Add notifications of what's new in gradebook for parents (newly graded assignments, etc.)
These are ideas from a parent in our district that I actually think would be fantastic additions for all parents in Family Access since I, too, once had to keep track of a scattered child's assignments. My thought is to have some kind of "what's new" feed in Family Access that would show this information
Here are his ideas:
My son has a history of not turning in assignments. On some of those assignments, he has no recollection until they show up in Skyward as missing. I keep a history of all assignments, when they first show up in Skyward, when the grade is first given, when the missing is removed, etc. In addition, we have had issues where he thinks he has turned in assignments, but we have no way of knowing if the teacher actually has them. So I use the fact that the teacher updates some class average or mean to know they were updating grades that day. Then we know whether to push our son to see when the teacher plans to grade the assignment he thinks he turned in. This sometimes uncovers the fact that he has not turned in the assignment.
So here are some things that Skyward does not provide currently that I'm providing myself through my own programming skills or items I hope Skyward might provide:
* history of all grade changes on a daily basis
* highlight new assignments
* highlight changes to the due date, scoring / max points, missing or no count flags
* graphs of those grades vs class average/mean
* some mechanism for the teachers to indicate they have assignments but have not graded them yet. This is different from the missing tag.