Add special programs View to student browse
Would like to be able to view special program data in student browse. This would be a great tool for creating reports and processing list for all areas under special programs. It would also be great to be able to create filters to share with administrators and counselors to quickly access student program data and create charts to view trends and access the data.

Are you looking for a browse that has a column for every special program and Y/N if they have a current record?
Or are you looking for something more robust that includes all the data fields in each record?
Please provide us with more details of what you specifically are looking for so we can determine if it is possible.
Sheri Renee Stewart commented
If we just had a Y or N so that when you export out to an excel you could use as filter
This would be helpful for looking at special programs
Leslie Sexton commented
This would be very helpful! Please :)
Karen Yarbrough commented
Yes, please we need this....