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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1598 results found

  1. Add Option for Custom Forms in Family Access

    Family Access needs a Custom Forms option. More and more districts utilize custom forms to store information create Online Forms and use forms during registration and new enrollment. Once submitted or completed parents don't get to see that information. An option should be created so that a secure option can show the form in Family Access under a Custom Forms tab which should also include a Configuration option to rename the tab if the district prefers to call it something other than 'Custom Forms.' So in essence there's need to be a security group because a lot of districts will…

    38 votes
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  2. Allow multiple days attendance to be updated

    We have field trips that last more than one day. We would like to have the ability under the Entry by Class or Activity to enter a date range to update. Currently we have to go and run this and re-select the field trip for each day. It would make it much quicker and more accurate (because working in the office we get interrupted 1000 times a day) to be able to run this once for a date range.
    Add the functionality to select a date range for the Absence Date under Office > Attendance > Entry by Class or…

    10 votes
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  3. Modify application add process

    Allow parents to select ADD application without having to select a student first. Allow them to select Add application and then if there is more than 1 student prompt them to select a student.
    Allow parents to select ADD application without having to select a student first. Allow them to select Add application and then if there is more than 1 student prompt them to select a student.

    13 votes
    1 comment  ·  Food Service  ·  Admin →
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  4. Different background color for new year

    The goal is to have a visual reminder when we are working in new year scheduling (instead of current year). There have been times we have inadvertently changed something in current year when we thought we were in new year. Have a different color background would prevent that.
    I would like a visible distinction between new and current year to prevent errors to making changes.

    27 votes
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  5. Email all teachers at one time for Family Access

    Add an option to "Email Teachers" button to Family Access similar to the one that is in the Student Profile area. It would be easy for a parent to email all the teachers as a group rather than one at a time. Skyward stated this is not available but thinks a RFE would be a good idea.
    Ease of use for Family Access guest to communicate in numerous situation with all scheduled teachers at one time. Example: notification of issues with: health situations at home request for homework update on child etc.

    97 votes
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    Deferred  ·  rebeccag responded

    There is an option in the Family Access Entity Configuration area to “allow guardians to send message center messages”. If enabled, guardians can post messages to all teachers via the Wall/Home.

    If this solution will satisfy the customer need – we will void/remove this idea from the Product Ideas Portal.

  6. Extract students WITH PASECURE IDs

    Goal: Ease of making corrections.

    If there is a need for correction ie name change; birthdate typo; gender reassignment etc. we should have an export file created to re-upload to PA Secure ID to make the correction.
    Currently we can only pull student data if the PA Secure ID is missing.

    35 votes
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  7. Reset Tardy Counter on Tardy Kiosks

    We restart the count of tardies for students at the start of a new semester so their sem 1 tardies don't carry into sem 2. They all start from 0 in the new semester. The Tardy Kiosk receipt that is printed still shows a cumulative count for the school year. Please consider adding the functionality of being able to reset the counter on the Tardy Kiosks at the end of a semester.

    11 votes
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  8. Default building codes on Staff

    When adding new staff to system the default building code should automatically be assigned to a staff member.

    Currently it is not and when our export to Skylert goes out staff members are NOT being entered into their assigned building.
    There is a work around currently but you have to add the staff and then drill down on the staff member to add the building code again to the entity.

    6 votes
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  9. Share Option in Data Mining

    Would be nice if Data mining reports had a sharing option like other report templates have. As not everyone needs to see all datamining templates being utilized. Some templates are created for just 1 person to use as needed but other users don't need access to same template or information within that template.
    The creator would have the option to either share the template for everyone to see it the way it looks now or not share the template.

    17 votes
    2 comments  ·  Data Mining  ·  Admin →
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  10. Auto Email for Family 2 Demographic Changes

    We would like to see an automated email function set up for Family 2 address changes. Currently it is only set up to send an email for Primary family changes.

