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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1598 results found

  1. Allow Import of Wanding Messages in Food Service.

    It would be nice to either tag a health condition as a wanding message or have the ability to import wanding messages into the system via Skybuild imports. This would eliminate the possibility of accidentally serving a student that has a health related allergy because it wasnt inputted as a wanding message.

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  2. Email Progress Reports

    In the standards gradebook teachers do not have an option to Select Different Classes when using the Email Detailed Progress Reports under reports. Teachers have to go through the process over and over for every class they teach. However in the secondary gradebook teachers do have the option to Select Different Classes. They can go through the process once and email all parents from all classes. I would like for you to consider adding that option to the Standards gradebook to save teachers time.

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  3. Schedule to Inactivate a Security User & Staff

    Our District would find it very helpful if we had the ability to schedule a date to Inactivate a Secured User and in addition the ability to add a date for making a staff member inactive. We often find a staff member is leaving the District but are given directions for specific dates to inactivate them as staff and as a secured user in both Skyward Student and Finance. It would be very helpful if a date to inactivate could be added within the secured user and staff areas of both Skyward Student and Finance.

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  4. Automated Email for each type of office visits - Attendance, Discipline, Guidance

    We have separate offices/staff for guidance, attendance and discipline. We would like separate emails that are triggered when students use the Student Check-In.

    Also, we need Discipline Officer added to the Student Contacts for Office Visits.

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  5. On line Registration - Completion Status

    Our district nurses would like to know if there is a way to flag the On-Line Registration for when guardians complete the process but then actually go back in and make additional changes - especially to health records but this would be helpful as well for all staff so that they are aware that additional changes have been made. Or is it possible once the on-line registration is successfully completed guardians are then locked out or have a view only access to the on-line registration information with a not stating Your On-Line Registration has been completed. For additional changes to…

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  6. Add report to track number of families using FA

    My district is trying to determine an approximate percentage of families/guardians who utilize Family Access for each entity and in a given time frame. I can run a Login History report but that doesn't give me a count or a comparison to the total number of users for calculating a percent. Please provide a report or data mining utility that will calculate a percentage or will allow a data mining export so we can calculate Family Access Usage based on our own criteria.

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  7. Staff - Allow import of all fields

    The Staff screen has a lot of content. You all have the ability to send the screen to a csv file. There should be an opinion to input all the data the export provides. For example teacher certification ID. I.E. SC:3789852 Makes life easier during a first year transition as we are missing a lot of data and were told we can't provide an export again to have it uploaded.

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  8. Auto-Email for Online Registration Completed

    We'd like to have an auto-email option that would automatically notify all family contacts for a student when the online registration process has been completed. This would notify the parents that the task is completed so they wouldn't need to go into Family Access to view the forms to see if it's complete. This also would notify Family 2 contacts (which in some instances are more diligent about making sure the tasks are getting done) that the expected task has been completed.

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  9. Family 1 Family 2 Prompt to delete EmergContact

    In a divorce situation where there are two family records we would like a prompt to the 2nd family/parent when Family 1 deletes them as an emergency contact. The prompt to Family 2 would be to approve or deny the delete request. We're aware we can have this setting enabled for the campus registrar to review/approve/deny the request but don't want that burden on them. This is a hot topic for our district that has come up several times and has made its way to our leadership as well as parent calls directly to Skyward's leadership.

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  10. Add Homeroom Code and Homeroom Teacher to custom forms

    Please consider adding Homeroom Code and Homeroom Teacher to the Skyward Fields available to pull onto the Custom Forms. A lot of times when we are setting up the Custom forms for parents to complete at the beginning of the year the forms that we want them to fill out require the homeroom field. At the high school and middle school level the students and parents don't always know who that is until the first day of school. We ask parents to complete these forms over summer. We would like the ability to pull that field from Skyward so it's…

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  11. Auto email progress reports

    Schools would like a way to automatically email progress reports based on select criteria such as grades, citizenship, gpa. eg. Schedule and send progress reports to all students who are receiving at least one 'F' grade in the current gradebook.

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  12. API to dynamically provision staff users

    We would like an API that would allow us to create new staff and security users on the fly based on when an employee is hired. The data would come from an external system. Would also like the ability to provision with basic rights into a security group.

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  13. Add column with name of submitting person

    We would like to have the name of the person who actually submitted the FS application added to the Pseudo Applications screen. As it stands now anyone in the family can submit the FS application but when you go to find the application you have to know the primary guardian name of the family - that is the name that appears. When our auditors come I have to give them a cheat sheet that has student names names of primary guardians and also names of the other guardians in the family so they can find the applications they are looking…

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  14. Need to Be able to have 2 different codes

    Need to have 2 codes for tardy Kiosk. One generic code for tardy arriving and one generic code for leaving students. Skyward only provides 1 tardy kiosk code for entire district. We want to be able to track by entity and to have 2 machines with 2 different codes in entity. The positive attendance piece does not work for this as it resets with every attendance mod within the school day. We have students leaving all hours of the day and cannot have time reset every single period. The tardy kiosk will keep the time open all day so we…

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  15. Configuration Setting Needed for Long/Short Names

    When adding Staff it would be useful having default configuration setting for long and short name. Presently when adding a new staff member Skyward auto-populates the long and short name with the Last Name of the new staff member i.e. Washington. We would like to have the option to configure for example the Long name as Last Name First Initial i.e. Washington G. Also the limit of 10 and 20 characters for the short and long name is not enough. There are many employees that have hyphenated names that are much longer than 20 characters.

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  16. Bus number drop-down box

    Create a drop-down box of district bus numbers instead of this data being hand entered. This issue is resulting in errors to occur in data which is then creating funding issues from the state on transportation dollars. It would be very helpful to have this drop-down box to eliminate the errors in this part of the program.

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  17. Using Tardy Kiosk for In/Out Tracking or Students

    Would like to be able to set 2 different codes on 2 different Tardy Kiosk machines to be able to track the in/out of students in a school day. Would then like to be able to run a report to automatically change codes to PIMS reporting codes at day end. Currently with only 1 code allowed we cannot determine who is coming into the building or who is leaving. This information is essential for attendance processing. At this time can only code 1 code on tardy kiosk even though 2 machines are being used. Need the ability to code 2…

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  18. Expand Characters for Middle Name

    Our district currently has multiple students with names that are too long to fit in the Middle Name field (mostly because of multiple names). We need this field expanded in order for Birth Certificate names to match our Official documentation. Please assist.

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  19. Adding Test Accommodations to all Tests

    To have an option when entering in a student's test accommodation to apply the accommodation to all tests. Currently our staff has to create an accommodation for each test the student has to take. We have found that if a student needs an accommodation for one test than usually that student needs that same accommodation for other tests as well. Having an option when creating an accommodation to Apply to all tests would provide our staff with significant time savings.A check box for when creating a accommodation that can be applied to all tests.

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  20. Have multiple tardy kiosks options

    I would like to have the option to have a late arrival and early release tardy kiosk in addition to a Truly Tardy option. This would allow us to streamline operations during attendance taking at our highschool. We would like the ability for students coming in late to school to check themselves into the building. In addition the late arrival kids that are scheduled to be out of the building during the first 2 periods need to check into the building so we know that they arrived in school. Then it would be nice for the students that are on…

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