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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1598 results found

  1. Message Center - Expiration Date Irrelevant Messages

    Message Center - Expiration Date on Message - Some parents via Family Access have inquired if there was a way for the District to actually delete irrelevant messages that are being displayed via the message center in Family Access. We have advised parents that they are able HIDE messages that are no longer applicable but the question is if they can be deleted once their relevancy has expired? Users are able to RECALL expired messages and they then no longer appear in FA however it would be extremely helpful and convenient if users could at least have an "expiration date"…

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  2. Mass Print Registration Information After Approval

    This is actually for New and Returning Student Enrollment. We would like the ability to mass print the required forms/information for students' Cumulative folders after approving registrations. Much like batching, if a campus approves multiple enrollments for that day or week, they need to be able to easily print out those forms from registrations that have been approved. Right now, they have to either build a processing list to use with the Custom Forms/Student Information Report area, or manually add names that they need within the Reports area. It would be much more proficient to have the ability to print…

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  3. Open and close time period conferences in family access

    It would be great in family access configuration to have a way to set time period open and close for when guardians can sign up for conferences.

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  4. Report that shows students new to the district

    Every year our schools asked for a report on students that are brand new to not only there school but the district. It would be great to have one that can easily be ran.

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    3 comments  ·  Reporting  ·  Admin →
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  5. Deleting data from custom forms.

    We need a utility that deletes data from all Custom Forms for every new school year instead of cloning the custom forms. Cloning a custom form can break any process that feeds from these forms.

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  6. Ability to have mandatory online form at first login.

    Getting parents to fill out emergency forms, computer acceptable use policies, etc. is burdensome. Other sites on the web make you click to accept their policies before entering the site. It would be a huge help to be able to require our parents to complete the forms prior to entering Skyward for the first time during the school year and for those forms to "pop up" on the screen so they wouldn't have to navigate through Skyward to find them.

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  7. Student Locator in Data Mining

    I would love the ability to data mine students current location. This could be useful anytime someone needed to find a group of students during a specific period of the day.

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  8. Mail Merge Data Mining into an Email

    It would be excellent if we were able to mail merge our data mining into an email home to parents. Right now it will only allow you to mail merge it into a template that must be printed. It would save the districts a lot of postage and man hours spent stuffing envelopes.

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    3 comments  ·  Data Mining  ·  Admin →
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    Our District nurses have been reviewing IHPs in our database and they would like the ability to "streamline" medical steps necessary for treatment based on a student's health condition. Essentially they would like to have an Emergency Action Plan (EMP) Tab added, ideally, under the Emergency Tab in Skyward. This EMP would give specific straight forward steps for treating a student's medical condition. This would be a condensed straight forward approach for all staff member for treatment of a medical condition without having to read a lengthy technical IHP (Individual Health Plan). Possible idea of a custom form that…

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    1 comment  ·  Health  ·  Admin →
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  10. Student ID cards via use of the Skyward Mobile App

    We utilize printed/physical student ID cards with the student's Other ID as a barcode on the back and Alphakey as a barcode on the front for such processes as navigating through the lunch line, checking in/out library items, and scanning in at the office for those who are late or leave early. There are those who lose, forget, or cannot find their cards so we are constantly reprinting or ordering replacement cards. It would be helpful for students to be able to access an "e-student ID card" through the Skyward mobile app so students always have the ID cards and…

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  11. Open Gradebook for Specific Teachers

    After grades are posted, we often have students who were unable to complete the final on time. When they do complete it, I have to open the entire gradebook so they can put it in and have the grade recalculate. It would be nice if we could open it for just those teachers. Doing it for every teacher creates a lot of opening and closing.

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    4 comments  ·  Grading  ·  Admin →
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  12. Different color alert notifications

    System alerts with different colors for different categories. For example, Red for Health, Blue for custody.

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  13. Disable auto hiding of previous terms in gradebooks

    We would like to disable (or enable) the auto hiding of previous terms in teachers gradebooks when a new term starts.

    We would like the teachers to retain the ability to display or show terms as they wish.

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    1 comment  ·  Gradebook  ·  Admin →
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  14. Develop Skyward to have the same communication capability with parents that Remind has.

    Teachers need to communicate with parents and have to copy Skyward demo data into Remind. Could Skyward develop the same type of communication tool for teachers?

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  15. Please make surveys available on the mobile app for teachers.

    Please make surveys available on the mobile app for teachers.

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  16. auto emails for seclusion/restraint status

    I'd like seclusion and restraint status to be built into the auto email system. Reporting has become much more comprehensive, and we see merit in being able to set up an auto alert that could be sent to key stakeholders anytime a building level discipline officer entered any seclusion/restraint data.

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  17. Ability to change "Online Forms" label in Family/Student Access

    We use our Online Forms for our Co-Curricular and Athletic forms that students have to complete each year. Student's and Parents get confused and either fill out the Online Forms instead of the Online Registration or they complain that they can't find the forms. If we had the ability to rename this label in Family/Student Access like we can for Online Registration and New Student Online Enrollment I think it would be less confusing for parents/students.

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  18. Utility to mass delete alternates

    When we decide not to run a course it is easy to mass delete requests. It would be amazing to have that option so the course isn't still sitting in their alternates.

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  19. Add ability to select specific Actions or Offenses in Discipline Graphs Report

    This Discipline Graphs report is a powerful tool, however, adding the ability to specify which action(s) or offense(s) are included in the graph rather than reporting on EVERYTHING in that category would be super helpful. I can envision using this report to graph Out of School Suspensions or In School Suspensions which the administrators here would go gaga over.

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  20. Parent absence request

    Once the parent submits the absence request and it is approved by admin or staff, the unexcused absence should automatically update, the Skyward admin should not have to manually update the unexcused to excused.

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