Homeless Students receiving OSS - Texas
Homeless students and OSS Discipline. Texas
to comply with state law we would like a warning message to come up when a user is entering a discipline record for a homeless student AND trying to give the student OSS . We would like a message to pop-up on the data entry screen warning the user about what they are trying to do and that it does not comply with Texas law. We believe doing this modification at the data entry point would help districts not break the law - where as a PEIMS/TSDS edit at PEIMS/TSDS time is too late. We would like this software update to be made for SMS 2.0 and Q.
(d) A school district or open-enrollment charter school may
not place a student who is homeless in out-of-school suspension
unless the student engages in conduct described by Subsections
(c)(1)-(3) while on school property or while attending a
school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off of school
property. The campus behavior coordinator may coordinate with the
school district's homeless education liaison to identify
appropriate alternatives to out-of-school suspension for a student
who is homeless. In this subsection, "student who is homeless" has
the meaning assigned to the term "homeless children and youths"
under 42 U.S.C. Section 11434a.

DeVaughn Resczenski commented
Could this be also setup for grade levels below grade 3? Use of OSS in these situations triggers auditing from the state, so any notifications that can aid Discipline Officers as a double-check (including a less severe warning for Foster students) would be helpful, and avoid potential violations of state law.