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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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3 results found

  1. 504 Indicator

    Our special education department has requested that when hovering over the 504 indicator that the student's impairment is shown for quick reference.

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  2. Clone Section 504 Data (excluding Dates) in Special Programs - Section 504

    When entering the Section 504 Data in Special Programs for each individual student, it would be nice to have a Clone Tab so it would clone all the information as far disabilities and Student Accommodations. Most of this information stays the same each year; but dates would need to change.

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  3. Add Next Eval Review Date to Section 504 Details View

    In the Section 504 Entry by Student, we would like to see the Next Eval Review Date field added as a column to Section 504 Details View. That way we can have a filter or sort on when upcoming students are needing their 504 re-evaluated by their review date. This would help administrators in knowing when to re-eval students accordnig to their Section 504 plan and not let the student's needs fall off the radar and conitnue to serve them as best as the school staff can.

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