Our District nurses have been reviewing IHPs in our database and they would like the ability to "streamline" medical steps necessary for treatment based on a student's health condition. Essentially they would like to have an Emergency Action Plan (EMP) Tab added, ideally, under the Emergency Tab in Skyward. This EMP would give specific straight forward steps for treating a student's medical condition. This would be a condensed straight forward approach for all staff member for treatment of a medical condition without having to read a lengthy technical IHP (Individual Health Plan). Possible idea of a custom form that would "pop up" and be displayed if an EMP button could be added under the EMERGENCY TAB.

Nichol Smithers commented
We have created custom Health Forms (WS\OF\HR\HF\CF) for both IHPs and emergency action plans. We give View access to non-nursing staff so these staff can view/print the IHP and/or EAP from the student's profile. We also use the IHP indicator, so when staff click on the Indicator it will say the description of the type of plan(s) the student has. (turn on indicator for each entity WS\AF\SI).
I like the idea of emergency action plan populating so they are readily available to staff, but think it would need to populate in Gradebook so teachers can easily see it. Not all staff members are using the Student (WS/ST) pathway for Skyward access, so a popup or display in Emergency Info would not reach everyone.
I would suggest maybe adding the ability in Health Forms (WS\OF\HR\HF\CF) to be able to select/customize display options of each form you create-- Ex. selection to "Display in Emergency Info" and/or "Display in Profile" and/or "Display in Gradebook"
So the selected Health Form type would display an indicator/link on the Emergency tab (WS/ST/TB/EM/TB/EM), on the student's Profile (blue "i" button or hyperlinked student name), and Gradebook so teachers will be able to see it.