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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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  1. 10 votes

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  2. Seamless Transfer of Grades within Entity When Student Transfers Sections/Classes

    The current 5 options process to transfer grades to a new class/section is tedious at best. Teachers do not have the time to individually select each assignment for kids when they transfer to them. When a student transfers within the same entity these grades should automatically move over or calculate with the combined grades of the new class.

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  3. Allow Attachments from Google Drive, Sheets, Docs, etc.

    Ability add attachments that aren't first uploaded into Skyward. We don't have Word or Excel on most of our Staff computers so downloading an attachment to view it does no good for most of our users.

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  4. Add option to use Processing List to turn off schedules in Family/Student Access.

    In the Entity Configuration for Family/Student Access, you can turn schedules off for selected students. It would be helpful to be able to use a Processing List rather than selecting one-by-one.

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  5. transaction

    It would be nice if the default scheduling transaction effective date in Skyward would populate as the next calendar day instead of the next scheduled day of school when dropping a student. Having it be the next scheduled day of school causes problems with SCAs and exiting a student. It seem counterintuitive for a user to have to change a date that Skyward autopopulates.

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  6. PA - Start using separate enrollment transaction dates and enrollment dates

    In PA, our enrollment template asks us to report separate enrollment transaction dates (the date the student was entered in the SIS) and the enrollment date (the first date the student physically showed up to attend school). Skyward does not provide a way to enter or store a separate transaction date. It forces us to use only the enrollment date as both the transaction date and the enrollment date. This is very problematic because we must enter students into the system days before the student actually attends school. We need both dates. We can't keep flipping dates (tracking them manually…

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  7. Stop auto entering 9th grade entry dates

    When a new student enrolls in grade 9-12, Skyward is automatically entering the enrollment date as the 9th grade entry date. We have to look at the previous school's records to determine when the student entered 9th grade for the first time and manually change it in Skyward anyway because all students in grades 10-12, and some in grade 9 who are repeating, have a different 9th grade entry date than the enrollment date. The auto population causes issues because if the data entry person forgets to make the change, there is no way to know that a bad date…

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  8. Add an enrollment limbo option for students who are approved in online registration without adding a state reportable enrollment date

    When new students are approved through the online application/registration process, Skyward is adding the approval date to the entry/withdraw tab as the official enrollment date. This is problematic because these dates are not accurate since there is a day or so lapse in time while the school builds a schedule, finalizes assessments and placements for special services, etc. Therefore, it would be helpful if new students could be added in a "pending status" where schools can see the student and build schedules without causing the need for the registrar to keep tabs and change the enrollment dates once the school…

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  9. Custody Alerts

    When students have a custody alert that is critical to the safety of a student, there should be a much more appropriate graphic than a tiny little "almost hidden" bubble on the very cluttered user interface. Other software packages have much more "alerting" graphics to make the matter obvious to busy secretaries fielding many tasks simultaneously while verifying custodial and emergency contact people who come to pick up students at the end of the day. Please pay greater attention to making your user interface more user friendly.

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    7 comments  ·  Family  ·  Admin →
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    As mentioned by others in the comments, you can leverage parental consent notes and/or critical alerts to help draw additional attention to these students. We did bring this feedback over to the Qmlativ product and much like on SMS you can require acknowledgement on Critical Alerts; however, on Qmlativ we do this per student based on their explicit situation, in addition to allowing a custom note to be added to the alert that can be viewed by anyone who has access to that student indicator for additional awareness. 

  10. Mass Update Conferences already created

    There needs to be a utility created to mass edit conferences already created. Example PT conferences scheduled for 11/15/18. Had to be rescheduled due to weather. New date is now 11/29/18. All previously scheduled conferences for 11/15 need to be moved to 11/29.

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  11. Texas PEIMS Advanced Technical Indicator

    The advanced technical credit indicator is based on the certification of the teacher. This indicator needs to be moved from the course level to the section level.

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  12. Prereqs in 2.0

    I would like the ability to create a prereq that could then be used for multiple classes instead of going in and doing the same set up over and over. In art all of our art classes require Art Fundamentals. Instead of recreating it for 16 other courses it could just be added - and added by year as well. Same for Biology, Chemistry, Foods - all of the building block classes.

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  13. Search by Parking Permit #

    In Mobile you can do a search by parking permit # but you cannot do that in the desktop. It would be so nice to look up this way.

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  14. Vehicle information available for updates in Custom Forms or Online Registration

    We use online registration and when we sell a parking permit we need to have the student car information in the vehicle section under General in the Student Profile area. I would love to see the vehicle type, color and LP added to either the custom forms area or to the online registration area for updating directly by parents. At this time, we created a custom form but must export and import to have it viewable by our security using the mobile app when they are in the parking lot. If it is not in they must contact the office…

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  15. Add Current Year Balance Due field available in data mining

    We are a corporation where previous year balances are rolled over from year to year via the Cash Basis w/ Fee Detail option during the year end process and we would LOVE to have a field in data mining that displays only Current Year balance due.

    When we send families to collections, it has to be on current year balances and not having a field that serves this purpose within data mining makes life much more difficult when providing this information to debt collectors.

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  16. Edit Class Meet

    Once the edic class meet window is saved and the user is returned to the course master window, give me a setting to leave the section detail open that was just edited. When working on sequential sections it is difficult to always accurately click the next section after the screens have reset. Once I am done in the course and click on the next course, section details can all close.

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  17. Gifted added to Mass Add End Local Programs

    We REALLY need the Gifted Records to be an option in the Mass Add/End Special/Local Programs area! As far as I can tell the records have to be added each year. When pulling AD only current year records (open or closed) will pull. Any previous years records (even when left open) will NOT pull. The importance of keeping year to year records can be understood as grant funding is involved and we don't want open records that aren't really in the program any more to pull and report to DOE. With that said when a school (one middle school) of…

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  18. Distribute Student Demographic Info - fields need a blank option

    Currently, it is difficult to know if these fields in the Student Profile have been set to No or if they were No by default...Military, Higher Ed, Public, District, Local Use, Media, Vendors, Field Trips.

    If those fields were blank by default, then it would be more clear that the field was set to No intentionally.

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  19. Please create a Student Indicator for Dyslexia. Now that Dyslexia is being reported in PEIMS, the indicator would be very helpful.

    Please create a Student Indicator for Dyslexia. Now that Dyslexia is being reported in PEIMS, the indicator would be very helpful.

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  20. Medication Delete Option

    Have an option to delete a medication entered for a student that was entered wrong or as a test. If this info must be preserved for legal reasons this option could be in an administrative area.

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    4 comments  ·  Health  ·  Admin →
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