Pulling previous year's data
It is incredibly hard to pull data from previous school years in the system. Sometimes we have to go back to previous years in order to fill out information for grants, MDE, authorizer, etc and right now that's near impossible to do. I've used JMC in the past and they had a really easy tab that changed the year that you were operating in for data, Skyward needs something simple like that in order to go back to previous years to pull data when needed, or needs to be incorporated into the reporting system to add a box for what year are you pulling data for.

Cheryl Burt commented
We do the same as Michael Sujka here in Rochester. We found that having a copy of last year's data really makes a difference in doing as you stated. Everyone wants last year's data and it is usually AFTER the year end rollover. The only problem with having our last year back up database is that we also use it for some training and that makes our data no longer accurate. This year we are adding a scrambled sandbox (yes there is a cost), so that that can be for used for training purposes and testing utitilities and such, keeping our last year database 'clean'. I totally agree with what you are proposing.......there needs to be a better way to access easily any last year data.
Michael Sujka commented
I know this is not a perfect solution, but we use ISCorp to host our Skyward. With our subscription we can have a production and backup running at the same time. We ask to put a snapshot of Skyward production data of the end of the school year to our backup.
Now we no longer have to change the reports up but simply log into our 'backup' and it is in the previous year.