Student Management Suite
1598 results found
Increase the Font size on the Vaccination Report for faxes
The font on the Vaccination Report needs to be larger so it is legible when faxed to other schools. Now it cannot be read in a fax because the font is too small. If necessary to accommodate a larger font, it can be made landscape instead of portrait.
8 votes -
Headcount By Grade, Race, Gender and Socioeconomic Status - Add "Today" date option
Please add a date option to run for "Today" so that this report can be scheduled to run daily and report today's enrollment count.
15 votes -
Attendance report showing a list of the day's attendance in the Skyward Mobile App
It would be great if we could access the attendance "entry by date" section through the Skyward App, or access to any other report that shows attendance for that given day. This came about while we were doing an Intruder Drill, and I was asked to account for any kids that were known absent today. I tried to do it by memory, but it would be really handy if I could pull a report on my phone to know for sure in case of an emergency where we have to evacuate the building.
7 votes -
Message Center
It would be extremely convenient and helpful if, when creating a message in the Message Center to send a "test message" to just the person who is creating the message prior to sending it out to students and/or families? It would be a nice feature to be able to "test" the message by sending it to oneself to make sure it is set up correctly prior to sending to students and families. Thank you!
17 votes -
Career Plan - Alert/Cancel when adding curriculum already in Career plan or earned for Student Access and Profile
Problem : Students in Student access, and Counselors in Student profile Career Plan, may sometimes attempt to add Curriculum that already exists in a current/future year of the plan or the student may have already completed that curriculum.
Looking for ideas and how we could provide a way to alert and/or cancel to not allow the student or counselor to add curriculum that already exists in a career plan. This would need to work in both Student/Family Access as well as Student Profile Career plans.
10 votes -
My campuses use the Attendance Worksheet for subs to use to send in their absentees daily. The Attendance Worksheets and cutting off the na
My campuses use the Attendance Worksheet for subs to use to send in their absentees daily. The Attendance Worksheets and cuts off the names. For those students that have two last names, it doesn't even print the first name. It is my understanding that TX SR allows for 70 characters per name (first, middle and last). That needs to be longer to allow the first name to print.
24 votes -
Add Move Date as pre-defined field for address change automated email
We have a very transient district and have many families that move and give us a future move date. When we put in a new address we have an automated email that goes out to our specific staff that need it. We would like to be able to enter in future moves so that our transportation director is aware and we would like to give him the date it will take place. When you are on the Student Profile > General > Addresses tab and select Move to New Home it asks you for a Move Date. We would like…
9 votes -
NSOE - Report showing applications that have been started but NOT submitted
We have parents that started an application in NSOE and thought they submitted it but it was not. We would like a report that will show applications that have been started but are not finished and submitted.
18 votes -
Delete a Parent from Family and Emergency Tabs at the Same Time
Currently, when deleting a parent from a Family when a parent passes away, Skyward does not delete that parent from the Emergency Contact tab. It's very troubling to me when I forget to remove a parent from the emergency tab who has passed away even though I did remove them from the Family tab.
14 votes -
EA+ Portfolio access
It would be great if we could limit which portfolio attachment types are visible in Teacher access. Right now it is all or none.
For students and families, we can pick and choose which ones show to parents or students by attachment type.
It would be helpful to be able to do this setup by building as well. Thanks, Lisa
10 votes -
Tardy Kiosk and In/Out minutes for state of IL
The check in times on the Tardy kiosk are not saved in the same place as the in/out minutes used for IL state ADA reporting. I know the state has changed lots of attendance requirements, but many districts are continuing with the ADA standards for attendance.
Since these are 2 different fields, it still requires staff to go into each student's record to input the check in time.
If there could be an option to have the tardy kiosk check in times tied to the in/out minutes for IL state reporting, I think more districts would use it.
Thanks for…
8 votes -
Parent Contact Log
Our counselors and administrators would like to have a parent contact log that shows the date, who contacted, contact type code and a reason note. This would just be a simple way to see when a parent was contacted and the reason. Currently, we are going to create this in a custom form but it would be better if it was part of the actual Skyward system.
6 votes -
Perfect Attendance Report
A report set up for perfect attendance
16 votes -
Add Date and Expiration Option to Critical Alert Messages
Everyone uses the Critical Alert field for much more than health options. The flag is nice and the option to have it pop-up to display. Our district especially uses this for parent issues, legal issues and much more. The problem is, that over time these messages are terribly outdated as a student's career progresses at a district. There should be a date field entered that includes a start/end date with an option to have the Critical Alert expire! Then it will auto-turn off the message when the user so desires to have it do so. If they want to leave…
14 votes -
Federal Race Code should work the same in Data Mining as it does in Skybuild.
Skyward's explanation: Within Data Mining the Federal Race Description falls under a new folder that contains the Fed Race Code and Fed Race Description. This means that in data mining a separate line will be printed for each Federal Race that is selected for the student. If the Data Mining report is set up to be one line then it will repeat the fields as many times as needed for how many Fed Races apply to the student.
Skybuild is not set up in this manner to repeat the field multiple times for each Fed Race that applies to the…
6 votes -
attendance letters - excluding individual students
When creating 5 and 10 day attendance letters... is there a way to exclude individual students from generating a letter? For example we have a few students that are on the attendance letter list that have known issues that would make it to where they should not get an attendance 5 or 10 day letter. We have a kiddo at the burn center that is absent but the medical paperwork has not come in yet. Until then when we run the letters they would be on the list. We do not want to have to hand pull the letters that…
17 votes -
Family/Emergency Contacts
When enter new students past students should not show up for Family and or emergency contact possibilities. Once they graduate and we can't use them for these fields they should not show up. If you can't do that then they need to be grayed out and or also have an ALERT come up saying your about to use a past student for this field do you want to continue. This is causing so many problems when registering students.
6 votes -
Right now teachers can not see emergency alerts flags in their Educator Access Plus homepage(Widgets) where all their students are listed.
In order to see an Emergency alert, they need to go to their grade book and there they can see the emergency flag for a particular student.
It would be great if the emergency alerts are populated in the Widgets and My Students area as well. It would be very easy for the teacher to identify the flagged students without having to enter each student profile to find out.10 votes -
Blended Families
Would like an option to have 50/50 families in Skyward instead of Family 1 and Family 2. When doing a mailing, sometimes you only want actual custodial families to get the info, so a Family 2 may not be appropriate. And then there are other times when you want a custodial parent to get the info, but if you are only mailing to family 1, that family won't get it. The family setup is not real conducive to the reality of family situations that we deal with.
11 votes -
Add SCHOOL NURSE as System Contact Selection in the Automated Email Maintenance area.
Add SCHOOL NURSE as System Contact Selection in the Automated Email Maintenance area.
7 votes
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