Student Management Suite
30 results found
Bus drivers writing referrals
We would like to enable bus drivers to write referrals within Skyward. However, we do not want them to have access to sensitive information, such as the Primary Guardian details or phone numbers. Currently, we cannot restrict this information from their view. We would like to propose an edit that allows us to customize the bus drivers' view accordingly.
1 vote -
Discipline Graphs should Accurately Report data for Prior Year
When running the Discipline Graph by Offense for a prior year and doing breakdown by grade it shows grades as (10,11,12,GD) instead of 09,10,11,12. I should be able to see the grade they were in during the timeframe selected not the grade they are in now. See attachment for what is returned in discipline graph vs discipline counts report. Originally submitted as a support ticket: 5945079
1 vote -
Discipline Letter Cloning
Add an option to clone discipline letters like in attendance letters. We have different information of campuses that require a custom letter for each campus. It would be helpful to be able to clone and adjust instead of creating from scratch.
4 votes -
Discipline Report that includes demographic statistics.
The Offense count by Action Code is a good report. It would be better if it would include race, gender, grade level, special ed, and ELL. Those selections are available in a class roster report. The report should include the names as it currently does, but also include a statistic count by Infraction. I can pull by data mining, but I'm not excel experienced enough to run formulas to count. The data is in Skyward, just need a regular report to pull the data out. An Offense Count by Action Code would be helpful with the more specific information
2 votes -
Report with Discipline Code detail
Offense Code configuration allows for checkboxes (drug related, weapon related, etc) and state Incident Types in Skyward. Right now the only way to view this information is to expand/edit each code individually (per Skyward help ticket); I would like a report that shows these settings for all codes.
3 votes -
discipline graphs
Having years listed in graphs and the ability to select an offense and compare it to a previous year or years.
If Bullying is the offense and the Multiple Discipline Graphs report is used, it should show one graph with the school year listed on the X axis and the total of Bullying offenses on the Y axis.2 votes -
Add Classroom Referral field added to Skybuild so classsroom referrals can be removed from discipline referral exports.
Discipline referrals that are actually classroom referrals are currently exported as actual discipline events because the field is not available to alienate the entries.
1 vote -
Scheduled Letters under Attendance Letters - Discipline
We would like the possibility to select whether the discipline entered for the student through the Scheduled Letters is an Offense or a Referral. We utilize this for tardies and once a student hits a certain amount of tardies no action is assigned and the Assistant Principal needs to call the student in. This should be categorized as a Referral and not an Offense since I'm not assigning an action.
3 votes -
TX-Safe Supportive School Program
Now that the Safe Supportive School Program will trigger a PEIMS fatal error if left blank, we would like to request that this field be made mandatory when entering an Offense just like the Offense Code, School, Offense Date, School Year and Discipline Officer.
9 votes -
Discipline Auto-Emails
Currently a discipline email can be triggered by specific Actions on the save, but we'd like the email to be setup as a reminder on the "to be served" date so the email reminds the student of detentions and suspensions.
2 votes -
Offense Time Not to default to 12:00 A.M.
When entering an Offense within the Student's Profile or Discipline section (not from teacher's Gradebook), offense time should be blank and require user to enter time instead of defaulting to 12a.m. Alternatively, at least default to system date if blanking out and making required isn't doable.
2 votes -
Add the ability to pull the discipline detail report into and excel file.
Add the ability to pull the Discipline Detail Report into an excel file.
We use the predefined comments to better track the types of offenses causing the discipline action. (Ie: Dress Code Violation, Smoking/Vape) Although I have a datamine set up, if I could pull the same information in the detail report to excel that would be helpful. Isolating the predefined comments from additional comments the discipline officer may want to enter would also be helpful when filtering to run a count.
6 votes -
Offense Level as a Column to view in certain Areas
In the Entry By Incident Area - OF-DI-DI if there could be a column labeled Offense Level for Major/Minor .
Then in the Add Offense area if instead of having drop down box with Offense/Referral that if could be a drop down box for Major/Minor. She said that would work better. Is there anyway this could be setup.1 vote -
Discipline widget
Can a widget be created to show on the home screen when an office managed discipline referral has been created? It would be like Employee Access when a staff member requests time off, a widget can be turned on for the approver to see the requests on the home screen. This would be helpful in the event that automated emails aren't working correctly, the principal would always get to see referrals upon logging in to skyward.
5 votes -
Automated Discipline Letters
The option to have automated Discipline Letters much like the Attendance Letters would be helpful for parents and schools. The idea is that the letters would automatically generate discipline offense letters when a student accumulates 5, 10, 15, and 20 offenses or any combination set by the district that could be mailed and printed as well as posted in Family Access.
2 votes -
Add Predefined Comments in EA+ Discipline Entry
Add predefined comments to the discipline entry screen in EA+ similar to what is currently available in discipline entry by officer.
5 votes -
Suspension time required
It would be helpful if the "Total Time" field could be required when entering a suspension. Sometimes our admin forget to indicate how many hours or days a student must serve for a suspension. Thank you!
10 votes -
Update Physical Restr/Time Out Fields - PRTO now RTO
The State of Illinois discontinued batch uploads of Physical Restraint and Time Out data. We would still like the tab updated to match the state required information. We have multiple school buildings but state data for the PRTO (now called RTO) is being input by the district office. The most efficient way for our district to communicate with buildings is through the tab. The building puts the data into Skyward tab then we have a data mining scheduled task reporting "yesterday" data to the district office for input to the state. Please consider updating this tab to match the state…
9 votes -
Could you add the race, special ed, and EL status as fields to the Suspension/Expulsion Report under OFFICE for CRDC?
Could you add the race, special ed, and EL status as fields to the Suspension/Expulsion Report under OFFICE for CRDC?
19 votes -
In Discipline Entry, you have parent notified as a check box so we can sort that data; would love to have SRO involved button so we can sor
Here is what I submitted to the help desk but was suggested I do this:
When I do discipline entries, I have a box to click when I have taken the time/initiative to contact a parent regarding an incident. This is helpful. I am wondering if there is a way to do the same for if the School Resource Officer (SRO) is involved. For example, a child is found in possession of a pocket knife. Typically, the admin would enter the information into Skyward. I would most likely select the 'parent notified' box but would also like to select/somehow designate…6 votes
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