Student Management Suite
1598 results found
Attendance Letters are sent by TYPE code only. We need the ability to send Attendance Letters by Type AND/OR Reason Codes. TYPE It works great for unexcused absences... but when we use the letters for CREDIT DENIAL WARNING based on 90% attendance, we need to pull by REASONS instead of Type because the 90% reason includes excused absences (dr appt, college visits, bad weather, military enlistment visit, etc. etc.--there are many).
34 votes -
Add family by Family ID number
Allow the ability to add a family by Family ID number instead of by parent name. This would guarantee that you are adding the same family for a sibling.
26 votes -
Change of Address
When a parent enters an address change via Family Access, it would be helpful for them to be able to attach 1-2 documents for Proof of Residency.
23 votes -
ed fi errors
Create a new document with every ed-fi error and how to correct it in Skyward.
8 votes -
Mass Delete Portfolio Attachments
Would like the Mass Delete Portfolio Attachments to allow deletion of Inactive students only based on Grad Year.
9 votes -
Tardy Kiosk Configuration Options.
Add configuration options to allow the absent type/reason to follow the bell schedule. The bell schedule allows you to have a class start time and an absent time.
i.e. They are marked tardy if absent less than 10 minutes and marked absent if they are more than 10 minutes.
12 votes -
we would like to be able to get an automated email whenever a portfolio attachment of specific types are added.
we would like to be able to get an automated email whenever a portfolio attachment of specific types are added.
7 votes -
Allow skybuild to get the newest 15 Program/Services instead of the oldest.
We have students with more than 15 entries in their Program/Services and since Skybuild returns the oldest 15, we cannot create skybuild reports that have their current info. The pic show a student of whom we cannot get any of his current Programs and Related Services data (the ones circled in red). Please change the order so we have access to atleast the most recent 15.
6 votes -
Custom Forms - Add Skyward Fields
In the Student>Custom Forms, we would like to have some Skyward Fields added:
Discipline Officer
Teacher of Record
CY Homeroom
CY Homeroom Room Number
CY Homeroom TeacherWe would also like to have the option to choose how the student's name displays when we select the Student's Name field. Sometimes we will want to use the full name and sometimes we want just the first & last name.
Thank you.
12 votes -
CTE Completion, Graduation, and Equity Reports
As Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways/programs and the number of students who are interested in the programs increase, so should the number of reports available.
Our Department of Education is going to use CTE:
Completion Rate
Graduation Rate
PostSecondary Outcome
rates to evaluate our programs. Similar to our State Testing, PSAT/SAT, and other testing situations where we need to verify testing accommodations and student status (IEP, Section 504, Lunch, and etc), we are going to have to verify the completion, graduation, and equity data.
I would like Skyward to build reports that are capable of reporting out the…
10 votes -
Verify all email address fields
For ALL emails fields, student details, Parent Details, Emergency Contacts, Staff and TEACHERS:
Verify the validity of email address fields. As a Minimum:
Don't allow commas
Don't allow spaces
Don't allow special characters like !,$,%
Require a @ somewhere in the middle with text before and afterwardsWe have a lot of our extracts with vendors crash every year because of bad data entered into any of the email address fields.
10 votes -
Security to allow user to Administer Medications without being able to Add additional medications
Our school nurses enter the medication in the Medication tab, but trained clerical and paras may administer the medication. Currently I cannot set security to allow a user to administer medication without allowing them access to add additional medication. We would like the ability to set security so only nurses can add, while trained users can administer.
8 votes -
Pulling previous year's data
It is incredibly hard to pull data from previous school years in the system. Sometimes we have to go back to previous years in order to fill out information for grants, MDE, authorizer, etc and right now that's near impossible to do. I've used JMC in the past and they had a really easy tab that changed the year that you were operating in for data, Skyward needs something simple like that in order to go back to previous years to pull data when needed, or needs to be incorporated into the reporting system to add a box for what…
21 votes -
Make Skycode available for Educator Access Plus
Would like to make the offense level mandatory on the teachers referral entry screen but Skycode is not available in this area.
9 votes -
Withdrawal Form
We would like to be able to customize the student withdrawal form. We need to add some fields to the form in order for it to be useful. There are also some areas that are not pertinent.
8 votes -
While investigating a data import issue with a 3rd party data warehouse, I slowly discove With data security being an important focal point,
While investigating a data import issue with a 3rd party data warehouse, I am slowly discovering the many ways 3rd parties can extract data from our Skyward database. With all the different ways 3rd parties can access our student data (APIs, ODBC, Scheduled Tasks, SkyBuild Exports, SIF), I'm worried about where my ignorance will get me in the event of a data breach. I am especially concerned that API access does not let us restrict or whitelist specific data fields 3rd parties have access to. It also cannot verify what data these 3rd parties are accessing.
With data security being…
9 votes -
Delete Attendance Letters
It would be so much easier to have secretaries delete attendance letters that have already generated if a student turns in the appropriate excuse. It is too risky to give them access to the Utility to Maintain because of the "Delete ALL Attendance Letters" option. We'd like to have the delete button right on the student profile- Attendance- Letters tab.
10 votes -
Expose IEP, FRL, ELL status in Clever API
Clever has the ability to pull IEP Status, Free/Reduced Lunch Status, ELL Status but those field are not exposed on the Skyward API. If we could pass those data elements through Clever to certain applications we roster through Clever, we would be better able to effectively analyze student results and application effectiveness.
7 votes -
days present
It would be helpful to have a field for attendance: Total Days Possible( based on students entry date) that could be added to Custom Report Cards and Transcripts. At the end of the year/semester it would be extremely helpful to see how many days a student was absent out of a total number of days possible based on their entry date.
7 votes -
Make Emergency Contacts Phone Number Required Step in On Line Reqistration
During On Line Registration, require that at least one phone number be entered for any Emergency Contact that is added.
11 votes
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