Student Management Suite
1593 results found
Add Ability to Access/Complete Forms on Mobile App
Goal - To give parents and guardians the ability to access and complete online forms. This will allow parents to conveniently sign the forms. Expected Outcome - Quicker response from parents/guardians which will result in a quicker response time to provide technology devices to students.
6 votes -
Configuration Setting Needed for Long/Short Names
When adding Staff it would be useful having default configuration setting for long and short name. Presently when adding a new staff member Skyward auto-populates the long and short name with the Last Name of the new staff member i.e. Washington. We would like to have the option to configure for example the Long name as Last Name First Initial i.e. Washington G. Also the limit of 10 and 20 characters for the short and long name is not enough. There are many employees that have hyphenated names that are much longer than 20 characters.
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Mass Update Conferences already created
There needs to be a utility created to mass edit conferences already created. Example PT conferences scheduled for 11/15/18. Had to be rescheduled due to weather. New date is now 11/29/18. All previously scheduled conferences for 11/15 need to be moved to 11/29.
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Email Progress Reports
In the standards gradebook teachers do not have an option to Select Different Classes when using the Email Detailed Progress Reports under reports. Teachers have to go through the process over and over for every class they teach. However in the secondary gradebook teachers do have the option to Select Different Classes. They can go through the process once and email all parents from all classes. I would like for you to consider adding that option to the Standards gradebook to save teachers time.
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Teacher Effective Date
Please add Teacher Transaction Date available on MEET screen. This causes many fatals for Texas PEIMS State Reporting.
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Add Student Schedule to the Attendance Tab Page
When you go to a student's portfolio Attendance tab and click Add to take attendance for a student it would be extremely helpful to have the student's schedule appear at the bottom of this window/page and/or have the course descriptions under each period. (For example O1 - English 9) Without the course names on the Attendance Tab page users need to open a new window pull up the student's schedule and take attendance with both pages side-by-side. It is time consuming when you have attendance to enter for multiple students each day. Another solution would be to have the ability…
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Report to identify students with no gradebook comments
In EA+, teachers can go to the Posting Stauts in the gradebook and see a count and list of students who have no gradebook comment assigned to them for each class. We would like the ability to generate a report (or export or include in Teacher Tracker) that shows that information for all students or staff so we can quicky identify which students or teachers have not yet completed comments. At this time, the only way to find this is to log in as individual teachers to get to that screen, or to run report cards and scan individual student…
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Contact person who knows both student side and finance side
We utilize the general ledger update on fee management. Having a contact person who knows both student side and finance side would be helpful when problems arise.
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Processing List in Fees Reports
Add the ability to run ALL fee management reports by processing list.
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Search by Parking Permit #
In Mobile you can do a search by parking permit # but you cannot do that in the desktop. It would be so nice to look up this way.
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Add Variable Date option on attendance reports
The goal of this update would allow campuses to set these reports as scheduled tasks therefore saving time so that personal can concentrate on other attendance This would allow attendance clerks to concentrate more on other aspects of attendance instead of running these reports and providing them to individual teachers each week.
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Need PMF of Security Group Assignment for Forms
Greetings. So I have Health Forms that require secure access for my district. I'm going through to set those 7 forms up now as Secure Forms. When you choose the Security Groups button you can utilize the Quick Filter to narrow your group search down to the groups you need. Convenient. But do you think there's a Select All button? Nada. You can UNSELECT ALL but there's no Select All. I will be clicking 749 boxes for the next 20 minutes. Please PMF this screen to match any others that should include a Select All option. Thank you!
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Option on report for Tax
Add an option to the Fees Paid report that will show you how much money was received in Taxes when you use the tax feature in the Fee Management Configuration.
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Add Counselor Field to Customizable Options
Recently Skyward provided a new field under Entity Info to allow districts (schools) to track Counselors if they differ from Advisors. This is a great option and Skyward did diligence to add it as a mass update option under Student Mass Change. Our staff would like to see this go one step further by adding the field as an option to updating a user's custom list of fields that display under the Extra Information option within Student Profile. When you click on the Customize link Advisor can be added however Counselor is not yet available. Screen shots attached. Thank you!
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Option to Clone Variable Scales
We need an option to clone variables scales in the secondary gradebook from entity to entity and include it as part of the year end utilities to clone from year to year.
We have 20 campuses and we have to define the percent high and low values from 1 to 100! That's 2000 we will have to enter annually when we should be able to clone them after the first 100.
WS\EA\GB\SE\PS\CF\VS6 votes -
Update Student Records for all Letters sent
The goal of this enhancement is to have all letters that are sent to parents become part of the student record. The negative impact is that now we have no record of the letter being sent and nothing to refer back to if a parent would question what they received.
If all of the reports that can be done as letters would have the same check box that the vaccine report done in letters has it would provide a well documented health record for all students. The check box for vaccines is Update the records of the students that letters…6 votes -
Default building codes on Staff
When adding new staff to system the default building code should automatically be assigned to a staff member.
Currently it is not and when our export to Skylert goes out staff members are NOT being entered into their assigned building.
There is a work around currently but you have to add the staff and then drill down on the staff member to add the building code again to the entity.6 votes -
Section 504 Custom Forms Report
Would it be possible to add a date range or school year parameter to the Section 504 Custom Forms Report so that when campus staff print the forms entered they can filter for current school year or at least a date range that falls within the school year?
Campus staff print the "ARD" packet for students annually to hand out to parents but the current functionality of the Section 504 Custom Forms report prints all custom form records regardless or school year. This causes staff to go through the PDF to determine which forms apply to the current 504 ARD…6 votes -
TREX Validation notification
Please add a pop up notice or tab that will show that there is a validation error with the proposed file in the maintain area. The TREX report shows it at the end but that means we have to run that report each time. If a notification or tab showed in the modify area it could be resolved without running the report. Many times campus users especially at the beginning of the year are trying to fulfill many requests and they skip the step of running the TREX report only to get their file rejected by the state. A visible…
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Addition of Term Selection to WS\OF\FS\SS\RE\MR
We would really like to be able to run the Students Missing Specific Courses/Subjects report by specifying one or more terms rather than being locked into the full school year. For example we wanted to quickly produce a list of students who were missing only math courses for Semester 2. Since term selection is not available for this report we were not able to produce any reports of value. If there are alternate means of quickly producing such a report we'd gladly appreciate any feedback as we are brand new to Skyward this year and our knowledge base is still…
6 votes
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