Student Management Suite
1599 results found
Allow Skyward App Parent/Guardian Users to Attach Files through Add Absence Request
Add the functionality in the Skyward App (Family Access) so users can add attachments when using the "Add Absence Request". This will cut down on parents needing to separately email doctor notes or other required attendance documents or send the document with their student. This will also reduce the amount of work that is needed by attendance clerks or decrease the response time to updating absences.
13 votes -
Special programs reminder on entry/withdrawal
Currently, in the entry/withdrawal, if a student has a special program tab, it prompts us to add or drop when a student is adding or dropping. There are two new tabs under the Special Programs that do not have this "reminder". It is the SAAP and the Method of Instruction. It would be nice if it would automatically que us to remember to close out those records.
16 votes -
Expand Language Translator
Would it be possible to have the capability to translate more in the Language Translator? I would like to see areas for translation expanded to include such areas as the heading on the report card, such as: Course, Earned, Absences, Tardies (whatever headings districts may use). Also, we show Cumulative GPA, Year to Date GPA, Cumulative Earned Credits, Year to Date GPA Credits on the report card. Additional information we show: Grade, Advisor and Term. These are many areas which remain in English. We would like to have a more detailed Spanish translation of the report card than mostly an…
6 votes -
Selected Grades Report: add Student email and parent email address fields.
Would like to have Student emaill address and parent email address to the Selected grades report to make it easier to identity who to contact when we run the report. We run this for a D/F list and then contact the parent.
7 votes -
Add more options than No Count and Missing
Add more options than No Count and Missing. See image.
6 votes -
Add extract comments to SkyBuild for why you are extracting a field, or how it was built
When coding some complicated extracts, or adding numerical filters it would be nice to add a comment to the line to remind you 'why' you are extracting that field, or how a compound (group) field is being extracted that way.
IE - 'Building Student Login ID from 1 char of FN, then Student ID for a A01234567890 formatting login. OR 'Default student password is MI or 'N' if no MI plus DOB in MM-DD-YYY format for a A01-02-2003 formatted password.
OR - Add a large open textbox, optional of course, at the top where you can add things like, Who…
9 votes -
Communication to families
I would like to see an option for parents to select their perferred way of communicating with the school. E-mail, phone, text, etc.
8 votes -
Allow Method of Instruction as a sort running Student Schedules
It would be great to have the Method of Instruction option when running student schedules to allow printing of only in-person learners. We are having our in-person learners coming into the building on Dec.
10 votes -
NSOE change field name of SSN to Student's SSN
Could you change the field Social Security Number to Student's Social Security Number? It's right under Mom's Maiden Name and often our parents enter their SSN instead of the student's SSN. That would help with confusion.
8 votes -
Add a Language of communication option
Offer Language of communication option for Parents to choose.
English or Spanish or both
Also to be used in Custom Standard based report cards.8 votes -
6 votes
Attendance Alert
It would be beneficial to have the ability to get an auto email or some kind of alert if a student is present the 1st period of the day and then is marked absent the next period.
8 votes -
Current Scheduling Start Date
If a student RE-enrolls the same school year, we would like the START DATE on the student's currently scheduling profile to change to the new re-enrolled date. Example: Student entry 9/8, withdraws 10/2, RE-enrolls 11/5. The START DATE still shows 9/8. We want it to say 11/5.
9 votes -
Custom Report Card Teacher Name Print Option
With the requirement for smaller class sizes, the setup for grade level teachers has changed. There is still the traditional one-teacher classroom, but now there is also a cohort group of students who have a different teacher for every curriculum area. To accommodate this on the Standards Custom Report Card, the subject object is set to print the teacher/class with the subject area grades. There can also be team teaching, so the subject object needs to be set to print "All Teachers." However, sometimese EL and SPED teachers have access to enter grades in the primary teacher's grade book, so…
6 votes -
Student Access - Distance Learning Attendance Check In
Create a "check-in" process on distance learing days in which students or their families must check in once per day through Student and/or Family Access. If students don't check in by 11:59PM on any given distance learning day, they will be marked as Unexcused/Not Checked In. See attached example from Infinite Campus.9 votes -
Secondary Gradebook 2 Seating Charts
Due to the virtual and hybrid as well as in person instructional choices, our teachers have inquired if it would be possible to have two different seating charts within the same class. I know that Student Groups can be created but do these groups also offer separate seating chart options? If so how can this be accomplished?
Please review and advise.
Thank you!
Lee Loomans
WBSD6 votes -
For several years every time we get ready for standardized testing, we have to manually go through IEP's because there is no way to pull the accommodations for each student that has an IEP or 504 plan. Within the IEP, we list the accommodations for testing, however that is not a field that can be data mined nor is it a field that named to pull on any other report.
It would be great to modify the IEP form to allow the fields to be pulled into reports and data mined, especially for accommodations for testing, but also for goals…
8 votes -
Ability to run state reporting exports by processing list
Please add the ability to run state reporting exports by processing lists.
This would be very helpful as we are trying to fix certain students who do not automatically pull, etc. Thanks, Lisa
12 votes -
Fee Management - Ability to Reverse Charge if paid via web/vendor
Currently, if a parent pays for a fee/charge using our online vender/wep payment, we lose the ability to reverse the charge and have to use an Arrears code to document the refund. It would be a lot easier if we could still just do a "reverse charge" and process the refund record for fees paid online like we can for fees that were paid with cash/check.
7 votes -
Please, please, please could you link MOI to Attendance?
It would be the best way to track the dates that students are in and out of the building for remote learning, quarantine, and in-person. It would also be nice if the MOI would default to in-person. So if they went out on quarantine and the dates were pre entered, they would automatically go back to in-person when the dates were ended and they came back from quarantine. Currently tracking the dates for students in and out status is very difficult. Especially for things like Indiana's FSSA EBT card requirements should they ask again.
9 votes
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