Student Management Suite
1598 results found
Multiple dates in same year for Medicaid consent
At the Spring User Group a request was made to change the Medicaid Billing Consent screen so that more than one consent can be entered in the same year. The use cases given for needing multiple consent dates were split household and both parents sign consent change in legal guardianship new signature required. We also have students who change resident districts during the school year but their attendance stays with us (CDEB school). We are required to have a new M5 signed since the form is specifically tied to a district of residence. I cannot enter the updated consent date…
14 votes -
PEIMS Import of 504 and RtI data (eSped)
Please allow the import capability of the 504 and RTI information through SkyBuild. It would save much data entry if this were available. Now that 504 and RTI will be PEIMS elements for 2018-19 will Skyward allow the import of the 504 and RTI indicators through the eSped import process? Currently the elements are not available to import. Now that it's a PEIMS field. I am asking this to help get that information into Skyward without having to manually enter every field.
10 votes -
Add ability to view only Active Students
When building a processing list by campus it would be nice to view only active students. This having to go through ANY student ever enrolled in the campus is very time consuming. I believe this feature would speed up the process of building the processing name list.
9 votes -
School Path to show in Family Access
We have rezoned twice now and it is a major issue when parents do not know what campus their child needs to go to. Is it possible to add the school path/NY school path to show in the student info in family access? If parents could see their school path/NY school path it would help the confusion and all the phone calls and letters to parents.
7 votes -
Family 1 can allow Family 2 to do registration
Would like to see an option for Family 1 to check a box that will allow Family 2 to do registration We have close to one quarter of our population where there are two families. We have a battle raging each year on who is allowed to do what for their children. Sometimes families do not mind sharing responsibilities; however some do not want to share responsibilities. What we have had to do if both families are in agreement is move Family 2 into the Family 1 position so they could accomplish the task and then move them back. A…
17 votes -
Message Center-Only Show Schedule After Online Reg
For Message Center add the option to "Only Show Schedule After Online Registration is Completed" for only teacher messages. Because the teachers name and course is listed when a teacher posts to message center without this option its difficult to keep scheduling information under wraps under the online registration is complete. Administration / principal messages would need to be allowed prior to online registration completion. This would allow instructions and messages concerning the completing the online registration to be posted along with any other pertinent information.
To be consistent with other areas and truly keep student schedule information hidden options…7 votes -
Custom Student Schedule
It would be great if we could create a custom student schedule template like we can for transcripts & report cards. We find that the standard template is a little clunky (and has an "old school" dot-matrix look to it) and has somethings we don't need/want to print on the schedule and doesn't have other things we would want on the schedule. If we could create our own custom template we could design it to suit our needs. The student schedules that we had in the old PaC system look a lot nicer & have a little more customization available…
14 votes -
Course Conflict Matrix Details
I'm proposing that when navigating to the Course Conflict Matrix Details (WS/OF/FS/BM/SB) we also include courses that have ZERO conflicts under the "Number of Conflicts" column. This would make much easier to know which changes we could make to our Master Schedule if we knew where we could actually move the course to - to an area that has zero conflicts. I confirmed with Skyward that the only way to view zero conflicts now under that screen would be to export the screen to excel export our Course Master (active courses only) to excel and then compare each excel spreadsheet…
10 votes -
Update Student Records for all Letters sent
The goal of this enhancement is to have all letters that are sent to parents become part of the student record. The negative impact is that now we have no record of the letter being sent and nothing to refer back to if a parent would question what they received.
If all of the reports that can be done as letters would have the same check box that the vaccine report done in letters has it would provide a well documented health record for all students. The check box for vaccines is Update the records of the students that letters…6 votes -
Set Print Hard Copy to default to unchecked
Would like to have the option to set "Print Hard Copy Reports to default to unchecked when we are processing NSOE. It currently comes over as checked and we have to uncheck it. We only send to a handful of parents who do not have an email address.
Set "Print Hard Copy Reports to default to unchecked when we are processing NSOE.
12 votes -
Provide iCal URLs for school calendars and events
This would be to increase integration between Skyward and other systems and allow information to be shared.
We would like to see about getting an official ical URL for all the calendar and activity events in Skyward. We manually are able to make this work by dumping the calendar days table and the activity events table and then using a script to transform the data into ical files that can be consumed by 3rd party system such as Google and allow the calendar to be shared. It sounded like some other districts would be interested in this as well.
I…50 votes -
Add to EAPlus Student Hearing and Vision Test Info
Teachers would like to have available to them the Hearing and Vision Test Results for their students within the Teacher Access login. Parents can see a student's health information at their Family Access Portal teachers do not. Teachers need quick access to Hearing and Vision Tests for evaluation purposes with regard to IEPs RTI or other. They prefer to not bother the Office Staff for the information and the convenience to have it for a quick look up is invaluable. It would be helpful to be able to include it on a report that teacher's can run in the student…
25 votes -
View Course Long Description
We would like the option to view the course long description in the course master. Our schools like this course name better than the short description.
Either always see the long description or have a filter option to show the course long description.
8 votes -
Code entry for Birth County and City
Request the option to be able to enter in County and City codes into a list and set a default to use per entity.
16 votes -
Add an import for RTI
Add a SkyBuild import interface for RTI data.
8 votes -
Add Skylert to the Mobile App
The goal of this RFE is to allow parents to update their Skylert information (especially to enter "Text Message" numbers)via the Skyward Mobile App. They currently have to do so via the web version of Family Access.
Like many Skyward school districts we use School Messenger for our mass communication system (phone/email/SMS/CustomMobileApp/SocialMedia) and we deploy the Skylert Interface in Skyward so that parents can use their Family Access account to enter/update additional contact information especially Text Message numbers - By entering the Text Message numbers in Family Access/Skylert parents are opting in for text messages to be sent to them…
9 votes -
Allow fees to be made in the stundet's profile
Right now they can easily view a student has fees but can't add or pay fees which makes users go to a separate area in Skyward
. We would like the secretaries be able to enter in fees and payments directly on the student's profile. This will allow secretaries to complete all their tasks in one place.13 votes -
Area to Upload Career Portfolio Evidence
Related to the new Pennsylvania Requirement for Career Portfolio for fifth eighth and eleventh grade students it would be nice for the teacher (non-admin user) to be able to upload a scan of the evidence. The state will be auditing this information and as opposed to maintaining paper files on each student being able to add multiple attachments to maintain the evidence.
64 votes -
add letters options to Medication Reports
Please add Report Type Print Options of "letters" to Medication reports. Also include email parent options. (see vaccination reports). Include standing merge fields for building letters and include Medication-specific merge fields including but not necessarily limited to:
Medication description
Medication long description
Med Start date
Med End date
Expiration date
Current Inventory (current running total)
Medication route
This will enable the user to print and/or email customized letters to parents pick up unused medications at the end of the school year to bring additional medication replace expired meds etc. Having the ability to print this letter will help families who…
61 votes -
Ability to create letters from office visit area
Would like to have the ability to create a letter that is populated by the information on an office visit. The letter would be a referral for physicians related to illness exclusion and readmission reminder (fever lice etc). The letter could serve as a notification to parents for example: head injury. Would like for the feature to include parent email options like the vaccination area. Work flow for nurses is to document an office visit note at the bottom of the entry that a referral was sent write/fill out the letter on paper and then send home. Would be great…
62 votes
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