Student Management Suite
1598 results found
Skyward Activity Roster Not recognizing Paid Activity Fees
You can mass assign fees if they're not assigned already for general fees.
Is there a way to incorporate that with Activity Rosters?
When we enable our parents to pay prior to roster assignment Skyward still wants to assign the paid student an activity fee.1 vote -
We use Family Custom Forms for Online Registration. We are not able to print them. The ability to print them out would be very beneficial
We use Family Custom Forms for Online Registration. We are not able to print them. The ability to print them out would be very beneficial
1 vote -
I have created some Custom Family Forms and the Forms can't be printed. Need to be able to get them printed.
I have created some Custom Family Form that are part of our registration process and the parents fill out on Online Registration. I need to be able to print them out. Skyward does not give me the access to print them. If it gives me the access to create them I would like to be able to print them out too.
1 vote -
Attendance Tab - Add the option to select specific days of the week for reoccurring absences during a specific hour(s).
If a student has an appointment during 7th and 8th hour every Thursday for three consecutive weeks, we have to choose each date, add in the attendance, save and then choose the next date. Being able to isolate specific class periods for specific days of the week within a date range, would make for a smoother process.
1 vote -
skyward messaging
We use a third-party vendor to communicate with families and guardians. It would be nice to configure the message center so that staff cannot contact families through Skyward but still can contact staff and/or students through Skyward.
1 vote -
Adding transaction dates to the course by course report
Adding teacher transaction dates to the course by course report. This would be very beneficial so that you don't have to expand each section to view the dates.
1 vote -
Active Only Filter for 504 & LEP in EA+ for teachers
Teachers need a prebuilt filter to show Active Only 504 & LEP students under Teacher Access. It seems there are prebuilt features for SPED, GT and At Risk. There should be filters for all programs under Teacher Access.
1 vote -
504 module similar to SE
I think it would be much more user friendly if the 504 module was more similar to that of the Special Education Module. Using entry by student and clicking through each of the dropdowns instead of being able to search and see a clear organized file for the student like you can in the SE module. The current dropdowns in the entry by student area could be made into the side tabs similar to the SE module. Is there a reason that the current 504 layout is so different than SE?
1 vote -
Clone 504 forms within same school year
It would be helpful to be able to clone 504 forms within the same school year of their creation. Right now, you are only able to clone forms from prior years, but I have had staff members who have wanted to be able to clone within the same school year.
1 vote -
Addition of Direct Certification Type to Food Service Data Mining
It would be helpful if the Direct Certification type is an option to choose in the food service section of Data Mining: Med F or R, Food Assistance, or TANF Foster.
1 vote -
504 Change History
There is no Section 504 change history in the Special Programs Change History button. Can that be added?
4 votes -
parent entered request
Add the functionality to change the status of a Parent Entered Request in Attendance. Once a request is approved/denied, the request status can no longer be changed. It would be helpful to have access to change this status as needed.
This button is found in a couple of different screens. Here's one area where it exists. Office > Attendance > Entry by Date. The button is located on the right side of the screen.
2 votes -
Critical Alert PopUp
Separate the Critical Alert into 2. One for the Student Profile and 1 for the Special Ed Profile. Right now every page our Student Services opens while in the sped tab causes the Critical Alert pop-up to show..
1 vote -
Add iPad Serial Number under Web Access
Student iPads are currently managed in a separate system and are not available for all that need the information to view. It would great to import the serial numbers from the iPad management system to the student's web access information.
1 vote -
Health Conditions Codes
When new health condition codes are added into the system, they do not automatically create a health flag/student indicator for the student.
You have to go into advanced features and adjust the health student indicators at each entity to get the new conditions to flag.It would be great if any new health condition code that gets added, would automatically create a health student indicator.
1 vote -
Import Band Instruments in Skybuild
Add the option to import Band Instruments in Skybuild. The field is on the Student Profile > Entity > Entity Info tab.
1 vote -
ADA/FTE report title and column headers
We would like to have the ability to have the template title appear on each page of the ADA/FTE Report instead of just on the initial parameters page. Furthermore, we would like the Reporting Period: # parameter descriptor to appear under the Semester 1 or Semester 2 column header so that it is clear what reporting periods are included. Having just Semester 1 or 2 is very misleading for staff who only look at the district or campus pages. And example of the report is attached.
5 votes -
Add a delete utility tool to delete orphaned courses and sections. This is available in Qmaltiv but is needed in SMS.
Add a delete utility tool to delete orphaned courses and sections. This is available in Qmaltiv but is needed in SMS. We had a new staff member delete a course and because this utility tool is not available it continues to come up as a fatal for our Peims submissions.
1 vote -
Endorsement Earned Freeze
The ability to "freeze" earned endorsements for graduated students in order to update and change curriculum codes without having to update 10 years worth of courses.
2 votes -
Auto Delete Birth Certificate Attachments
As a part of WI Statewide General Records Retention, there are certain documents/attachments that we are not supposed to keep on file (like a birth certificate.)
We would still want parents to upload their attachments to their NSOE, but would like the ability to decide if a certain attachment type like "Lease" could get saved to portfolio, while an attachment type of "Birth Certificate" would NOT get saved to portfolio.1 vote
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