Student Management Suite
1598 results found
Add Discipline/Attendance Graphs in Skyport
We would like the ability to create widgets using both Discipline and Attendance graphs within Skyport. Configuring these two areas to function just like Test Score Analysis where there is a Skyport Settings button within the report would be ideal.
The addition of these features would give us a more robust data dashboard via widgets whereas right now, we are limited to test score analysis.
14 votes -
Percent of Class Attendance Report Add Other ID
We are using this report to track students who are in need of making up hours to be in compliance for the 90% attendance rule in Texas. The other id would allow us to be sure that the correct student is being addressed. Also the ability to export the data in a spreadsheet format without having to convert the data from a .pdf would allow us to set it up on the job queue Other ID on report Export ability to .csv without converting it after it is run In Report area instead of a utility would be helpful.
16 votes -
Add CTE Certifications to transcript.
I currently use custom transcripts and I recently saw on a new student's transcript from a previous school a box where CTE Certifications could be listed. Since the state of Kansas recently added this to the student data they collect and this is a separate tab for a student is there a way this can be added to our transcripts? Maybe an element similar to the test box that can be selected so ACT or PSAT scores can be added. I have these already on my transcript.
12 votes -
NSOE mobile app
The NSOE custom forms need to be made into an app or "mobile" so that parents can fill out the forms on a phone. It is extremely difficult for a lot of people that only have a tablet or phone and who don't have a regular workstation or laptop to fill out the forms.
35 votes -
Add All Special Programs to Data Mining
There are a number of Special Programs which are not available for Data Mining reports. We would like all available.
113 votesInquiring with customers to see which specific reporting needs are not being met for Special Programs. Looking for consistency.
Voters: Please include details for this idea if there are specifics you are looking for! This greatly helps us evaluate if options exist or what type of change should be considered.
Thank you!
Add Special Programs for export
We now have new Special Programs (Grad Pathways ILEARN ISTEP Retest) as well as other programs Title I Shrtnd Day Not Tested that are not available in Data Mining. We need them to be. SkyBuild Export only has eight of the Special Programs available for export. It would help if they also would appear in Skybuild.
8 votes -
Under online registration, student information, says home email, can it say student home email. Parents keep putting their email in .
Under online registration, student information, says home email, can it say student home email. Parents keep putting their email in and that is where the student's home email is. Then when parents go to the parent section, they don't update their email because they put it under the student information by mistake.
28 votes -
Add option to record more than one grade level within Staff Entity Maintenance
We have several staff members (Art, PE, Music, etc.) who teach courses at multiple grade levels, however, the staff entity maintenance screen allows only one grade level to be selected. Ideally, this would allow for entry of more than one grade level in this screen as well as the option to select a default grade level.
8 votes -
Add section to Custom Transcript for Dual Credit detail
Add a section to Custom Transcripts where you can display the detail of the Post-Secondary information for Dual Credits.
13 votes -
Ability to select students based on other ID in data mining instead of the name key
Ability to select students based on other ID in data mining instead of the name key
14 votes -
Alternate Teacher linked to conferences
The ability to schedule conferences for the alternative teacher and tie the students to them.
12 votes -
Vehicle info input during online registration
We ask for vehicle info for parking permits during online registration. All info has to go in to a custom form field and imported to the vehicle area. Making this available directly to registration as an update option would streamline the process. Parents would be able to enter the make/model color and plate number for us updateing that area and security would have access to it immediately not waiting for an import.
7 votes -
Career Plan Clusters
It would be very helpful to add an area in Career Plans for a drop-down to choose the endorsement cluster the student is on, and be able to run reports against it for CTE
7 votes -
Mail merge in message center
It would be great if you could have merge tags that could be used to personalize messages sent through Message Center.
12 votes -
Attendance Letters
When utilizing the attendance letter scheduling and updating the parameters for them, it would be beneficial to have the ability to eliminate class periods from which to count. Example: we would like to only count periods 1 and 3-5 for the automated letters.
22 votes -
ADA Report by Economic or Special Program Populations
I have a request for an ADA report by Economic Status, can this be added and other special populations/programs as well?
34 votes -
Request for Multiple Calendars on Day Summary Repo
My request would be that instead of putting in a range of calendars that you be able to choose which calendars to use for the report. As a CTC we have multiple calendars for different schools different sessions etc. which are needed for state reporting and other purposes. It would be nice to incorporate multiple calendars onto one day summary report instead of having to run multiple reports in order to catch all the calendars.
7 votes -
Have the new ethnicity/race form show parents their current information and allow them to change it. Instead of having them re-enter info.
Have the new ethnicity/race form show parents their current information and allow them to change it. Instead of having them re-enter information.
7 votes -
Make Default Entity match Cafeteria
It would be helpful if the students default entity could match their cafeteria. with a school district of 6500 students, every time a student moves from one school to another, their cafeteria has to be manually changed. This is impossible to keep track of.
26 votes -
SKylert Export
We would like to use "Other ID" instead of the "Internal ID" for the Skylert export file - this would make notification much easier through School Messenger. Most student browse screens have the Other ID included which may be exported to Excel to create the .csv list that can ultimately be used for notifications in School Messenger. We have also had student internal IDs match staff employee IDs which cause staff to get phone calls for students.
16 votes
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