Student Management Suite
1610 results found
Comment section in nurse check in
We are trying to improve the communication between teacher and nurse, especially with the littles at primary.
When a teacher sends a student to the school nurse, they fill out a skyward form and it gives a very brief explanation of why i.e. "arm", "head", "leg", etc... Is there any way we could add a comment box to allow for more details to send to the nurse and maybe so the nurse may inform the teacher of further instructions?1 vote -
The login is already used
Skyward is Assigning Other IDs already used by other students. Please fix this issue. This is probably due to students being merged and the ID becomes available, but then Skyward assigned the ID to a different student and we cant assign the ID and password to this new student. See error.
2 votes -
Teacher Access - IEP Forms
We created an IEP form that would be used as both a summary of a student intervention, as well as a tool for progress monitoring. The form is similar to the internal form that can be created in the RTI module of Skyward.
The form can be created by the IEP case manager and tailored to the student's needs. It can also be viewed in educator access plus by the teachers; however, we are unable to give teachers editing access to this form so that they can easily put in data for progress monitoring. I inquired to see if this…
1 vote -
Family custom forms
Skyward gives us the access to create a Parent custom Form so Families can fill out just one form per family, but we are unable to print the form. It would be nice to be able to print the Parent Custom Form we create too.
2 votes -
Skybuild/CTE Family Import
Because CTE is growing by leaps and bounds, ISD's and RESD's have a need to import and overwrite much more student demographics information. In particular Family and Emergency Contact information.
Currently, Family information imports that we use between district databases and our CTE database can only be imported once. After that, the settings to overwrite family information is not available in Skybuild Imports. This prevents us from providing critical Student and Family information updates between systems.
For that matter limiting the districts ability to overwrite data using an import is a bit of an over reach.
It is critical that…
6 votes -
scheduling constraints - specific section
I know that we have the option for scheduling constraints for a student and a specific class/teacher. It would be amazing if that could be expanded to specific sections or other students. We are having more personal conflict issues that we need to separate students in classes. Much of the information is private/legal and can't be shared so often, inadvertently, one of us in the department changes a schedule and the students end up in the same class. This has been causing some serious issues. Please consider this idea in both SMS and Q.
Thank you,2 votes -
Ability to check all classes when adding an assignment
For teachers with a lot of classes it would be helpful if there was an option to check All Classes when Adding an Assignment. If they class is grayed out do to it not matching with length or category the check all classes would skip them and only select matching classes.
1 vote -
Ability to hide previous ended classes in Add Assignment with gradebook.
Ability to hide previous ended classes in Add Assignment with gradebook. With teachers that have a lot of classes such as semester, tri or quarter their can be a lot of classes that have ended on the Add Assignment screen and they have to scroll down to be able to view all classes and check the boxes for the current classes if they want to add an assignment to them as well.
1 vote -
Health options in Skydoc
To be able to pull All health information from the student profile in Skybuild. This would make pulling for SHARS much easier and cleaner for Texas Districts
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Endorsement Option Sort Order
Update the following 3 areas to use the endorsement option "Order-Num" column for the display sort order similar to how the tabs display in Endorsement Maintenance. If this is not an option them at least make them sort alphabetically.
Family/Student Access > Endorsements > Add
Student Profile > Grad Reqs > Endorsements > Update Declaration
Student Profile > Grad Reqs > Endorsements > Add under the Endorsements Received section
Entered [SC:6108057] and they said this is not possible, enter an enhancement request.
1 vote -
Could you add a sort button to this forum that sorts by the number of comments on each idea?
Could you add a sort button to this forum that sorts by the number of comments on each idea? It would be helpful to be able to quickly review the items where additional information is being shared.
1 vote -
It would be nice if we could print the Teacher transaction dates on the report. These are very important for Texas State Reporting.
3 votes -
Skyward Activity Roster Not recognizing Paid Activity Fees
You can mass assign fees if they're not assigned already for general fees.
Is there a way to incorporate that with Activity Rosters?
When we enable our parents to pay prior to roster assignment Skyward still wants to assign the paid student an activity fee.1 vote -
We use Family Custom Forms for Online Registration. We are not able to print them. The ability to print them out would be very beneficial
We use Family Custom Forms for Online Registration. We are not able to print them. The ability to print them out would be very beneficial
1 vote -
I have created some Custom Family Forms and the Forms can't be printed. Need to be able to get them printed.
I have created some Custom Family Form that are part of our registration process and the parents fill out on Online Registration. I need to be able to print them out. Skyward does not give me the access to print them. If it gives me the access to create them I would like to be able to print them out too.
1 vote -
Attendance Tab - Add the option to select specific days of the week for reoccurring absences during a specific hour(s).
If a student has an appointment during 7th and 8th hour every Thursday for three consecutive weeks, we have to choose each date, add in the attendance, save and then choose the next date. Being able to isolate specific class periods for specific days of the week within a date range, would make for a smoother process.
1 vote -
skyward messaging
We use a third-party vendor to communicate with families and guardians. It would be nice to configure the message center so that staff cannot contact families through Skyward but still can contact staff and/or students through Skyward.
1 vote -
Adding transaction dates to the course by course report
Adding teacher transaction dates to the course by course report. This would be very beneficial so that you don't have to expand each section to view the dates.
3 votes -
Active Only Filter for 504 & LEP in EA+ for teachers
Teachers need a prebuilt filter to show Active Only 504 & LEP students under Teacher Access. It seems there are prebuilt features for SPED, GT and At Risk. There should be filters for all programs under Teacher Access.
1 vote -
504 module similar to SE
I think it would be much more user friendly if the 504 module was more similar to that of the Special Education Module. Using entry by student and clicking through each of the dropdowns instead of being able to search and see a clear organized file for the student like you can in the SE module. The current dropdowns in the entry by student area could be made into the side tabs similar to the SE module. Is there a reason that the current 504 layout is so different than SE?
1 vote
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