Student Management Suite
1593 results found
Data Mine Previous School and Previous District fields
The fields "Previous School" and "Previous District" located under the School Path tab, are not available in data mining. We have families fill this information out and there is no way to data mine it out to use or analyze. It would be extremely helpful to be able to data mine out these two fields. I would like to use them to verify new KG students have the correct entry codes for state reporting.
6 votes -
NSOE - Guardian's Additional Information for Student
There is a field where guardians can give any extra information that they feel is important for the student they are enrolling. The problem we have is that the information is only available once you click to process or view the application. 1. There is no option to turn this field off (we could use a custom form to capture this) or 2. have the information print on the Quick Print report where you can print the application and all the custom forms in one place. We would like one of the two options made available to accurately process applications.
15 votes -
add Alpha as an option in student schedule run
Not knowing what the potential constraints may be next year with COVID19 we are thinking ahead to possible scheduling options and what a school day may look like. One idea that has been floated is to split the days alphabetically and have A-K come days 1,3,5 and L-Z come days 2,4,6. So with that being said, would it be impossible to add ALPHA as an option in the schedule run area under "Balance by Student Attributes" ?
6 votes -
Add family by Family ID number
Allow the ability to add a family by Family ID number instead of by parent name. This would guarantee that you are adding the same family for a sibling.
26 votes -
Separate Student Families from the Student Information tab in Student Access
When in Student Access, we have had to shut off the Student Information tab where a student can see their Advisory Teacher, Counselor, and LOCKER NUMBER AND COMBO. They also can see their parent information and Emergency contacts. We feel the Parent Information should be on a separate tab in Student Access that can be toggled on or off by the district. The problem with having this information on the same screen as Locker Info and other pertinent information to the student is that since a student can see information on both Family 1 and Family 2, if a separated/divorced…
12 votes -
Summer School YE/YS Process
If a student is retained at their default entity, the Grad Prom field on the profile tab = "R". When you run the YE process it checks to see if the student has the "R" on the default entity and if it does it will not clear out that field if the student is enrolled in SS. We have many student attending SSHS and will be promoted after completion. However, they all are still retained because of this "coding" in YE. It would be a hugh time saver if there was a prompt in the SS entities to ask if…
11 votes -
Whether it is printing out the NSOE forms for a student's record or printing any report in the system - the font size is too small and too light. We need the ability to enlarge font size / change report format so reports and other items printed from SKYWARD are large/dark enough to be read.
21 votes -
Address Direction - Option to print after street address
The local post office has asked that we move the direction field from before the street address to after the street address. Example: 625 NW Birch St should be 625 Birch St NW. Changing every street name in our address master would take a lot of work, but allowing us to print the direction after the street address would solve the problem. We have had a lot of mail returned because of this, requiring us to hand write the address and resend.
16 votes -
Change of Address
When a parent enters an address change via Family Access, it would be helpful for them to be able to attach 1-2 documents for Proof of Residency.
23 votes -
Show if there are additional students linked to a particular Guardian within a different household
We have many guardians that are attached to two households due to combined or split family situations. It would be nice if the Family area showed whether there are other students linked to a particular guardian, even though the students are not linked to the same family ID.
17 votes -
Add an Automated Email option for Special Programs
Add an Automated Email option for Special Programs. And for Ltd Eng Prof. and Homeless, and Section 504, get the idea...we have no options for automated emails in the Special Programs area.
16 votes -
Change Theme color on screen of different year Course Master
When having to work in two different screens where one is the current year Course Master and another screen is a different year Course Master, it would be helpful if we had the option to chose a different theme color for the other year's Course Masters.
12 votes -
Automatic email to parents to clear unexcused absences
It would be extremely helpful to have an automatic email go out to parents if an absence has not been excused within a week of their absence. I understand there is an email option parents can sign up for in Family Access but many of our parents don't use this.
8 votes -
Ability to choose sibling connection
It would be very helpful to have the option of choosing whether students are siblings or not when they share a guardian. Sometimes we add Organizations as a family member to show outside agency therapists, case managers, or even legal Children & Youth guardians. Right now, any students who happen to share a therapist or case manager are automatically flagged as siblings so we have to create a separate guardian record for the same person. It would be great if there was a pop-up box notifying us that another student has the same guardian and giving the option of linking…
12 votes -
Send Auto Emails to ALL F1 P/G in NSOE
We feel that ALL Family 1 Parent/Guardians should receive ANY email that goes out from NSOE.
We discovered, by accident, that in NSOE, only the 1st Parent listed for the family will receive auto emails. This could be the email that is generated after they submit their application, or an email they might receive if an application is denied. If there is no email listed for the 1st Parent, they will not receive anything, EVEN IF there is an email listed for the 2nd Parent.
Skyward has indicated that this is "by design"; please vote to get this changed ASAP.…
9 votes -
The Update Attendance History YTD Totals utility (WS\OF\AT\PS\UT\UY) does not allow updating or cloning from year to year. You cannot update it for a new year or clone it.
This means the utility and scheduled task must be recreated every school year, for every entity. This is not practical, especially for large districts.9 votes -
Pulling previous year's data
It is incredibly hard to pull data from previous school years in the system. Sometimes we have to go back to previous years in order to fill out information for grants, MDE, authorizer, etc and right now that's near impossible to do. I've used JMC in the past and they had a really easy tab that changed the year that you were operating in for data, Skyward needs something simple like that in order to go back to previous years to pull data when needed, or needs to be incorporated into the reporting system to add a box for what…
21 votes -
Student Information Report needs a user defined fields option
The Student Information Report is a great report. What would make it a fantastic report is the added option of user defined field selection. There are many student demographic data fields needed for data matching between systems when a student transfers. I am attaching a file with the fields needed that would make this a wonderful report to run when a student withdraws. And, no this can't be data mined out in a easy to read format. It is accessing too many modules and is splitting the report. I have already placed several service calls and non of the Skyward…
7 votes -
transfer all staff settings to new user
When one staff member leaves and a replacement is hired, it would be very helpful to have a quick way to transfer all permissions/security groups/automated email notifications/etc from one specific user to the new one. Right now, we have to go through every automated email notification rule to see whether the previous person was on the recieipent list, and some notfications (ex. unrecorded attendance) aren't even in that list, so it' very much hit and miss. The ability to transfer, or to at least generate a list of all things assigned to one user so we know what has to…
10 votes -
Track changes for Secured Users
It would be nice to add the option of tracking changes that are made to a users security.
16 votesThere is the User Security Change Audit report that is found under PS\CA\SE\RE\HR\CH. There are a few other History Reports listed with it as well. Let us know how this works for you!
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