Student Management Suite
1599 results found
12 votes
Message Center - Favorite for quick access
Teachers would like the ability to make the Message Center page a Favorite when logged into Educator Access Plus.
Currently, they must navigate to each class first.11 votes -
Message Center - One per Student
Sometimes a teacher has a student in more than one class, please add the option to only send "One message per student" when multiple classes are chosen to receive a message.
9 votes -
Other Name Field Added to the Medical Areas
All medical input fields should contain the Other Name field. Example, Student > Student Profile you can customize the line to add "Other Name" field. On the Office > Health records > Student Profile and "Other Name" field is not available on the customize line. Add to medical fields: Health Office Visit, Entry by Date, Office Visit add, etc. any input screen a nurse would work in so they can see the students' other name when working in the file. Other Name field should be close to or under the field of student name.
9 votes -
Data Mining Report
Is there a way to format a Data Mining Report so that the fields will print underneath one another rather than across the page. With the maximum Report Width of 172 for a landscape report, when the fields print across it limits the amount of data in the report.
Parent Name
Phone Number
Emailinstead of Parent Name Address Phone Number Email
11 votes -
Ability to Set a Post Time
We send a lot of emails at a specific time of day but I cannot control when it posts. As soon as I click "save" it will post even though I set the message to go out at a later time that day.
13 votes -
Unofficial transcript available in Family Access
It would be great if we could run a transcript that had unofficial as a watermark that could be posted - either in reports where they run a current one, or at the least one we could run like our report cards and post to the portfolio. This would make the end of the year scholarship, as well as other things along the way, smoother for our Student Services.
16 votes -
New Student Online Enrollment Reports
Parent email address should be added to the user-defined reports in application processing-prior to approving the application. you can print them in the portal. However, it only picks up new parents. If parents went through an already established family access account(those with students already) they aren't included in the excel spreadsheet and there is no way to generate a list of them all in one report, especially for kdg. reg.
12 votes -
Check Box - Select All
Anywhere that there is a check box to choose courses, students, etc., we should have the option to select and deselect all. Checking boxes individually is very cumbersome.
9 votes -
Online Registration Grade Levels
When setting up online registration, we are allowed to limit forms by grade level, however, it is not taking into account the school year that the online registration is for.
For example, we are setting up for 20-21 school year and will be opening long before the 19-20 school year is completed.
The restrict forms for a grade level and grade level displayed on custom forms are using the 19-20 school year grade calculation.
Since we are specifying which school year we are setting up and the system knows which school year is our current school year, it would be…
10 votes -
Automated notification email when new staff are added.
Automated email when new staff is added, emailed to a predefined list of addresses.
17 votes -
Average Daily Attendance Report
A report that our administration offices would find useful and beneficial is to be able to run an attendance report that could show the average daily attendance by date - specifically a report that could be run to show the following information:
Daily Absence Total
Daily Absence Percentage
Daily Membership - Enrollment Total for the day
Average Daily Attendance (ADA)
Average Daily Membership (ADM)Ranges to run by Grade Level and by Building and possibly homeroom
Options to Run Student Detail or just TotalsIt would be great to be able to run this report at a district level. This…
25 votes -
Student Information Report needs a user defined fields option
The Student Information Report is a great report. What would make it a fantastic report is the added option of user defined field selection. There are many student demographic data fields needed for data matching between systems when a student transfers. I am attaching a file with the fields needed that would make this a wonderful report to run when a student withdraws. And, no this can't be data mined out in a easy to read format. It is accessing too many modules and is splitting the report. I have already placed several service calls and non of the Skyward…
7 votes -
All Fields in Data Mining Should Also Be Available As Insertable Fields For Automated Emails and Messages
It seems odd that only specific fields are available to be inserted into Automated Emails and none are available in the Messaging Center. It would be extremely helpful to have the ability to create an Automated Email using all the fields available via data mining.
14 votes -
Automatic email to parents to clear unexcused absences
It would be extremely helpful to have an automatic email go out to parents if an absence has not been excused within a week of their absence. I understand there is an email option parents can sign up for in Family Access but many of our parents don't use this.
8 votes -
Future Course Selection Letter for Parents
It would be so nice to be able to print a Future Course Selection for each student to be mailed home to parents to confirm their student's course selections for the next school year.
I would love a format similar to report cards with the option of "Parent or Guardian" and address. Also, allow for printable comments. We'd love to be able to inform parents on this form that schedules are firm and cannot be changed after a certain deadline.6 votes -
Make it easier for existing FA users to register New students w/out duplicates
There needs to be a way to keep RETURNING students from submitting a NSOE application. I know that we can disable displaying the link to new enrollment on Family Access, but if you do that then existing users will have to request another acct to register a new student. Say a parent has 2 in school and now they will have a PK. Parent already has an account. If the register new student link is not visible in Family Access she will have to go to the district site and click on the new student enrollment...which defaults to register for…
16 votes -
Skyward field for "today's date" in custom form (auto populated for parent)
As we ask parents to fill out custom forms online, we ask that they "electronically sign and date" the form. We would like to be able to have the field for date auto populate the date they are signing so they don't have to type that date. When we print the form, it does show a date completed but parents do not see that date. We want them to see that they are signing and dating the form.
16 votes -
Summer School YE/YS Process
If a student is retained at their default entity, the Grad Prom field on the profile tab = "R". When you run the YE process it checks to see if the student has the "R" on the default entity and if it does it will not clear out that field if the student is enrolled in SS. We have many student attending SSHS and will be promoted after completion. However, they all are still retained because of this "coding" in YE. It would be a hugh time saver if there was a prompt in the SS entities to ask if…
11 votes -
Other name fields needs a greater reach
The other name field needs a greater reach. We have students who go by different names and the other name field only applies to the class roster report and the gradebook. Would love to see the other name field utilized in student/family access. food service POS. Fee management customer fields. etc
14 votes
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