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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1593 results found

  1. Data Mining Report

    Is there a way to format a Data Mining Report so that the fields will print underneath one another rather than across the page. With the maximum Report Width of 172 for a landscape report, when the fields print across it limits the amount of data in the report.

    Parent Name
    Phone Number

    instead of Parent Name Address Phone Number Email

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  2. Summer School YE/YS Process

    If a student is retained at their default entity, the Grad Prom field on the profile tab = "R". When you run the YE process it checks to see if the student has the "R" on the default entity and if it does it will not clear out that field if the student is enrolled in SS. We have many student attending SSHS and will be promoted after completion. However, they all are still retained because of this "coding" in YE. It would be a hugh time saver if there was a prompt in the SS entities to ask if…

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  3. Daily Attendance and Eligibility for Athletic Participation

    Are athletes eligible to participate in sports based on attendance? We currently have an Absence Occurrence Report scheduled to run daily against a Processing List. The task goes to head coaches to show students' attendance for that day. There currently is no option for "Today's Date" in this report, so our staff have to update the date on the reports each day--which gets cumbersome. An alternative to selecting "Today's Date" would be to add an option on the Day Summary to run against a Processing or Activity List.

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  4. Make Emergency Contacts Phone Number Required Step in On Line Reqistration

    During On Line Registration, require that at least one phone number be entered for any Emergency Contact that is added.

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  5. More Automated Email Options

    Homeroom and Advisor changes should be on the scheduling or demographic changes for the student. Including it on the Enrollment changes isn't helpful at all because they aren't yet assigned to a homeroom when they are enrolled. So when a new student arrives, we have to go into Skyward to find their homeroom teacher or advisor.

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  6. Please add a utility that will mass update the Teacher of Record in Entity Information.

    You have to manually add the Teacher of Record in the Entity Info Area.
    Please create a mass update Teacher of Record Utility.

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  7. message center ranges

    Please add Next Year status as one of the range options when using Message Center by Range. This is helpful so that we don't send messages about next year information when we already know they will not be attending the district next school year. I know we can create a processing list and do it that way, but that is way more cumbersome for the end user.

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  8. Student Graduation Date Mass Create/Change Utility - Use Processing List

    We have different groups of students that will graduate on different dates. It would be helpful if we could run this utility using a processing list.

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  9. RTI Referral Report - Advanced Custom Form

    Teachers have the ability to print RTI Referral Reports and include custom forms that were part of the process. When they print the Referral Report and include custom forms, the custom forms print in HTML format. The result is a very long list of fields that wastes a lot of paper.

    Please allow the Advanced Custom Form to print as it was designed so that teachers can view the information in the same manner in which it was entered.

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  10. Blended Families

    Would like an option to have 50/50 families in Skyward instead of Family 1 and Family 2. When doing a mailing, sometimes you only want actual custodial families to get the info, so a Family 2 may not be appropriate. And then there are other times when you want a custodial parent to get the info, but if you are only mailing to family 1, that family won't get it. The family setup is not real conducive to the reality of family situations that we deal with.

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    2 comments  ·  Family  ·  Admin →
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  11. Custom Report Card Colors and background

    Currently there are no options for changing the colors used for shading in the custom report cards. Report cards could be improved if shading is allowed in more than one color and options to change color with RGB code or HEXA-Decimal code. I would like to see changing colors / backgrounds option of any boxes / object in custom report cards.

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  12. Deleting data from custom forms.

    We need a utility that deletes data from all Custom Forms for every new school year instead of cloning the custom forms. Cloning a custom form can break any process that feeds from these forms.

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  13. Different color alert notifications

    System alerts with different colors for different categories. For example, Red for Health, Blue for custody.

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  14. Develop Skyward to have the same communication capability with parents that Remind has.

    Teachers need to communicate with parents and have to copy Skyward demo data into Remind. Could Skyward develop the same type of communication tool for teachers?

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  15. Utility to mass delete alternates

    When we decide not to run a course it is easy to mass delete requests. It would be amazing to have that option so the course isn't still sitting in their alternates.

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  16. Parent absence request

    Once the parent submits the absence request and it is approved by admin or staff, the unexcused absence should automatically update, the Skyward admin should not have to manually update the unexcused to excused.

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  17. Add column with name of submitting person

    We would like to have the name of the person who actually submitted the FS application added to the Pseudo Applications screen. As it stands now anyone in the family can submit the FS application but when you go to find the application you have to know the primary guardian name of the family - that is the name that appears. When our auditors come I have to give them a cheat sheet that has student names names of primary guardians and also names of the other guardians in the family so they can find the applications they are looking…

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  18. attendance attachment

    I would like to be able to scan and attach Dr. notes to individual students under attendance. It would be an easier way to track excused absences.

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  19. Staff Locator Should Include the Course Code as well as a Link to View the Class Roster

    Would like to see the course code and section number under Student/Staff Locator (currently it only shows the section number) and be able to click on the section to view the class roster. This would be great for people who only know the teacher's name or don't have access to the Course or Section Masters.

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  20. End date for all programs

    When a student is withdrawn from the school/district it would be great if that date would automatically be the end date for all programs the student is in--GT, ESL, Special Ed, etc.

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