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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1598 results found

  1. Positive Attendance

    We use Positive Attendance for students to check in to Student Services or the Health Center. This creates an attendance record so the teacher knows where they are. It would be great if these students could also "check out" when they are leaving that location so we can track where they are.

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  2. Texas - Need a CTE 2 coherent sequence coding utility for students

    Please create a Texas CTE student coherence sequence coding utility. Texas allows us to code students as a "2" if they have a 4 year plan to take a coherent sequence of 2 or more CTE courses for 3 or more credits and they are enrolled in or have completed a semester of courses that are part of their coherent sequence. All of these elements are easily identified in Skyward by looking at schedules, 4 year plans, endorsement pathways, courses, and credits. However, our CTE staff have to spend hours paging through 4 year plans to identify students.

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  3. Grade History Report - The ability to sort courses by either Year or Subject

    Currently the grade History report automatically sorts courses by Year. We would like the ability to sort by subject as well.

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  4. Seating chart report - tweak

    It would be helpful if the Seating Chart Report to include teacher name next to the Course/Section.


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  5. Report to identify students with no gradebook comments

    In EA+, teachers can go to the Posting Stauts in the gradebook and see a count and list of students who have no gradebook comment assigned to them for each class. We would like the ability to generate a report (or export or include in Teacher Tracker) that shows that information for all students or staff so we can quicky identify which students or teachers have not yet completed comments. At this time, the only way to find this is to log in as individual teachers to get to that screen, or to run report cards and scan individual student…

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  6. Add grade criteria to the prerequisites

    I would like to add a grade criteria to certain courses. We currently go through student selections one at a time. We have minimum grades in prereq courses for many or out AP or Accelerated courses and this would be great.

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  7. attendance attachment

    I would like to be able to scan and attach Dr. notes to individual students under attendance. It would be an easier way to track excused absences.

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  8. Initial Evaluations to have a referral type.

    Having a way to document and track a referral would be helpful to know where the initial evaluation came from. This is a field in the Section 504 as Referral Type. Being able to track this information would be helpful.

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  9. Entity Counts

    Would like to get sub groups under Entity Counts of Student Types and ADM Types. Right now it counts all enrolled students but we look for quick prelimiary entity counts during open Membership reporting and open Pupil Enrollment reporting. These numbers are the difference between sitting in our seats and our Corp of Legal Settlement students no matter where they attend...Student Type and ADM Type sub groups would indicate the differences. The Entity Counts section is exactly the way we want to get quick preliminary numbers for these, usually twice a week during reporting.

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  10. Family Access Responses show Student Name/Family ID Number

    When parents use Family Access to ask a question or update a student, the response should show the Student Name or at least the Family ID #. Right now it just shows the email address of the guardian, which causes us to search all the buildings for the correct student.

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  11. Discipline Action Details

    When entering multiple discipline action dates for the same student it would be extremely helpful if when entering different incidents with different actions a pop-up warning would alert the user entering the action that the dates over-lap with a previously entered incident/action entry. We often have several incidents entered that happen on different days with different actions but it is easy to get the dates mixed and over-lapped when the incidents are consecutive data order. A pop-up warning when entering actions dates alerting user that action dates already existing for this day would be extremely helpful in creating accurate discipline…

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  12. Renaming Standards Report Cards posted to Family Access

    When publishing a standards report card to the Portfolio tab it would be helpful to be able to rename it. We can rename the file when posting the Custom District Report Card (Office>grading>Report Cards>reports>Custom District Report Cards-CD), but not when posting a basic report card (Office>grading>report cards>reports>basic report card - BR). This customization makes it very helpful for parents to quickly see what term/year the report card is for when they view the portfolio in Skyward Family Access. Example: we rename our custom district cards (used for our middle and high school entities): "2018-2019 Term 1 Report Card." However the…

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  13. Staff Locator Should Include the Course Code as well as a Link to View the Class Roster

    Would like to see the course code and section number under Student/Staff Locator (currently it only shows the section number) and be able to click on the section to view the class roster. This would be great for people who only know the teacher's name or don't have access to the Course or Section Masters.

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  14. Sports Physical Expiration Alert/Email to Parents

    We would like a sports physical email to automatically go to parents 30-60 days before their child's sports physical expires.

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  15. Health Restrictions Tab

    Under Office- Health Records- Student Profile

    A tab to the left for RESTRICTIONS that will end up on the All Health List.

    Would need to be able to enter a date, a restriction (No PE, walking only, etc) and also a Release to all would be great if the Restriction and Release to activities would pop up on the All Health list for a quick look as to if a student is or is not released or restricted.

    Also a tab to download their restriction/release form. We currently keep a paper file on hand. We tried just downloading the…

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  16. Update customer cafe in Food Service when student changes entities

    When a student changes entities, their customer record is not updating their Food Service default cafeteria. When their name is entered at the POS of their new entity, a warning appears that they are not active at the new entity. This also causes reporting issues.

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  17. It would be great if on the message center template if we were able to add all staff for a building. Not just the teachers.

    It would be great if on the message center template, if we were able to add all staff for a building. Not just the teachers. Currently it is only the teachers that have students assigned to them. For example: If there was an incident at the school that we could send a message center message out to all guardians, teachers, and all staff assigned to an entity.

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  18. HOME LANGUAGE SURVEY in Custom Forms

    The Native Language and Home Language fields that are used for the EL Export to the state are not available in custom forms. We would like both fields available so we can create the HLS in custom forms, making it match the state so we are in compliance, and use it in the NSOE. We cannot do this at this time because the only field that is available is the Language field, which is a local field.

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  19. End date for all programs

    When a student is withdrawn from the school/district it would be great if that date would automatically be the end date for all programs the student is in--GT, ESL, Special Ed, etc.

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  20. Preferred name field for API

    It would be great to have a preferred name field in the API so that when we sync with Canvas, our transgender students can see their preferred name in Canvas rather than the legal name in Skyward.

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