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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1598 results found

  1. injury report comments do not print all comments

    The accident injury report does not print all comments/notes. A user can add free form comments on the Body Injuries table for EACH body part added. When you select to print free form comments on the Accident/Injury report it only prints the Health Notes from the main body of the Injury entry.
    Either add another printing option to include the Body Part comments OR connect all comment/notes with the current Print Free Form comments in additional printing ranges. This will assure a user can print a complete injury report with all notes/free form comment areas.

    would also need a data…

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  2. Medication Inventory crosswalk for milligrams/tablets

    Currently the medication inventory is set up to match the record's unit. For instance if you enter the medication as 200 mg you will have to count your medications in mg. With a 30 day supply there is likely to be a very large number for the inventory. When the nurse counts her inventory every week they will have to count the tablets and then multiply that by the number of mg each tablet has. Conversely if the nurse enters the medication in tablets the count is very easy. The draw back is that if the strength of the medication…

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  3. Ability to Clone CF from Entity to Entity

    It would be more efficient for customers to be able to create a CF n one entity then clone it to other entities. Customers just starting to use CF are daunted by the task of having to create each form for each entity.

    Any system fields in use would remain the same except for the entity designation. Any test/memo free-form fields would need to be created in the corresponding tables in the target entity.

    10 votes
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  4. Add Processing List Option to Student Selection

    It would be beneficial to have an option to choose students in the student selection area from a processing list when using the Mass Change Categories utility. This option is already available in the Add/End/Delete Special Programs utility. The concept is the same and some districts (including ours) need to use categories for a large number of students. Selecting students individually would be too time consuming and would defeat the purpose of even using a category.
    Copy the programming used for the Add End or Delete Special Programs utility to allow the use of processing lists in the student selection…

    8 votes
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  5. Seperate Security for Emergency Info and Contacts

    The goal of our request is to allow Campus Nurse staff to edit Critical Alert/Emergency information and to not allow them to change Emergency Contacts.

    We have been directed to only allow the registration staff role to edit profile address and contact information. We need to limit the ability to change emergency contacts. At this time Nurses are not allowed to edit this area however they are responsible for the Emergency Info.

    Negative impact: Forcing this screen to ReadOnly for staff that is responsible for editing alert information because giving edit ability for Emergency Info also allows them to edit…

    23 votes
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  6. All Fields Should be Available in SkyBuild

    All fields will be accessible in Skybuild. We are currently trying to pull the current ELL status into a Skybuild export file but this field is not an option

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  7. Add homeroom teacher e-mail address

    I would like to see the homeroom teacher e-mail address be added to the available filed list in Skybuild under the entity area. If we want to do something similar now it requires to utilize the full student schedule in skybuild and requires extra filtering.
    This would simplify exports for systems that only require a single teacher's email address per student and can not accept the full student's schedule.

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  8. Health Records Vision and Hearing addition

    This is our second year using your program. I noticed that when I use entry by home room for hearing and vision that what is required is not documented. I will begin by noting for you what needs documented then show you the nurse's proposal for modification of the entry by homeroom document.

    All grades K-12 are required to have near and far vision screening and this documented.  K+ or First grade are required to have Plus lens screening/Color vision screening and sterio depth perception screening completed and documented. 

    Attached is our proposal for entry by homeroom for vision screening.

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    I am submitting this in hopes that something can be done. We use hours on our certificates for seniors when they graduate (example 1200 out of 1485 hours completed). These hours are calculated by the amount of days they are enrolled minus any unexcused absences. (2.75 hours a day = 495 hours a year for 3 years) This is done for each shop they were in if they happen to change shops. It gets difficult if they withdraw and come back in the middle of the year because I have to subtract those days. I have been doing this by…

    22 votes
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  10. check obligations before verification

    It would be helpful if the system would warn that there are unmet obligations in online registration.

    35 votes
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  11. parent notification

    I would like to request that rather than a number pre-populating when a contact is selected as "notified" (in Office Visit) that we are able to choose from the list of numbers listed for that emergency contact and the option to choose email if we have emailed parents. The option to chart multiple contacts would also be helpful as custody situations. As it currently functions the system pulls in the first number for the contact. The ability to select the appropriate number we called is extremely important as we need to be able to properly identify the number that we…

    35 votes
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  12. User Defined Online Enrollment Report

    It would be extremely helpful to be able to pull the family contact email address as one of the fields to Select to print in the User Defined Online Enrollment Report. Right now I can only pull family address and phone and majority of our communications are sent via email address.

    12 votes
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  13. Adding column for total attendance

    Teachers are requesting a column to be added to the screen where they can input grades for the marking period. This column would contain total days absent for each student. See the attachment to see exactly what screen. No impact from it not being done. Not an important feature just a request.
    Just a column being added so teachers can view total attendance for each student when entering marking period grades.

    28 votes
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  14. Add Student Grad/Grad Year to Report

    Our Principals rely heavily on the Chronic Attendance Report. It would be very helpful for this report to include student grade level/grad year and/or the ability to sort by grade/grad year. It would also be helpful if a range of percentages could be entered and only those students print. I currently have to print it for each grade level put it in Excel and delete the students with less than 10% absent.

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  15. Add Student Grad/Grad Year to Report

    Our Principals rely heavily on the Chronic Attendance Report. It would be very helpful for this report to include student grade level/grad year and/or the ability to sort by grade/grad year. It would also be helpful if a range of percentages could be entered and only those students print. I currently have to print it for each grade level put it in Excel and delete the students with less than 10% absent.

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  16. Discipline Bullying

    To prepare for the civil rights report next year is there a way for the victim information in discipline to be required for any bullying offense? This would ensure that the information for report will be accurate.

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  17. Need the Report Date to Appear On Membership RPT

    Our Pupil Accounting department needs the report creation date to appear in the Attendance Membership Report header. This is an important piece of information that helps them when auditing.

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  18. Ability to import Teacher PIC

    At the beginning of each new year we deal with adding PIC's for teachers into Skyward. We have a spreadsheet that we build all the demographic information into their staff information but there is no way to include the PIC. This makes for double entry and increases the probability of error.
    If we had the PIC as an import option we could do it all at once and eliminate the double entry and reduce the possibility for error.

    45 votes
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  19. Do not allow inactive students to be charged

    We would like for inactive students lunch accounts not to be charged accidently thru Point of Service. We are having an issue with current students typing incorrectly their keypad number and students who are not longer with the district are being charged.

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  20. Security for Critical Alerts on Emergency Tab

    We would like the security for the Alert Information on the Emergency Information tab to be broken out from the rest of the page. We would like staff to be able to enter emergency information but do NOT want them entering Critical Alerts without prior approval. I would like to be able to separate the 2 to only make it available to a few. Currently that option exists if you are using the path ST/SI/IF/AI.

    Security for the Alert Information on the Emergency Information tab to be broken out from the rest of the page.
    Security for the Alert Information…

    29 votes
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Student Management Suite


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