Open Gradebook for Specific Teachers
After grades are posted, we often have students who were unable to complete the final on time. When they do complete it, I have to open the entire gradebook so they can put it in and have the grade recalculate. It would be nice if we could open it for just those teachers. Doing it for every teacher creates a lot of opening and closing.

Melissa DeVries commented
Jacque, the grade change request worked great pre-covid, but now we are dealing with a lot of students that are being give the opportunity to improve their grade, so it would be nice if I could say "leave the gradebook open for all students that have between a 45-59%". Also, if the gradebook is closed, I don't think they can use grade sync from our LMS.
Melissa DeVries commented
I also wish we could do it for certain students. We are giving students with a certain percentage extra time to get to passing, but I have to open the gradebook for all teachers and all students. Makes me very nervous.
Jolinda Johnson commented
It would also be nice to be able on the post utility to run it by teacher or by class instead of all or individual. Although I appreciate that the individual was added. Very helpful.
Jacque Deckard commented
The teacher can request a Grade Change. This opens the posting window for just them. There is a time frame (around 2 hours) they will have to make any necessary changes. An Admin or person who has access to the Grade Change Requests area can approve any grade difference. There is also an Automated Email Trigger that can be setup so that the person who approves the changes is alerted. Hope this helps! Here is some information for you on a Grade Change Request: