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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1599 results found

  1. Send Auto Emails to ALL F1 P/G in NSOE

    We feel that ALL Family 1 Parent/Guardians should receive ANY email that goes out from NSOE.

    We discovered, by accident, that in NSOE, only the 1st Parent listed for the family will receive auto emails. This could be the email that is generated after they submit their application, or an email they might receive if an application is denied. If there is no email listed for the 1st Parent, they will not receive anything, EVEN IF there is an email listed for the 2nd Parent.

    Skyward has indicated that this is "by design"; please vote to get this changed ASAP.…

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  2. Custom Forms - Skyward Fields

    Working on an Emergency Card/Form for our buildings to send home. We need "Custodial" and "Pick Up Rights" added to the Skyward fields so we can pull what we have on file and send home to parents.

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  3. Future Scheduling for LEP & 504 attributes

    When generating a scheduling run, you have the choice to balance by "attributes". The only attributes available currently are gender, race, and SPED. This is important because it looks at codes to avoid putting too many students with the same attribute in the same section. Could we add two more attributes of LEP and 504? I think that these special populations are just as critical to balancing as is the attribute of Special Education. Since 504 and LEP codes already exist in Skyward

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  4. Separate Student Families from the Student Information tab in Student Access

    When in Student Access, we have had to shut off the Student Information tab where a student can see their Advisory Teacher, Counselor, and LOCKER NUMBER AND COMBO. They also can see their parent information and Emergency contacts. We feel the Parent Information should be on a separate tab in Student Access that can be toggled on or off by the district. The problem with having this information on the same screen as Locker Info and other pertinent information to the student is that since a student can see information on both Family 1 and Family 2, if a separated/divorced…

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  5. Add a Confirmation on Withdrawal

    Make the person who is withdrawing a student enter their initials to a question - "Do you have appropriate documentation to withdraw?"

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  6. Birth Country needs to be a dropdown or list.

    In Student Profile, Birth History, the Birth Coutnry needs to be a dropdown or list because the field as it stands allows for anything to be entered.

    Example of what we see - US, USA, U.S., U.s.a., United States, u s a
    This affects data in other programs. Could we tie it to the ED FI Country of Birth??

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  7. Add Gifted & Talented to display under Special Programs, similar to 504

    We would like to have Gifted & Talented added to display under Special Programs, similar to 504.

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    The Update Attendance History YTD Totals utility (WS\OF\AT\PS\UT\UY) does not allow updating or cloning from year to year. You cannot update it for a new year or clone it.
    This means the utility and scheduled task must be recreated every school year, for every entity. This is not practical, especially for large districts.

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  9. Cloning Reports from entity to entity

    We have many reports that we customize using User Defined fields. We're not just running reports with open ranges. It's very time consuming to create these specialized reports at all six entities. It would be nice if we could clone our reports from entity to entity. Thank you.

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  10. Texas - Industry Based Certifications (IBC) Module

    1. On the course master add a field similar to the course groups (use the certifications table as the look up table – WS\ST\TB\SP\TB\PO) allowing us to associate certifications to the course. Would need to be school specific.

    2. In the gradebook give teachers an option to add the certification, date, pass/fail. They would only be able to select from the certifications associated with the course they are currently in the gradebook. Data entry for the teachers would have to be simple and fast.

    3. Display certifications to the student and parent in Family Access.

    4. Populate the certification under the Special Programs tab…

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  11. Automated Email for Staff Changes

    We would like to have an automated e-mail generated when a staff member becomes inactive in an entity. An e-mail could then be generated to the Skyward admin who handles the User Accounts, prompting a change in their Active Secured User status to NO.

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  12. Teacher Tracking and Gradebook Usage

    Gradebook monitoring is very limited. The only way to get information is to use filters when monitoring by Teacher/Class, or drill down in a chart. It would be helpful to have more reports or the ability to do something, like schedule a task and email results, with the information you pull from filters.

    Example: Last time teachers entered grades or a learning event is vital information. I can only get that information by using a filter, but I can't do anything with it. I would have to manually run it, download, and email the results to administration.

    Example: A list…

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  13. Add Dyslexia Service & Risk Field in Skybuild-Import

    Can we import Dyslexia Service Record from outside of Skyward.

    This is TX State Report Field and there is no way we can update this information. We have more than 2,000 students with this record and data is changed daily. We need something we can automate this process.

    We are currently on Skyward SMS.

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    Thank you so much for your votes on this idea and all the comments! We are having discussions regarding the ability to do this internally and with other vendors such as Frontline as mentioned in comments. 

    We will update this public status as soon as we have more to share. 

  14. Data Mining Sort Options

    It would be very beneficial if we could sort by a field (homeroom, advisor etc) and select the option "print all data on one line" together. As of right now, if you chose to sort and have a page break by a field, you can not chose to have all the data on one line. The same is vise versa, if you chose to have all data on one line, you can not sort/page break by a field.

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  15. Arena Scheduling and Displaying Classes available

    When we open Arena Scheduling in Student Access, we need the capability to allow the student to filter (Hide) courses that are unavailable to be scheduled (Indicator F for Full). We have a lot of courses that the students cannot select and they have to keep paging through to get to one they can schedule. This would be a huge help.

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  16. transfer all staff settings to new user

    When one staff member leaves and a replacement is hired, it would be very helpful to have a quick way to transfer all permissions/security groups/automated email notifications/etc from one specific user to the new one. Right now, we have to go through every automated email notification rule to see whether the previous person was on the recieipent list, and some notfications (ex. unrecorded attendance) aren't even in that list, so it' very much hit and miss. The ability to transfer, or to at least generate a list of all things assigned to one user so we know what has to…

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  17. NSOE - Guardian's Additional Information for Student

    There is a field where guardians can give any extra information that they feel is important for the student they are enrolling. The problem we have is that the information is only available once you click to process or view the application. 1. There is no option to turn this field off (we could use a custom form to capture this) or 2. have the information print on the Quick Print report where you can print the application and all the custom forms in one place. We would like one of the two options made available to accurately process applications.

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  18. Ability to choose sibling connection

    It would be very helpful to have the option of choosing whether students are siblings or not when they share a guardian. Sometimes we add Organizations as a family member to show outside agency therapists, case managers, or even legal Children & Youth guardians. Right now, any students who happen to share a therapist or case manager are automatically flagged as siblings so we have to create a separate guardian record for the same person. It would be great if there was a pop-up box notifying us that another student has the same guardian and giving the option of linking…

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  19. Allow Parents/Guardians to reset their Family Access Password

    Parents and Guardians become frustrated when they are required to contact the school for a Family Access password reset. It would be beneficial for them to have the option to reset their password on their own using a verified email or phone number.

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  20. Daily Attendance and Eligibility for Athletic Participation

    Are athletes eligible to participate in sports based on attendance? We currently have an Absence Occurrence Report scheduled to run daily against a Processing List. The task goes to head coaches to show students' attendance for that day. There currently is no option for "Today's Date" in this report, so our staff have to update the date on the reports each day--which gets cumbersome. An alternative to selecting "Today's Date" would be to add an option on the Day Summary to run against a Processing or Activity List.

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