Student Management Suite
1599 results found
Allow Message center to send to specific Student Groups
Due to COVID reasons many different groups of students are in one classroom. Group A on different days than Group B but still in the same course. It would be nice if the teacher had the ability, if they setup student groups, to send to just those student groups.
Add an option under send to multiple classes to change to send to students if they are setup. This will then show a list of all the different groups along with the class they are in.13 votes -
Indicators in Office Attendance
We are using student indicators to quickly identify our virtual students. Can this view option please be added to attendance day summary.
40 votes -
attendance edit comments
We would like the option to allow teachers to edit their own comments once they have saved comments.
Our elementary schools are set up with 2 attendance periods. When the teacher enters attendance in period 1, it populates period 2.
This year with COVID we have online teachers. They can change attendance type for period 2 after the initial save, but cannot modify comments for period 2.7 votes -
skylert attendance export (COVID related enhancement)
With distance learning we need the ability to pull the Skylert attendance export for the previous day's absences. We allow students to work throughout the day so teachers can adjust attendance the following morning. We'd like to continue using our automated attendance calls via School Messenger but have them turned off because there is no option from this area (WS\AD\SL) to run the export on the previous day. Please add a field that would allow us to select the previous day.
9 votes -
Method of Instruction Report For Teachers
Teachers need to be able to print a report that displays a student's Method of Instruction. Maybe just add Method of Instruction on the Class Roster report?
13 votesThank you for the product Idea. Based on the alternate solution comment provided by another user within this record, is the original idea submitted still valid? Thank you in advance for your feedback.
COVID Wellness Screening customize
COVID Wellness Screening customize the fields according to each schools needs.
15 votes -
Add filter for Staff Wellness Screening to show only Active Staff
Add filter for Staff Wellness Screening to show only Active Staff on District 000 entity.
8 votes -
Returning Student Registration via Mobile App
Can you add the functionality of Returning Student Registration via the Mobile App? I have a lot of parents who have requested this.
11 votes -
Add the ability to send parent notifications for attendance entered for prior dates as well as today
With remote learning attendance, corrections can be made up to a week later. We need the ability for Family Access notifications to include not just attendance entered today for today, but attendance entered today for a prior date.
14 votes -
Teacher - Mass Enter Attendance - Virtual Present
Indiana teachers who teach students virtually must now enter Virtual Present each day for each student. Since Skyward is hard coded to mark students Present, it will lead to a great deal of inaccurate data.
We can now add additional columns for teachers on their attendance page.
It would be great if teachers could click on the Virtual Present header to have it auto fill Virtual Present for all students.
To add some complexity, we also are currently in Stage 4. This means 1/2 of the students are virtual Mon and Tue, the other 1/2 are virtual Thu and Fri…10 votesThank you for the feedback! With the release of June Addendum 9 (10/1/2020), PR 4495470 has added a Select All option within the header of each attendance option/column setup for teacher use on the Attendance by Name screen. With this, teachers can click on the link to mass apply the appropriate option to all students, make any minor modifications as needed, and save their class attendance.
In addition, PR 4506708 was completed in Addendum 9 to make the MOI column sortable. In the event you have Method of Instruction records set to differentiate these students, teachers can sort these students together.
I hope these new options assist teachers in their daily attendance entry, but please let us know any other feedback on the topic. Thank you!
Create an online assignment in EA+ that can update attendance automatically
We need a quick and easy way for teachers in remote learning to take attendance. If we had the ability to create online assignments that updated attendance in the teacher gradebook automatically, it would save so much time. We could use a special code for this purpose so teachers could tell if the student has attendance by submission of an assignment vs. teacher manually taking attendance.
17 votes -
Add a way for teachers to adjust the default for attendance
Currently, the gradebook attendance defaults to being present. Virtual teachers now have to mark students virtual each day to be counted present. It would be nice if teachers could change the default so they would all show virtual instead of present or have a way to mark all students at once so you don't have to click on each student individually. Thanks!!
14 votes -
Need entity settings for Student Wellness screener
We need entity controls for parent/student ability to submit. We would not want elementary kids submitting their own screener but we may allow students to do it at secondary.
13 votes -
Need to be able to populate attendance based on Student Wellness screener fails/blanks
We need an attendance link/update utility between the wellness screen and the attendance screen. We already have a "failed screener" absence reason. We'd love to auto-update attendance as screener fails are entered with that code. That way a teacher who is taking attendance in any period can see if a screener-failed student is still present in class and ask them to head to the office/nurse to leave school.
11 votes -
Need to able to view and update Student Wellness screening in EA+
We need an EA+ (mobile and web) view of screener results that updates/refreshes live - a list of kids in 1st period and their screener results. We need to be able to stop students immediately as they walk in the classroom door if the screener result is fail or blank. This preventative measure can't be done at the building level - it will be done at the classroom level by their first teacher of the day. We are picturing something similar to the Post Daily Attendance screen but with a date, list of kids, and results.
14 votes -
Add Processing List to Period Detail and Summary Attendence Reports and 'Today's Date' for scheduling the report
Teachers are now able to go back and edit attendance if students submitted work by 11:59 pm in all of Texas. There is no report that can be run that allows the user to default to "today's date" and allows a Processing list to be used. We need to add the Processing List feature to the "Period Detail" attendance report or the ability to add "today's date" as a setting for the "Attendance Detail or Summary" report. This is the only way we can set up absent reports that can run on a scheduled task. This is a critical need…
9 votes -
Message Center Attachment Size Limitation check BEFORE allowing user to save/send message
Currently if a message exceeds the attachment size limitation there is not an instant notification to the user in Message Center. The current setup allows the user to add large attachments that end up went saved try to process in the email queue for hours (we had an example of 6 hours) before failing and giving an error. In addition, the time that is spent for these messages to try and process and fail it is also holding up other messages from being sent with small or no attachments (until hours later). If the system could do a file size…
13 votesThank you for submitting this idea to the Product Ideas Portal.
After some review, we have determined what we believe is causing Message Center email queues to error out due to attachment file sizes.
This is due to a user attaching more than one file to their email within Message Center with a total combined file size exceeding the allowed maximum for the district’s email client.
To help prevent this from happening, we will add the ability to set a maximum size limit for all attachments (“Total size limit for all Message Center Attachments for a given message”). This configuration will be located in the Maximum Attachment Size setup area (PS\SA\DM\DS).
Translation software
Google Translate used to work with Skyward. Since it no does, it would be great if Skyward built that feature into FA.
14 votes -
Academic Area report
Our secondary schools have transitioned to standards based gradebooks. It would be helpful to have a report that would list the academic area and the courses assigned. We had to manually go through each academic area to make sure each one of our courses was assigned to an area. What could have been done in a matter of minutes with a report that could be exported to Excel, ended up taking 16 hours to go through one by one at each secondary school.
9 votes -
Date/Time Associated with Showing Schedule after Online Registration
Having the ability to only show schedule after OR is completed is great but this option needs to be associated with a date/time. Currently, we need to hide the schedule option right after Year End until OR starts and then adjust the settings again - usually at midnight, when OR begins. For example, the ability to hide from 6/30 - 8/1, but then show starting at 8 am on 8/1, once online registration is completed.
9 votes
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