In Discipline Entry, you have parent notified as a check box so we can sort that data; would love to have SRO involved button so we can sor
Here is what I submitted to the help desk but was suggested I do this:
When I do discipline entries, I have a box to click when I have taken the time/initiative to contact a parent regarding an incident. This is helpful. I am wondering if there is a way to do the same for if the School Resource Officer (SRO) is involved. For example, a child is found in possession of a pocket knife. Typically, the admin would enter the information into Skyward. I would most likely select the 'parent notified' box but would also like to select/somehow designate that the SRO was also involved in this particular situation. Then, at the end of the grading period, we can easily run a report of all the situations where the SRO is involved. Any guidance or advice?
Support said to ask you to do this. So, that is what I am doing.