Student Management Suite
1598 results found
• Add the User Defined option to the Curriculum Master Report
Add the User Defined option to the Curriculum Master Report (WS\OF\CA\CM\RE) to allow users to add helpful information such as service ID's. Service ID's are a critical part of the Texas accountability and reporting system and should be easily available in reports.
8 votes -
Contact person who knows both student side and finance side
We utilize the general ledger update on fee management. Having a contact person who knows both student side and finance side would be helpful when problems arise.
6 votes -
grade mark legend-translated
We would love to translate the detailed description for the grade mark legend on report cards. Currently we have to use the description to print on report cards because the detailed description can not be translated.
7 votes -
Message Center - Text Option
Teachers would like to be able to communicate via text. More and more parents prefer a text over an email (or a phone call). In addition to this, many parents do not use/access their email. Please consider adding the option to text in Message Center.
33 votes -
Missing Assignment Report Printing Per Student
When you go to print a missing assignment report, in Gradebook Reports, it groups the student together (printing on one sheet). We would like the ability to print this report per student so that each student is on it's own page through the gradebook reports. Currently you can only print one student at a time if you go to each individual student and go to their student options and missing assignments. This is a huge waste of time.
14 votes -
Student Current Scheduling Matrix View
We like using the Matrix view, but would like to be able to "hide" past terms, or have a filter option, so we can view Term 02 and Term 03 without seeing Term 01 for example.
7 votes -
Key Pad Numbers
Auto delete once a student withdraws or graduates.
7 votes -
I would like to see a place in discipline coding for Office of Civil Rights discipline coding. Our setup is for state reporting and OCR is much more detailed than what we have setup.
22 votes -
Change History
Under Student we have the change history button could you add the Special education addition/changes to that field also so we can see who is changing the information?
16 votes -
Student Information Report
We generate a report in Students/Reports/Student Information to send home to Family 1 at the beginning of the school year in order to update their family info. So much easier for families to make minor changes rather than receive a blank form and enter data from scratch each year. It would be beneficial if we were able to print each family on it's own page rather than all families printing on same page. We have a child who lives with mom in Family 1, but dad wants his data in Skyward as Family 2 but doesn't want mom to know…
7 votes -
Staff Pictures
I would love for us to be able to include staff pictures on staff reports. We could use the report as a Staff Directory with pictures and contact info. The directory could be very helpful, especially to new staff.
17 votes -
Data mine Credits Earned
Would be helpful to be able to data mine the credits earned field
11 votes -
Need a way to send email reminders to parents who have incompleted returning student registrations
It is impossible to get an accurate list in data mining of parents with incomplete returning student registration (believe me, we've tried - verification status is not an accurate indicator and includes parents who are new to the district who are complete because they have completed new student enrollment). However, we need to periodically email our parents who have incomplete online returning student registration and have no reliable way to do so. We need either an accurate data mining indicator of who is required to complete online registration and has not done so, or a new automated email reminder that…
67 votes -
Add 'In Time' to Entry by Date Screen
We use the Entry by Date screen to monitor our attendance throughout the day. We also use the Tardy Kiosk. We are constantly opening student entries (Edit) to view their In Time. Adding the In Time would really improve efficiency of this browse.
12 votes -
Add Overwrite option for Tardy Kiosk under Absence Type Codes
Our time saved in writing passes and tracking late arrivals with the addition of the Tardy Kiosk has been significant. The time added by cleaning up excused absences that Kiosk has overridden has unfortunately replaced that saved time. We are having to review the entries several times a day.
Absence Type Codes currently have the config option to "Allow overwrite by Positive Attendance". Adding an option for "Do not allow overwrite by Tardy Kiosk" would allow us to mark our Excused and Exempt types, eliminating our constant review of entries.
19 votes -
Add Teacher License number as a field to data mine under schedule
We have to create student schedule reports to export into other software and there isn't a TLN field to select in the CY or NY Schedule options. Mapping students with teacher names is difficult.
8 votes -
Skylert -Add Student Fields
Add more student related fields such as student phone number and student email. Why does Skylert just have to be geared towards parents? Why can't students be included?
15 votes -
Processing List in Fees Reports
Add the ability to run ALL fee management reports by processing list.
6 votes -
Language Translation
Currently there is only an area for Spanish translation of report cards and discipline. It would be helpful if there were many different columns (perhaps a dropdown list) that we could designate for different language translations. (ex French, Chinese, etc)
16 votes -
Custom Forms /Ability to post Custom Forms to the portfolio
We currently have many Custom Forms that we would like the option to place into the portfolio (ex Customized Progress Report)
18 votes
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