Student Management Suite
1598 results found
Hide all tabs in Family/Student access until the parent has completed online registration.
We understand this is currently an option for the scheduling tab however we need this for ALL TABS. When a parent logs in they should see nothing but online registration. When a student logs in it would only show them a message that their parent needs to complete online registration before they can see anything. There are 6 other tabs a student can look at to figure the schedule/teacher. We have them disabled however it is a campus setting so we cannot enable them only to parents who have completed online reg. So for example Endorsements, this would be a…
55 votes -
Data mine program entry date for English Learners
I have discovered that anytime an adjustment is made to the English Learner tab the Program Entry Date must be entered. This was a new field added for state reporting about a month ago. We would like to be able to data mine this date so we know which students need the program date entered so we don't have to do it when we are trying to enter minutes for our state reporting. Thank you!
18 votes -
Automated email - Current Year Schedule Changes - Class Is Dropped
In the
Current Year Schedule Changes - Class Is Dropped Automated Email, add the ability to select specific courses to trigger email to specific staff. More specifically we would like an email to go to our bookstore manager when a student drops a course that has a course fee attached.7 votes -
Dropped Courses with Course Fees Report
We need a report that will show us only students who have Course Fees in Fee Management with no corresponding course. Currently the report we are running is under Administration > Fee Management > Reports > Customers with Dropped Courses Report. While it is nice to have this report it is pretty much useless in helping us quickly catch any course fees that still exist for classes that were dropped and this is because it displays every dropped course even if the student just moved sections of the course, so we still have to look at every student individually that…
9 votes -
Teacher Passes
Teachers have the ability to create a "pass" for a student to come to their classroom during a specified time that can be seen by other teachers when taking attendance. Teacher X needs to Student during Homeroom. Teacher X creates pass that will show in Students Homeroom teachers attendance so Homeroom teacher can send student to TEacher X during Homeroom.
6 votes -
CY Member
When running the Year Start Process, if a student Status is Inactive, update CY Member to No. If this is Yes and left yes and you have a data mining or crystal report that uses CY Member, you will get inaccurate data.
13 votes -
Each year, after system rollover, each user has to enter gen notes > filter > make changes > apply. This must be done in order to view previous years notes. We use the notes sections for important information and it is very inconvenient for each staff member to have to perform this process.
Can an enhancement be created so that all notes roll with the system automatically for users to view without having to perform the above process?
7 votes -
NSOE Enrollment Users Mass Delete
We need a utility to mass delete old and unused NSOE Enrollment Users. As of right now, there is only a Delete button that can be used to individually delete each one. This is time consuming and a hassle.
29 votes -
Ability to compare the value of two fields in the And/Or Filter
There are times when comparing the values of two similar fields would really come in handy. It would eliminate some of the additional clean-up and filtering in Excel afterwards.
16 votes -
Add Next Eval Review Date to Section 504 Details View
In the Section 504 Entry by Student, we would like to see the Next Eval Review Date field added as a column to Section 504 Details View. That way we can have a filter or sort on when upcoming students are needing their 504 re-evaluated by their review date. This would help administrators in knowing when to re-eval students accordnig to their Section 504 plan and not let the student's needs fall off the radar and conitnue to serve them as best as the school staff can.
18 votes -
Add option for second line to Student Profile Customize area
Add an option to add a second line to the Customize area of the student Profile area. As SMS 2.0 has matured, additional fields have been added to this area, but the amount of space available to display these fields has never been expanded. The ability to add a second line would allow users to display more information in this area.
7 votes -
Email button from discipline tab
As a small elementary school, we contact parents pretty much any time a student visits regarding discipline. Some of our offenses could easily be communicated via email as a parent "heads up" rather than requiring a phone call. An email guardian button from the offense page would be great.
7 votes -
message center ranges
Please add Next Year status as one of the range options when using Message Center by Range. This is helpful so that we don't send messages about next year information when we already know they will not be attending the district next school year. I know we can create a processing list and do it that way, but that is way more cumbersome for the end user.
11 votes -
8 votes
Processing Lists filters
When creating a Processing List, be able to select "Active Students" of a particular Entity in the filter. After clicking on Add/Delete, it pulls a list of students that have ever been enrolled in the entity even if they have moved or graduated.
14 votes -
Add 'Other Id' to Absence Occurrence Report.
Add 'Other Id' to Absence Occurrence Report. At the moment the only identifier in this report is the student key and the student name. Adding this will help in better tracking attendance and comparing student attendance improvement over time.
25 votes -
Display Next Year Schedules - Options
In working with our schools specifically in setting up the On-Line Registration, the question has come up is if there is a way to display Next Year Schedules ONLY AFTER FEES have been PAID? In the past we have utilized the option in the FA Entity Set Up to check the box that reads: Only Show Schedule After Online Registration Completed however this does not ensure that fees have been paid. Also we have noted the Option at the bottom of the screen to HIDE Next Year Schedule for Selected Students HOWEVER it would be extremely convenient if there…
9 votes -
Need ability to default for new families check boxes for Receive Report Cards, Print Hard Copy Report Cards and Receive Forms.
Need ability to default for new families check boxes for Receive Report Cards, Print Hard Copy Report Cards and Receive Forms.
We can do so for custodial and pickup, but not for the report card stuff.
We spend lots of time double checking why someone didn't get a mailing or a report card due to a box being left unchecked by accident.
I know there are mass assign options, but we want the Receive Hard Copy of report cards to be blank to begin with and parents can change within online registration if they really want a copy mailed to…
8 votes -
allow attachments to emails from family view of student profile.
I need to send an email (with an attachment) to an individual students parent. you can send an email to a parent from the family tab of the student profile but there is no Attach option. as a non teacher without a grade book i would need to use the advanced features Message center and then create a processing list with one student in order to send an email to a guardian with an attachment.
6 votes -
Student Graduation Date Mass Create/Change Utility - Use Processing List
We have different groups of students that will graduate on different dates. It would be helpful if we could run this utility using a processing list.
11 votes
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