Student Management Suite
1599 results found
Option for New button to write to grade bucket
We have a tremendous number of students changing classes due to current conditions. When teachers use the New button, we have to either repost grades or manually enter grades into grade buckets. It would be nice to have an entity level option that writes the transferred grades into grade buckets,
11 votes -
Requesting update to report in this path WS\OF\CA\GR\RE\SE?
It would be helpful for this report to have the option to print the Student's Other ID on the report (not just the NameKey). The Other ID is a main id that counselors use when reviewing information about students on various other reports and documents.
11 votes -
Report Building Clone
It would be great if you could build a report in one entity and then clone it into another one without building the report in each entity.
55 votesDue to framework limitations this cannot be completed for all reports in the system; however, if you have specific reports that you feel cloning capabilities would greatly impact your district, please list those reports so that we can explore them on an individual basis!
could you please add "COVID testing" in the drop down box as a selection to make under "reason for visit", and also under "treatments"...the
make under "reason for visit", and also under "treatments"...these are part of the "Office visit" under "Health". Thanks
6 votes -
Skybuild Interface Update/Overhaul Needed
Skybuild is perhaps one of the most potentially useful but cumbersome and user-hostile features in Skyward: I often must guess the input format or value needed for a field; Skybuild field names sometimes don't match the name of the display field name; importable field options are too limited (I believe I should be able to import any and all fields into Skyward); linking fields to CSV columns is very awkward; the error/import reports are incomplete and misleading and can easily make one think the import was successful when it was not; and it is not clear what data must exists…
13 votes -
Data mine assignments synced from LMS
Currently, you can only data mine information about online assignments built in Skyward—not assignments that are synced over from an LMS such as Canvas. Our district needs the ability to generate an Excel report of listing all students' assignment scores and submission dates. I appreciate you can generate assignment detail and progress reports that list assignments reports via Educator Access Plus, but the print format is not usable.
7 votes -
Category Codes in EA+
It would be nice if there were more color options in the category codes. Don't be hating on orange lol. Thank you for your consideration :)
10 votes -
Add Guardian Language choice to the Extra Information options that can be selected for the Student Profile header
The student language field is an option on the Extra Information to Display list for the customizable header information in student profile. For our district it is more important that we can see the Family 1 home language field because that would indicate if an interpreter is needed when calling. Please consider adding the guardian language field as an option on this list. An alternative would be to create a new field called Interpreter Needed and making that available on this screen.
6 votes -
Processing List added to the Attendance Template for State Reporting in IL
I am requesting a processing list button to be added to the State Reporting Attendance template for my Attendance upload. This processing list button would be VERY HELPFUL to upload students that are attending under the learning option of Full Remote. Our student have had the option to attend hybrid or remote so I would have two different processing list and that button would make this process MUCH MORE efficient. Thank you and please advise. :)
9 votes -
Printing Electronic Signature Pages Within IEP/EVAL Forms
When enabling an electronic signature on an IEP/EVAL form, it would be critical to have the ability to print that electronic signature within the form. This is essential when a student trasnfers to another district, and signature pages of consent are required to be sent. The ability to effectively use an electornic signature in SPED forms requires the capability to include that signature wtihin the form, as if the guardian signed it manually in person.
9 votes -
Guardian 1 and Guardian 2 should be able to set their own ranges for grading email notifications.
Parents have the capability to turn on/off grading email notifications. However, only guardian 1 is permitted to set the ranges. If the option is going to be offered to each parent, then each parent should be able to set their preferences. Mom may want to be notified every time her child receives a grade above 90, but dad/stepdad would only want to be notified when a grade of failing is received. Current set up is limiting parent participation in child's educational progress.
14 votes -
Allow the Technology questions to be required in NSOE
The new technology questions added to tNSOE do not allow us to make them required. Can this be allowed?
6 votes -
Add Internal ID to a student search or student browse area
The Internal ID is automatically shared to School Messenger, OneRoster and other vendors that we auto roster to. It would be very helpful, especially when troubleshooting issues, to have a way to look up a student by the Internal ID. This could be accomplished by adding it to the list of options on the Student Lookup search page or by adding it as a column on one of the student browse views.
10 votes -
The length of the student middle name field needs to be bigger
We have students with two or more middle names and/or two or more last names. The DOE wants their middle name reported as it appears on the birth certificate (last name, and first name as well) I have a student now who will always fail my STN report because his middle name won't fit. Can we add a character or two to the length of that field?
9 votes -
Add special programs View to student browse
Would like to be able to view special program data in student browse. This would be a great tool for creating reports and processing list for all areas under special programs. It would also be great to be able to create filters to share with administrators and counselors to quickly access student program data and create charts to view trends and access the data.
47 votesAre you looking for a browse that has a column for every special program and Y/N if they have a current record?
Or are you looking for something more robust that includes all the data fields in each record?
Please provide us with more details of what you specifically are looking for so we can determine if it is possible.
Student State ID option on Student Reports
Please include the option (checkbox?) of printing the State ID number on any student report, especially the Student Information report as this is the only unique reference recognized by Illinois.
Also many of the state student records compliance documents require the IL State ID. Would be very helpful to not manually handwrite or mail merge a sticker onto the report.
13 votes -
MOI entry triggers automated email to support with multilevel communication
Add an automated email for MOI changes/updates so when the MOI is changed, it would automatically trigger communication to corresponding staff (classroom teachers), secretaries and specialists (library staff, phy. ed., art, etc.) to notify them the return date or last day of in-person or virtual learning.
The same to be done for parents to notify them of the approval request to their desired instructional program change (in-person to virtual or virtual to in-person).
This would have to be visible by staff and in Skyward Family Access.
18 votes -
Processing lists - Grade and Status options
It would be helpful to have additonal filter ranges in adding students to a processing list. Could grade and status be added the filter options?
9 votes -
Virtual - Courses with Students in Multiple Entities
Due to the pandemic we have now added virtual teachers, students and classes. Providing a virtual teacher at each building and each grade level is not economically feasible, due to the number of enrolled virtual students. Creating a new virtual entity is not an option due to state accountability.
This year’s solution for virtual teachers was to enroll them as a staff member in each entity. Classes were created with the virtual teacher and virtual students. Each of our virtual teachers have multiple gradebooks in each entity. For example, a teacher with five core classes at each of our six…
7 votes -
Add FS Application and all other options to NSOE the same as they are available in Online Registration
Add FS Application and all other options available in Online Registration to NSOE
It would make so much more sense and save so much time and extra hassle for parents and staff to have the same options available for new students enrolling in the district as the students that e-enroll each year.
Once we have a parent registering their new student(s) we want them to be able to do everything needed to register at that time. We may not get the parent to go back on and complete the rest of the registration process which includes important steps such as…
8 votes
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