that appears in PIMS Maintain Data screen into the PIMS Export files would be very helpful.

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  8. State Reporting Info in Browse Screens

    With the new Ed-Fi process, so much time is spent navigating between pages. It would be very helpful if State Reporting columns/info could be added to Views for the browse pages.
    For example on the Course Master page, WS\OF\CS\BC\CM\CM, it would be amazing if there was a View that included the Dual Credit, Subject Code, Subj Code Grade Level, Course Level, Do Not Send to Ed-Fi fields.
    On the Staff Browse page WS\SF\SF, it would help if there was a Classification View so we could see the Start/End Dates, Entity and Classification
    On the Student Browse page WS\ST\ST, it would…

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  9. FBA/BIP State Templates

    It'd be extremely helpful for security if DPI's sample FBA and (mainly) BIP forms were created as templates in Skyward. We currently have them created as district forms, but in order to give staff access to the Behavior Intervention Plan, they'd get access to all district forms, which we can't do, so we end up having to print them and disperse, which also isn't great for security. Could be added as SpEd form templates or do a setup similar to IHPs so the security is separate even though it's an attachment.

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  10. PIMS student template: Special Ed Status N if IEP out of compliance

    The checkbox that allows expired IEP students to load to the special ed snapshot does not help the Student Template. If this functionality existed for the student template for students that do not have an active iep and cross-checked with an exit, it would eliminate a large amount of time deleting tons of students, especially when districts conduct ieps in the same month district-wide.

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  11. Add period and total minutes to extracted data FTE report

    it would be helpful to have the classes listed on the FTE student schedules from the maintain in period number order and to add the period number to the report. It would also be helpful to total the minutes for each student in addition to totaling the FTE.

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  12. PEIMS CORE - CRW ... Staff and 30305 Record Comparison Removal UTILITY enhance for TIA

    PEIMS CORE - CRW ... Staff and 30305 Record Comparison Removal UTILITY

    enhance this utility to NOT remove teachers imported from HR that have TIA designation but will not have 30305 recs on student side

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  13. PEIMS CRW please add "Process Individual Staff" so we can re-extract one or a few teachers

    PEIMS CRW please add "Process Individual Staff" so we can re-extract one or a few teachers ... we waste a LOT of time re-extracting all staff sections when we might only need to extract sections for one teacher

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  14. The student PIN number needs to be added to Skybuild import and export especailly since TN has been moving away from SSN to PIN numbers.

    TN Dept of ED had directed TN schools to move from SSN to local generated PIN numbers. Skybuild needs to have the PIN number added as field option.

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  15. Survey Error Total Report Should be exportable to Excel

    State reporting reports should be excel compatible due to large amounts of data that needs analyzing. The totals report especially. Dumping to excel takes cleanup because of the extra page titles and no spaces between formats. All reports should be Excel compatible as it is the way to analyse data easily.

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  16. Survey edit error reports option to print error decriptions at the end of the format and export function to Excel

    Error reports are lengthy due to printing each error description and overwhelms school staff. If they could export to excel they could manage the reports better and sort and view by error numbers. Plus putting the error description sheet separately so they can choose to print it or not.

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  17. Automate the Immigrant Status Data Submission to WISE

    the data should automatically report to DPI/WISE if a student meets the 3 criteria of having an immigrant status. The criteria are: 1) age 3-21 as of the third Friday pupil count - we have DOB and know when the pupil count is each year so this can be automatically calculated 2) not born in the US - if another country is listed on the Birth History tab this can be automatically calculated and 3) in a US school for less than 3 full academic years - does not need to be consecutive years can be automatically calculated if the…

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  18. october 1 count

    For the Oct 1 Child Count, if a student is NOT being counted due to different placements and another school is claiming them, it would be nice to have an "Exclude" button in entry/withdrawal similar to the "Exclude from 3rd Friday Count" button.

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  19. State Reporting Extract Should Report SE Exit with Program Code

    All Student Special Ed information including Program and Disability should report in the collection following the student's SE Exit.

    This is required by the State Of Michigan.

    Currently this information must be manually added to the Maintain area or directly in MSDS.

    Please expedite this change.

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  20. Include Other ID in 1804

    Please include student Other ID in the 1804 - Summer Membership report. While the report DOES calculate a unique number of students enrolled and the number of resident enrollments, we partner with community sites to offer numerous programs (that aren't in Skyward) and we have to combine their data with ours to get these totals. For the most part, community sites gather the students ID with their registrations so that we don't have to add it; however, with it not currently on the 1804 we STILL must add it to our report, usually with a vlookup, which is tricky because…

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