Texas - Need a CTE 2 coherent sequence coding utility for students
Please create a Texas CTE student coherence sequence coding utility. Texas allows us to code students as a "2" if they have a 4 year plan to take a coherent sequence of 2 or more CTE courses for 3 or more credits and they are enrolled in or have completed a semester of courses that are part of their coherent sequence. All of these elements are easily identified in Skyward by looking at schedules, 4 year plans, endorsement pathways, courses, and credits. However, our CTE staff have to spend hours paging through 4 year plans to identify students.
We should be able to run a utility that would automate this process by using any of the following criteria:
- Students schedules & 4 year plans with a coherent sequence of CTE courses by service ID ranges
- Students schedules & 4 year plans with a coherent sequence of CTE courses by department and/or subject codes (example: all CTE courses are in a CTE department, and all CTE STEM courses have a CTE STEM subject code)
- Student schedules, 4 year plans containing CTE pathways identified by curriculum clusters and endorsements (example: all CTE courses aligned to the Business and Industry endorsement)
The utility should generate an easy-to-read report that shows which courses are in progress/completed and which courses are in the 4 year plan that meet the criteria for the coherent sequence so that we have audit documentation for future years should the 4 year plan or schedule later change. It should also let us process the update to the CTE student indicator and lock that indicator.
The utility should also allow us to identify students coded as a 2 who no longer meet the criteria required so that they can be removed.

Mary Mitchem commented
This can be closed now that this type of coding is no longer required.
Mary Mitchem commented
After our discussion about this issue by phone with TSUG and Skyward, I wanted to add a few more thoughts. I think we should be able to use the existing Curriculum Cluster area under Endorsements to be able to identify coherent sequences as well. Many times these overlap with existing curriculum clusters we've built for endorsements. Sometimes they do not, however, the curriculum cluster module itself allows you to identify the curriculums by all of the ranges and criteria listed above.
I think adding 2 checkboxes to the curriculum cluster itself would be helpful:
Used in Endorsements
Used in CTE Coherent Sequence codingThey can be used in one area or both areas. We could then build any clusters we need for CTE Coherent Sequence that are not already built for endorsements and easily identify which are used in each area.
The benefit to using an existing module for this purpose is that we wouldn't have to do double work in setting up and maintaining the curriculum clusters we already have built for endorsements that overlap with the clusters we'd want to set up for CTE coherent sequences.
The other benefit is that this module already has the features requested for selecting courses by service ID, range, department, subject, etc.