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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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25 results found

  1. (Texas) Add Course Service ID to Endorsement Progress Screen

    With the addition of needing to have the programs of study, endorsements, and IBCs align with the correct PEIMS codes, it would be very helpful to have the PEIMS codes for courses on the Endorsement progress page of skyward. With it just having the local course code, it requires that we go back into the transcript if there is a course that we are unsure of the PEIS code to make sure the alignment is correct. It would same an immense amount of time to have all the pertinent information on one page.

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  2. Option to include future transactions in graduation requirement progress

    Our district uses future transactions to drop or add a course at term or semester break because the ability to edit the terms on courses creates many other issues with our third party exports, state reporting for membership, attendance, etc. However, when future transactions are used, a course that will be added or dropped is not included in a student's graduation requirements. This makes it difficult to determine which students are actually deficient in credit for graduation. It would be great to have the option to include course credit in the graduation requirements when the course will be added or…

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  3. Endorsement Progress with In Progress

    Allow for endorsement progress to calculate in progress and next year coursework, so the report feature will tell if a student is on track to receive an endorsement. Another option is to allow the career plan to print the "requirements of declared endorsement" met field.

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  4. Career Plans

    Allow the ability to have the Course Key in the career plans to differentiate between S1 and S2 / regular, honors, or ap course, etc. Our course key tells us that information at a glance and would be helpful to have on the Career Plan screen.

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  5. Read testscores to find the highest for transcripts

    Indiana code now requires that the highest SAT score be included on transcripts. It would be great if Skyward could read the testscores and find the highest to include on the custom transcript.

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  6. Add Course Substitution Option to Grad Reqs

    Under coursework requirement area - WS\ST\TB\GQ\TB\GQ

    It would be helpful if in addition to the options to manually add coursework, that there also be an option to add coursework being used for substitutions. Using the picture as a reference, an S can be added to the options to choose from if needing to substitute a course.

    For example, a student in Special Education may have a LOTE substitution for graduation. I would like to have the ability to add courses designated as General Electives to Texas Graduation areas of LOTE and Physical Education as these are the areas where students…

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  7. Attach PIMS State Course codes to COURSES not CURRICULUM

    If the PIMS State Course codes were attached to the courses instead of to the curriculum master, it would be possible to create career plans that jive with the ACT 158 Pathways.

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  8. Student Educational Milestone screen set up to view like the Career Plan screen

    Student Educational Milestones screen set up to view like the Career Plan screen. Grade columns 9 - 10 - 11 -12 with educational milestones listed under the grade column. Detail milestone code, short description, Required to Grad? Y or N, date completed.

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  9. CAREER PLAN - Identifying the class from AP/Honors/Regular better by name and weight classification/add course number too.

    CAREER PLAN -- It would be VERY helpful if in the Career Plan screen, where the name of the class shows, if either the full name shows or the shortened name of the class shows, and the course numbers. It is not helpful to see a partial name because you cannot see if it is an Honors class or not. We typically have the course code reflect if it is an honors class, as well as having the word or at least the letter 'H' tacked on to reflect that it is honors. Also, in the weight area, the first…

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  10. Career Plan – Curriculum Quick Entry

    When adding Curriculum > click on “Maintain” > “+ Add Curriculum” at the top of the year column > type the “curriculum key”, counselors are requesting the option to press enter and have it execute the same code as if they clicked on “Save and Add Another” button. Counselors have the curriculum codes memorized and it really, really, really slows them down when they have to stop and click the button every time. This would function similar to the “Request Quick Entry” when scheduling a course under current scheduling.


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    This screen has a Save and Add Another button on it, with that button you can use the key combination of ALT + A to save the current entered curriculum code and reopen the screen for a new code to be added.

  11. Career Plan – Remove both semester courses with one click

    We are setup with semester courses which are grouped when displayed on the plan. When making a schedule change and removing a course, we click the “drop down” on the group and then “Remove <course> from the plan” twice. We would like to click this once and have it remove both semesters at the same time.


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  12. Create a report of manually applied coursework

    The ability to run a report of manually applied coursework in the graduation requirements would be helpful. Our Principals are supposed to approve all manually applied coursework and would like to audit this coursework. Currently, they have to go to each individual student profile to audit if coursework has been manually applied.

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  13. Earned Industry Certification

    "Earned Industry Certifications" was added to the "Vocational Ed" tab on the student profile, but this field isn't available in Data Mining. So we can't pull a list of student's who have it. Can we get this added to Data Mining?

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  14. PA Act 158 Endorsement Enhancement

    As part of PA Act 158 pathways to graduation tracking many many pathways are easy. The evidence based pathway however requires the 3 pieces of evidence from a list. While some are test score based some would be curriculum cluster based and some are milestone based so there is no single way to say any 3 combination of those items. I would like to see a way to apply the "3 items" rule generically so it can be 1 test score, 1 mile stone, and 1 cluster , or 2 test score, and 1 mile stone, etc.

    It would also…

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  15. Requesting update to report in this path WS\OF\CA\GR\RE\SE?

    It would be helpful for this report to have the option to print the Student's Other ID on the report (not just the NameKey). The Other ID is a main id that counselors use when reviewing information about students on various other reports and documents.

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  16. Apply earned credit before planned credit to grad requirements

    We are having issues with the configuration of the grad requirements module. Skyward is not considering earned credit before planned credit. Problem>
    We have a student with 4 courses that meet a graduation requirement.
    2 are earned credit and 2 are planned credit. When we change from the default to the school year configuration, in both cases, 1 earned and 1 planned credit are applied instead of 2 earned. Both configurations list earned credit as the 5th criteria considered out of 8 criteria. Any counselor in our district would tell you that earned credit will always trump planned credit when…

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  17. Career Plan - Alert/Cancel when adding curriculum already in Career plan or earned for Student Access and Profile

    Problem : Students in Student access, and Counselors in Student profile Career Plan, may sometimes attempt to add Curriculum that already exists in a current/future year of the plan or the student may have already completed that curriculum.

    Looking for ideas and how we could provide a way to alert and/or cancel to not allow the student or counselor to add curriculum that already exists in a career plan. This would need to work in both Student/Family Access as well as Student Profile Career plans.

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  18. Career Plan - Additional options requested when printing the student career plan

    Would it be possible to have additional options when printing the Student Career Plan:
    1. Please include Counselors’ Name and Student ID to print at the top, just as the student name, alphakey, etc.
    2. Can the Declared Endorsement & Pathway be listed on the career plan report, up on the top of the page by the student name?
    3. Please allow to also sort by Subject Code when printing the career plan.
    4. Can we add to print “Course Type” that way we can see if the course was earned as DC, Summer School, Credit by Exam, Honors, AP…

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  19. Career Plan Clusters

    It would be very helpful to add an area in Career Plans for a drop-down to choose the endorsement cluster the student is on, and be able to run reports against it for CTE

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  20. Indiana-Graduation Requirements

    Indiana's honors diplomas require that the student's have a "C-" or better in their requirement areas. It would be extremely helpful if the graduation requirements could be setup to filter out classes marked with a "D" or below. Currently we have to monitor this by hand, which defeats the whole purpose of having the electronic graduation requirements for these students. In addition, it makes the process confusing for the students because it is counting the class when they view their graduation requirements, but then we are telling them it technically does not count because they earned a "D" or below.

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