Verify all email address fields
For ALL emails fields, student details, Parent Details, Emergency Contacts, Staff and TEACHERS:
Verify the validity of email address fields. As a Minimum:
Don't allow commas
Don't allow spaces
Don't allow special characters like !,$,%
Require a @ somewhere in the middle with text before and afterwards
We have a lot of our extracts with vendors crash every year because of bad data entered into any of the email address fields.

Greg Joiner commented
Very easy to implement the code, or at least throw a warning to the user.
Needs to be on ALL student, staff, parent, guardian, family, emergency pickup screens in both systems.
Also needs to be on the parent self-registration web portals
See the sample code at https://www[.]w3resource[.]com/javascript/form/email-validation.php that can be modified to the desired language if needed.