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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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79 results found

  1. Other name on health reports

    We need the ability to print both the legal name and other name on health reports. We have several students that have chosen other names due to their gender identity.

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  2. Other name on health reports

    We need the ability to print both the legal name and other name on health reports. We have several students that have chosen other names due to their gender identity.

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  3. Need to be able to add more than one health screening a day.

    Sometimes health professionals have to add more than one screening a day, but the system does not time stamp the screening easily to see which one happened first. Need a time stamp.

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  4. health office visit notified

    An option to quickly notify parents of an office visit via email from within the "Add Health Office VIsit" screen.

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  5. Mass importing the student pictures on an IHP

    On our IHPs for students, there is a merge field for the student picture. Because new pictures were uploaded mid year, when the nurse prints this plan now, no picture shows up on the plan. They can go in manually on each plan and "reimport" the merge field but with some schools having over 100 plans this can be a tedious process since they have already done this beginning of this year. Is there a way to "mass" update a merge field so school/nurse can see the student's picture?

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. Adjusting Physical template and adding yes/no option instead of no option being to just leave it blank

    Would like to have the option to check yes/no for lead and diabetes screening and add a spot to mark that the parent completed the parent portion of physical Instead of just leaving things blank if they are no. If it is left blank then we don't know if someone just forgot to complete the section/missed the information or if it was actually a no.

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  8. Medicaid Area in Student Management/Student Profile

    We would like to see the Medicaid tab listed under Student Managment/Student/Student Profile/Health. Our nurses are in here adding medication and office visits more than they are in the Office/Health Records/Student Profile area.

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  9. Additional Tab in Health Office Visit

    Our nurses would like an additional tab under the Health Office Visit area for Scheduled Procedures. This would be for them to log their catheterizations, tube feedings, O2 assessment, etc.

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  10. Letter generation system for the health records area of Skyward

    This request was submitted to me by our health staff. "We need a letter option for dental exams. Skyward already has the ability to run reports, we just need to add the letter option. The dental report is located under Office-Health records-Reports-Dental.

    An example of this can be found under Office-Vaccinations-Report-Vaccination. There you can see Skyward has templates for Legal Letters. We use these templates constantly."

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  11. Emergency Information/Alert Information to be able to add the same alert for multiple students at one time .

    Please add an option to Emergency Information/Alert Information to be able to add the same alert for multiple students at one time. Would love to be able to use a processing list or a utility of some kind.
    I know that Sky build Import and custom forms importer is not an option.

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  12. Vision Screenings - It would be helpful if the students previous Lens Code would appear each time a new screening is added.

    It would be helpful if the students previous Lens Code would appear each time a new screening is added. It is difficult to check health conditions before each vision screening.

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  13. Make the Hall Pass button available in the Health Office Visit screen.

    It would be helpful to be able to print a hall pass from the health office visit screen instead of having to exit out of that screen and print from the Entry by date screen.

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  14. Medication Quick Entry Verified By

    In the Medication Information Quick Entry Screen, there is a 'Admin By' Drop down box to select the Nurse that administered the medicine. We would like an additional field and drop down box named 'Verified By' to select the nurse or teacher that double checked the medicine.

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  15. My Students with Health Plans

    Teachers have the wonderful shortcuts to My Students with Disabilities and My Section 504 Students. Health plans are just important for safety reasons, so it'd be great if there were a My Students with Health Plans so teachers can easily see who those students are and quickly get to the plans.

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  16. n the diabetes care log, it is required to enter a blood glucose number. We have situations in which the glucometer reads "high". This ind

    In the diabetes care log, it is required to enter a blood glucose number. We have situations in which the glucometer reads "high". This indicates the blood glucose is too high to be read by the meter. Can you add a box that says "glucometer reading high"? We are unable to record a value when it reads high, but we need to document the meter reading.

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  17. Include photo on medication administration screen

    I would like to suggest the feature of always displaying the student photo (not via a click or a hover, but always visible) on the window for medication administration. This would add another layer of certainty that the nurse is verifying that they have the correct student before administering any medication.

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  18. Two (2) Signature (Administered By) Fields for Medications

    Our nurses have indicated that TWO(2) signatures are required for administering medications. We need to have two places for Administered by to be in compliance with regulations.

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  19. Add Pain Scale (1-10) to Office Visit Vital Signs

    Our nurses are requesting the addition of a Pain Scale (1-10) to the Office Visit Vital Signs tab.

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  20. Medication Expiration Dates in Data Mining or Medication Reports

    There is no way to run a medication report for the Expiration Date Field on Track Medication Inventory. Please add the Expiration Date Field to Data Mining. This will help nurses keep track of expiration dates, even when the Family Access Automated Email is not enabled.

    It would also be helpful to add the Expiration Field to Medication Reports so you can set up a report and task to help you keep track. WS\OF\HR\ME\RE


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