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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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23 results found

  1. Other Name incorporation into API

    We have a situation where we need to include "preferred name" and include into Skyward and all the programs that get their data from Skyward. Particularly this is an issue with Schoology. Could you please have the API configured to grab the preferred name and have it appear as the preferred name everywhere in Skyward and transfer into Schoology.

    I've been told from Skyward the following...

    Currently the API (LMS or OneRoster) does not have a data Endpoint for the student's Other Name. I do know that it is on programming's radar, however there hurdles to overcome yet.

    With the…

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  2. While investigating a data import issue with a 3rd party data warehouse, I slowly discove With data security being an important focal point,

    While investigating a data import issue with a 3rd party data warehouse, I am slowly discovering the many ways 3rd parties can extract data from our Skyward database. With all the different ways 3rd parties can access our student data (APIs, ODBC, Scheduled Tasks, SkyBuild Exports, SIF), I'm worried about where my ignorance will get me in the event of a data breach. I am especially concerned that API access does not let us restrict or whitelist specific data fields 3rd parties have access to. It also cannot verify what data these 3rd parties are accessing.

    With data security being…

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  3. Expose IEP, FRL, ELL status in Clever API

    Clever has the ability to pull IEP Status, Free/Reduced Lunch Status, ELL Status but those field are not exposed on the Skyward API. If we could pass those data elements through Clever to certain applications we roster through Clever, we would be better able to effectively analyze student results and application effectiveness.

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  4. OneRoster export and OneRoster api student username options

    Please add the ability to choose which field is sent in the OneRoster Export within Skybuild for the student's username and the ability to add a prefix to that field.

    It currently exports the student's alphakey, but our district typically uses the student's other id for other software companies, since it doesn't change with a name change like the alphakey.

    For some companies, we use a combination of the otherid and a letter/number combo such as D87 in front of the student id number.

    Other districts use the student's state id number.

    Having the ability to customize which field is…

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  5. Preferred name field for API

    It would be great to have a preferred name field in the API so that when we sync with Canvas, our transgender students can see their preferred name in Canvas rather than the legal name in Skyward.

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  6. Gifted added to Mass Add End Local Programs

    We REALLY need the Gifted Records to be an option in the Mass Add/End Special/Local Programs area! As far as I can tell the records have to be added each year. When pulling AD only current year records (open or closed) will pull. Any previous years records (even when left open) will NOT pull. The importance of keeping year to year records can be understood as grant funding is involved and we don't want open records that aren't really in the program any more to pull and report to DOE. With that said when a school (one middle school) of…

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  7. Add Range or Proc List to CTE Indicator Update

    It would be very beneficial to have the option to run the process to set the CTE indicator either by grade level range or by processing list.

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  8. Staff - Allow import of all fields

    The Staff screen has a lot of content. You all have the ability to send the screen to a csv file. There should be an opinion to input all the data the export provides. For example teacher certification ID. I.E. SC:3789852 Makes life easier during a first year transition as we are missing a lot of data and were told we can't provide an export again to have it uploaded.

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  9. API to dynamically provision staff users

    We would like an API that would allow us to create new staff and security users on the fly based on when an employee is hired. The data would come from an external system. Would also like the ability to provision with basic rights into a security group.

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  10. PEIMS Import of 504 and RtI data (eSped)

    Please allow the import capability of the 504 and RTI information through SkyBuild. It would save much data entry if this were available. Now that 504 and RTI will be PEIMS elements for 2018-19 will Skyward allow the import of the 504 and RTI indicators through the eSped import process? Currently the elements are not available to import. Now that it's a PEIMS field. I am asking this to help get that information into Skyward without having to manually enter every field.

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  11. Provide iCal URLs for school calendars and events

    This would be to increase integration between Skyward and other systems and allow information to be shared.
    We would like to see about getting an official ical URL for all the calendar and activity events in Skyward. We manually are able to make this work by dumping the calendar days table and the activity events table and then using a script to transform the data into ical files that can be consumed by 3rd party system such as Google and allow the calendar to be shared. It sounded like some other districts would be interested in this as well.

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  12. Add an import for RTI

    Add a SkyBuild import interface for RTI data.

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  13. Ability to import Teacher PIC

    At the beginning of each new year we deal with adding PIC's for teachers into Skyward. We have a spreadsheet that we build all the demographic information into their staff information but there is no way to include the PIC. This makes for double entry and increases the probability of error.
    If we had the PIC as an import option we could do it all at once and eliminate the double entry and reduce the possibility for error.

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  14. E/W History in Skybuild

    Currently Skybuild only allows the current E/W recod to be exported. We would like the option of including historical E/W records as well. The problem is if one record was open yesterday but today that record was closed and a new one was opened the proper withdrawal information for the previous record is never transmitted.
    If it were possible to include E/W History in Skybuild we could export all E/W records for the year including their proper withdrawal dates and codes. Otherwise the recipient system will just get the new record and have to guess as to what values to…

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  15. Exporting Duplicates

    When creating exports for online curriculum it has become a problem in some cases where I am unable to automate exports due to duplicate student data being pulled. I am aware there are systems that my export can filter through to remove duplicates from my student exports to then be automatically imported into online curriculum. I am asking for Skyward to have this capability to do this.
    I am asking for the capabilities to remove duplicate student data within the Skyward export itself.
    xample: HMH data exports attached from HMH

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  16. Edlio Website Intergration

    We use Edlio for web hosting of our website. We would like to integrate our SIS with their service to use additional features available. We are particularly interested in using their voice and text message services. If you have any question please contact me for more information.

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  17. Add LEP Y/N Option to Student Profile Tab

    I cannot count how many different reports I run using Data Mining or exports of data that need to go to third parties reports for grants administrative reports and reports for funding associated to students who are ELL. Skyward allows us to search for LEP Served but doesn't have a simple LEP (Y/N) field as it does for Special Education. Frankly I'm shocked this request hasn't come across a long time ago. Can this field get added to Student Profile? There's a Student Indicator that will show (assuming it's enabled) if a student is LEP but we can't use Data…

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  18. Increase Email Recipients on Exports

    The Email Results To field is limited to 200 characters. If the number of users who you would like to email the results to exceeds this number you would have to create the second export. ** If the field is extended(like this box of 911) there would be no need to run a second export to send to email recipients that did not fit on the first run because of the 200 character rule.

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  19. Staff contacts

    The staff export is only pulling 2 phone contacts for Skylert. We need it set up to pull 3 phone contacts.
    The staff export is only pulling 2 phone contacts for Skylert. We need it set up to pull 3 phone contacts.

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  20. Import for Grad Reqs

    Would like a Skybuild import to enter ACT tests for reimbursement. The state has templates you can use to import the data to their site but they are so awful they are unusable. When nearly every junior take this test it's a chore to hand enter each record each year.

    Note: Want a skybuild import to import from ACT file to create records in Student/Special Prgms/Grad Req. These records can then be exported using the SERVS/Grad Req extract.

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