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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1599 results found

  1. Change Theme color on screen of different year Course Master

    When having to work in two different screens where one is the current year Course Master and another screen is a different year Course Master, it would be helpful if we had the option to chose a different theme color for the other year's Course Masters.

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  2. Attendance letter template assign to a list of students without scheduling the letters

    We have our scheduled attendance letter templates set up to create and send a letter to parents once a student reaches a threshold of six unexcused absences. This letter states that the parent will need to report to the school for a mandatory conference at a set date and time to discuss their student's truancy issues and what can be done to resolve them. However, some of these parents don't show up for this meeting and then those students are sent home with a letter stating that they are on an overnight suspension until his or her parent shows up…

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  3. Add an Automated Email option for Special Programs

    Add an Automated Email option for Special Programs. And for Ltd Eng Prof. and Homeless, and Section 504, get the idea...we have no options for automated emails in the Special Programs area.

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  4. Mass update KELPA tests by Program Participation Code-KANSAS St Reporting

    It would be great if we could mass code by participation code in the Mass Update Assessments for KELPA testing. There are 2 different test codes depending on the Program Participation level and it's a pain to mass code all students with the same code and then have to adjust a few hundred students who need the other code even using a process list.

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  5. Show if there are additional students linked to a particular Guardian within a different household

    We have many guardians that are attached to two households due to combined or split family situations. It would be nice if the Family area showed whether there are other students linked to a particular guardian, even though the students are not linked to the same family ID.

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  6. Make a button or dropdown option for teachers when the parent was a no show for conferences.

    Once Conferences are done, teachers don't have an option to select "No Show" for conferences. They can check that the parent attended, but what if they don't show up?

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  7. Multiple email addresses for parents/guardians. Like a work and home.....

    Add option for multiple parental emails.....with a comma or semi colon in the family tab email field.

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    2 comments  ·  Family  ·  Admin →
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  8. Time stamp field format in Custom Forms

    It would be great to have an actual time stamp field available when creating custom forms. Right now we use a text field and put in the ToolTip instructions to enter HH:MM AM/PM, but rarely is it entered correctly. This is a huge hindrance if we want to pull data out of the system for any sort of analysis. An field that automatically fixes the formatting (like the date field) would be extremely helpful.

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  9. System Wide Users need access to view protected notes.

    System-Wide Users need access to view protected notes.

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  10. Automated Email Notificaiton for Email Changes

    Our SpecEd Dept would like an option to get an automated email notification from Skyward when email addresses get changed- in particular for sped students. We already have the option for email notifications when names, addresses, and phone numbers are changed, but not for emails.

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  11. Edit academic standards in Secondary Gradebooks

    We are using academic standards in our secondary gradebooks. Once an assignment is created with academic standards attached and then is saved, you cannot edit any of the academic information. For example, the wrong point value is attached to an academic standard. Once the assignment is saved, this value cannot be edited. The entire assignment must be deleted and recreated. We would like the ability to edit academic standards once they are attached to an assignment.

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  12. Track changes for Secured Users

    It would be nice to add the option of tracking changes that are made to a users security.

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    There is the User Security Change Audit report that is found under PS\CA\SE\RE\HR\CH. There are a few other History Reports listed with it as well. Let us know how this works for you!

  13. Address Direction - Option to print after street address

    The local post office has asked that we move the direction field from before the street address to after the street address. Example: 625 NW Birch St should be 625 Birch St NW. Changing every street name in our address master would take a lot of work, but allowing us to print the direction after the street address would solve the problem. We have had a lot of mail returned because of this, requiring us to hand write the address and resend.

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  14. Family change history report

    We would like a report the would pull family change history, including family order change and address change. We have numerous requests to provide documentation showing where a student lived and with whom for any given date. It would be helpful to have a report that showed family information - what family they were (1, 2, etc.) and when. Also what their address was and if/when it was changed and changed from what address. Lastly, what students were attached to that family and who the guardians were at that time.

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  15. Automated email for student enrolling with existing IEP

    We do not utilize the integrated IEP features of SMS 2.0, but would like to have the option to send automated emails to specified staff when a new student enrolls or re-enrolls who has an existing IEP status. This simple alert would allow procedures to begin much more quickly.

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  16. Create Ability to Automatically Generate Letters for Various Reasons

    We would appreciate the ability to generate letters for various reasons that will work like the automated attendance letters. Being able to pull students for various demographic reasons would be ideal.

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    Whether it is printing out the NSOE forms for a student's record or printing any report in the system - the font size is too small and too light. We need the ability to enlarge font size / change report format so reports and other items printed from SKYWARD are large/dark enough to be read.

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  18. Add Emp. ID from Staff record to Data Mining in areas where Teacher is listed such as Schedule.

    We send the NameID or EmpID to vendors as the field to identify our teachers/staff. Recently, I needed a field that was in Data Mining. I had trouble finding it in SkyBuild so I thought I was going to have to rebuild my extract in Data Mining, I needed Emp ID (NameID) as the key for teachers but Data Mining only had Alphakey to identify the teachers/staff. We don't use that field when sending data to vendors.

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  19. Waitlist for classes currently full

    A feature that would be very helpful for counselors would be a waitlist for students to go on if room in a class opens up. For example, if a student requests to take an elective class but it is currently full if we could have a waitlist feature that we can put students on that either enrolls them in the class if a spot opens or sends us an email letting us know a spot opens. It is too difficult to remember classes that students want to take and if you have multiple counselors working on scheduling you don't know…

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  20. Add notifications of what's new in gradebook for parents (newly graded assignments, etc.)

    These are ideas from a parent in our district that I actually think would be fantastic additions for all parents in Family Access since I, too, once had to keep track of a scattered child's assignments. My thought is to have some kind of "what's new" feed in Family Access that would show this information

    Here are his ideas:

    My son has a history of not turning in assignments. On some of those assignments, he has no recollection until they show up in Skyward as missing. I keep a history of all assignments, when they first show up in Skyward,…

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