Student Management Suite
1599 results found
In Discipline Entry, you have parent notified as a check box so we can sort that data; would love to have SRO involved button so we can sor
Here is what I submitted to the help desk but was suggested I do this:
When I do discipline entries, I have a box to click when I have taken the time/initiative to contact a parent regarding an incident. This is helpful. I am wondering if there is a way to do the same for if the School Resource Officer (SRO) is involved. For example, a child is found in possession of a pocket knife. Typically, the admin would enter the information into Skyward. I would most likely select the 'parent notified' box but would also like to select/somehow designate…6 votes -
New Student Online Enrollment allowing a existing guardian to edit their address
New Student Online Enrollment Application allow existing guardians to update their address.
When a guardian is bringing their child/children back into the district since the guardian is already in the system they can't update their address which has almost always changed. It would be very helpful if they could change their address on the application.7 votes -
Function to be able to import teacher recommendations into course requests for future scheduling
Teachers are able to put in recommendations for what class a student should be placed into the following school year. As a counselor making schedules, it would be very helpful it we could import these recommendations into the students' course requests so we don't have to do this by hand. It would save so much time and be very helpful!
8 votes -
Report for grades not transferred in by teachers
Due to Covid-19 and the massive amount of students changing their courses due to changes in enrollment from brick-and-mortar to virtual and then back. We are unable to keep up with monitoring the teachers transferring grades into the new course without a report to aid the Administrators that flags the teachers who are not transferring grades. This is resulting in massive amounts of grade changes and corrections and reprinting of report cards. This issue is based on the process that Skyward has put in place to have teachers manually transfer grades for students to calculate Final and Semester. With this…
8 votes -
MOI printing on reports
Our district would like for the attendance reports to actually PRINT MOI (method of instruction on the report itself
14 votes -
Add MOI to Class Count Reports
Please add MOI to the Class Count reports to simplify seeing the numbers of students in each group.
9 votes -
Add Method of Instruction and District Category to Student Profile > Ranges
We would like to see the Method of Instruction and District Category added to the Ranges options when narrowing down the Student Profile. Please add these as options for filtering. Thank you!
7 votes -
Order of Student Incicators
It would be nice to be able to adjust the order of the student indicators. Used to be we selected what slot, now that we have the open ended (which is FANTASTIC) we need to be able to select in what order they display.
6 votes -
Please add staff Photo ID number to Skybuild Export Builder.
It is becoming a more and more common requirement for data sources. It would help to just use the number as a unique identifier, or at the very least, as a source to match up to other sources via staff ID numbers.
8 votes -
Method of Instruction within Student Browse
Would be very helpful to have MOI as a field available in one of the Student Browse Views or create a new View for this. This would be an easy and quick way for school admins or office staff to see which students are missing a code or to set filters to display one particular group and drop them to Excel. I know they can run a data mining report but the Student Browse is much quicker and easier to use for our staff who aren't comfortable creating their own DM reports.
16 votes -
Interactive Scheduling Board Display-Column 1/Row 1 Displays
When looking at the Interactive Scheduling Board, the top row and the first column are repeated. It would be extremely if we can have the option to lock them, just like you can in Excel and they will scroll with you instead of repeating.
11 votes -
Mass Assign SAT/ACT/TSIA Reimbursement
In Texas we are required to indicate students for whom we have received reimbursement from the State for an SAT/ACT/TSIA exam. That needs to be a field that we can mass assign so we are able to quickly add that notification when we receive our school day test scores. Currently, you have to go into each individual student and add the indicator.
8 votes -
It would be extremely convenient if, when denying an NSOE application after giving the reason for denial, the guardian could then have the option to make corrections to the existing application and then resubmit it rather then having to start the entire application process over again.
20 votes -
Message Center - allow TIME to be included when posting to Student and Family Access Message Screen
When creating a message in the message center, there are 2 options, include in Student / Family Access and email. With the email you can specify a date AND time when it will be sent. But with Posting to Student / Family Access you only get a date.
Please allow the same TIME option to be included for WHEN it will post to the student / family access page too. We might send an email at 6 pm and we do not want "early" notice also being posted to the message wall in Student / Family Access. The messages should…
16 votes -
Add Effective Date on Staff Maintenance
Hello: We often get communication from our HR Department indicating an employee exit with a specific date. Typically that date is in the future. It would be extremely convenient if and effective date could be added to the Staff Entity Maintenance area to flag the exact date that the staff member should be flagged to Inactive. This would eliminate having to "Save" HR notifications and then remembering to inactive or activate the staff member based on information from HR.
14 votes -
Please add MOI as a field for setting recipient ranges in Message Center. There are many times where we have different messages for virtual vs in person students, and it would be immensely helpful to be able to designate recipients according to their MOI.
13 votes -
Consecutive Attendance Days Report
Add the option for Today - # Days to the Consecutive Attendance day Report so it can be scheduled as a daily task to send to Principal. We have 13 schools and running it daily for each school is very time consuming. I was hoping to schedule tasks.
8 votes -
It'd be nice to have the student status tied to the E/W records. T
Sometimes we have are made aware that a student will be withdrawing in a few days or a week, and we'd like to enter that withdraw record with the future date as we find out about it, but still allow the student to be active until that date hits. Same with enter dates. Sometime they don't start for a week or two but it'd be nice to push through the enrollment and have that student go active on the future date.
21 votes -
Canvas/Skyward integration, remove missing mark that was previously synced
Work with Canvas integration so that when a previously "unscored and marked as zero" assignment is actually scored and then resynced, the "Missing" mark is removed; currently, the grade is transferred but the missing mark is not removed in Skyward and has to be removed by assignment, and/or by student.
9 votes -
Add an option for Multiple Dates in Message center
Have an option to add multiple dates for a message or a date range. Or allow for a scheduled task.
6 votes
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