Average Daily Attendance Report
A report that our administration offices would find useful and beneficial is to be able to run an attendance report that could show the average daily attendance by date - specifically a report that could be run to show the following information:
Daily Absence Total
Daily Absence Percentage
Daily Membership - Enrollment Total for the day
Average Daily Attendance (ADA)
Average Daily Membership (ADM)
Ranges to run by Grade Level and by Building and possibly homeroom
Options to Run Student Detail or just Totals
It would be great to be able to run this report at a district level. This report would also be great to run for a date range, monthly, quarterly, yearly.
There are reports that give some of this data, but nothing that can be run by a specific date - it would be great to be able to run this as a run as of today report using a scheduled task.

Lynne Eubanks commented
Please add the option to include race/ethnicity student totals as well !!