    With so many families sharing 50/50 custody this would create equity in maintaining accurate family information for departments such as food service transportation and teachers/staff who need to be notified of these changes in a timely manner.
    Parents with 50/50 custody sometimes argue about being Family 1 or Family 2 so we want to make sure we are treating them the same in regards to communications and mailings. We feel…

    10 votes
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  11. Grade Percentages added to Grade Cards

    I am making a request that Grade Percentages be made available to print on grade cards-District & Custom. I do NOT want to request this as a custom change for our district only. I would like to see this added for ALL Skyward users. When I asked during our 1st year of using Skyward I was told that percentages weren't needed on grade cards. However when students withdraw the school they are transferring to wants %'s especially if it's in the middle of a grading period. If an A is 90-100 there is a big difference between the 90 &…

    29 votes
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  12. E/W History in Skybuild

    Currently Skybuild only allows the current E/W recod to be exported. We would like the option of including historical E/W records as well. The problem is if one record was open yesterday but today that record was closed and a new one was opened the proper withdrawal information for the previous record is never transmitted.
    If it were possible to include E/W History in Skybuild we could export all E/W records for the year including their proper withdrawal dates and codes. Otherwise the recipient system will just get the new record and have to guess as to what values to…

    8 votes
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  13. Link the Counselor Automatically f/Entity Screen

    The goal is to automatically link the counselor's name that is on the entity screen to the Counselor column in the Guidance "Entry By Date" screen when a student puts in a request to see the counselor. With this enhancement the counselors will be able to see who their student is immediately instead of trying to figure it out. We have a large HS and it takes time. With this enhancement it would save counselors a good amount of time of thumbing through students trying to figure out which ones belongs to them and more time spent on the students…

    17 votes
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  14. Attendance Report

    After many hours and numerous service calls to skyward found there is no report within skyward that would break out attendance by day for a range of time (monthly) and then give totals for absence codes.
    Need to run attendance data by month for administration. At this time no report will provide the "daily total" and then add up for a "monthly total" of # of students absent fpr what reasons. Reports are run by student not by day. By adding a range box to certain reports maybe able to accomplish this task.

    113 votes
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  15. Need capability to copy template from year to year

    Under the Mass Change Course Master Fields I use the Course Range option of Individual Course Selection to make Texas specific changes. For instance all my courses that are the first part of a two semester course are assigned a course sequence code of 1. The courses that are the second part of a two semester course are assigned a course sequence of 2. And the courses that are single semester only have a course sequence code of 0. I also do this with population served for certain courses among other changes.
    I would like to be able to copy…

    27 votes
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  16. Section 504 Custom Forms Report

    Would it be possible to add a date range or school year parameter to the Section 504 Custom Forms Report so that when campus staff print the forms entered they can filter for current school year or at least a date range that falls within the school year?
    Campus staff print the "ARD" packet for students annually to hand out to parents but the current functionality of the Section 504 Custom Forms report prints all custom form records regardless or school year. This causes staff to go through the PDF to determine which forms apply to the current 504 ARD…

    6 votes
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  17. Would like to add a portfoilio attachments

    We would like to create portfolio attachments for Parent/Guardian IDs court documents birth certificates cum records etc. so that this information can be looked up under each student.
    We would like to be able to upload these documents to each portfolio tab created so they are readily available if needed by staff.

    9 votes
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  18. Add "Created Date" to data mining for Medicaid

    We would like to be able to data mine Medicaid log detail entries by the date they were entered. This date can be found in the "History" of detail entry but is not one of the available fields in data mining. We bill Medicaid ourselves and have found that we have missed many monthly entries because they have been entered late resulting in a loss of reimbursable funds. I have attached a screenshot of the date we would like included as a data mineable field.
    If we could data mine by the "created date" then we would be more accurate…

    24 votes
    2 comments  ·  Data Mining  ·  Admin →
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  19. Course Recommendation Report for Teachers

    Teachers are unable to easily view the recommendations that they have entered for their classes. They have to individually go to each student to see the recommendations that have been made but there is not an easy way to check to see which students do not have a recommendation. This puts a burden not only on teachers but also on the guidance/office staff when trying to finalize recommendations and turn them into requests. It is vital that teachers are able to run a report that shows the recommendations that have been made.
    A report that teachers can run by section…

    30 votes
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  20. Different rights for different parents

    In some cases we have a parent who has educational rights but has a protective order from knowing where mom/child live. By law we have to give parent rights to kids grades but not where he/she lives guardians names registration info etc. Skyward really needs to add a code of some sort that ONLY gives that member of the family rights to the GRADES tab not attendance not student info nothing else!!!!

    8 votes
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Student Management Suite


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