Report that shows students new to the district
Every year our schools asked for a report on students that are brand new to not only there school but the district. It would be great to have one that can easily be ran.

DeVaughn Resczenski commented
It would be very helpful if this type of report could give the information both from the "District Entry Date" field on the Profile tab, as well as a general search of all Entry records from all Entities, to indicate a true 'first time enrolled in Skyward' picture, and allow the user to select which option would be best for their district's need.
Example - Our district has been on Skyward for 15 years, so it would be incredibly rare for a child to have an initial District enrollment outside of the Skyward enrollment dates...and the "District Entry Date" was not always available, so it is missing information for many of our students. So in our case, a scouring of all Entry records would be the better run method. The same logic would hold true for Entity enrollments.
- Another district may be relatively new to Skyward, so the "District Entry Date" would be the only way to get a good picture of the actual initial entry into the district. In this case, however, there is not an equivalent field for "Initial Campus Enrollment", so in the second case, it may be more difficult to see 'new to campus' enrollments that are really 'new'.
Dawn Mattingly commented
Seminole County does the same.....
Michelle Falkinham commented
We set up different enrollment/entry codes for various situations (new to the district, transfer w/in the district, etc). We then can run a data mining report on the entry code to get the students new to the district or new to that school.