Add All Special Programs to Data Mining
There are a number of Special Programs which are not available for Data Mining reports. We would like all available.
Inquiring with customers to see which specific reporting needs are not being met for Special Programs. Looking for consistency.
Voters: Please include details for this idea if there are specifics you are looking for! This greatly helps us evaluate if options exist or what type of change should be considered.
Thank you!
Michelle Falkinham commented
Wisconsin - just today, we realized that the new Migrant area is not available in Data Mining or in SkyBuild. I don't see any other area to data mine the Migrant designation for a student. We pull this information often on reports & not having it creates issues.
Lynne Eubanks commented
Some of the special Programs are available in the Fed/State reporting area. However, the reports don't include the data in a format that we need for certain groups (CIS/ACE) because the reports don't include all of the fields required.
Mary Mitchem commented
Just came across another issue with this. We are trying to verify our industry-based certifications for Texas and can't do so with data mining. I know this is a new state reporting field this year but we should never have new state reporting fields released without an update to allow those fields to be pulled in data mining as well.
Menu path: Special Programs > Post Sec Cert
Mary Mitchem commented
For Texas:
We can't data mine the new PEIMS intervention services indicator if we are using the RTI module. It's a nightmare pulling it the way we've been told to do it and I went around and around with state reporting about it in the fall last year. Here is my email to our project manager, our account manager, and the head of our student support at the service center about this issue, which as far as I know has never been resolved.Just following up on this issue and want to make you aware of what not having the RTI indicator visible and/or available in data mining has meant for our fall PEIMS submission.
We completed the submission today using the workaround suggested by state reporting to "create a data mining report in the RTI module" to verify our data.
The data mining report was used by all campuses to verify their data, however, because they were not using the actual PEIMS ISI indicator in this process, we did not catch or correct a settings issue that was not reporting all of the students to PEIMS.
With the submission we finalized this morning, we ended up reporting only 9 out of 250+ students at one campus to PEIMS. The campus had been verifying the 250+ student list in data mining so no one caught the issue during the data verification process.There are hundreds of other students at other campuses that were also not reported correctly, but they were on the data mining report our campuses "verified."
We have GOT to have a fix for this issue from state reporting. I was in a meeting this morning where we had discussions about our current RTI software and if this is not resolved this month, I will recommend that they look at third-party solutions outside of Skyward for this module so that we can have the correct Intervention Services indicator displayed and the data mining option we would have if we were not using the RTI module in Skyward.
Sherry Kocek commented
For Special Programs, I would like to be able to pull the same fields that are used in state reporting so I can check the data. So things like, EL, Homeless, 504, Immigrant, Homebound/hospital. Some of those fields are in there but they are not pulling correctly.
Pam Jensen commented
It looks like the new Grad Pathway (might be Indiana specific) has not been added to data mining yet. That would be useful.
Karen Holyfield commented
I would love to see everything regarding special programs added to data mining. I use data mining for everything, but a lot of times, I have to use skybuild because those fields aren't in data mining.
Virginia Ramsey commented
Also, I would like to create data mining reports using courses\scheduling fields but I can't get course \scheduling information without student data. For example I wanted to check on how my courses were setup regarding state required fields. I only wanted virtual online courses regardless on scheduled students.
Rebecca Grippi commented
I agree, we have the 21st Century Program at our district and don't have any way to pull a report on these students.