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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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7 results found

  1. MTSS referral entity

    Have the MTSS referral entity change to the new school as students move from one school to another rather than having to edit or add the record again.

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  2. Our district would like to see the At Risk tab expanded

    I know this would be a programming request, but our Asst Superintendent wanted me to check and see if there was anything in the near future for adding the eligibility requirements for the K-12 KS At-Risk Program into Skyward? If there could be boxes that could be check marked as to why they qualify for this program, it would help tremendously with reporting of this and why the student(s) qualify. I have added a screenshot from the KIDS 23-24 Collection System File Specs.

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  3. updated RTI custom form templates

    We would like for the RTI custom form template options to match the custom form template options on the 3.0 sped forms. Please see the attachment to see the options in the sped forms, that we are requesting on the RTI forms. Currently the RTI forms are not being utilized to the max, as they are not formatted as we need.

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  4. Add Provider field to Entry by Student Browse, Student Intervention View

    Staff that are designated the Provider for the Students Intervention need to be able to easily locate their students to update their intervention records. Currently they would need to run a report to identify their students and locate them in the Browse. If a new column could be added for Provider, they would easily be able to filter the students they are responsible for.

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  5. at risk lep

    Currently, the Mass Generate At-Risk Identification Records utility allows the use of Criteria Codes to mass generate At Risk records for students with a LEP record. This is very helpful but the utility will also code if you have students in a Dual Language Program that are not LEP but are participating as At Risk. These non-LEP students have a LEP record, as required, for funding purposes.

    I propose that an additional "sub-criteria" option is created for At Risk Reason Code 10 - Is of Limited English Proficiency. The "sub-criteria" should allow districts to select from the list of Parental…

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  6. RTI Referral Report - Advanced Custom Form

    Teachers have the ability to print RTI Referral Reports and include custom forms that were part of the process. When they print the Referral Report and include custom forms, the custom forms print in HTML format. The result is a very long list of fields that wastes a lot of paper.

    Please allow the Advanced Custom Form to print as it was designed so that teachers can view the information in the same manner in which it was entered.

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  7. Watchlist risk levels and values in data mining

    Currently it does not appear that the watch list risk levels are available for data mining. By not having this it makes it harder to select custom data based on high or medium risk students compared to low risk students. In addition the value that appears on the WS\SS\RI\WL screen to indicate the watch list risk values are not exposed to data mining.
    We should be able to include the risk level as well as the value that is stored. This will allow easy reporting of custom data for students with various risk levels. In addition we should be able…

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