Add a Family to a student by Family ID
We have so many situations when a parent be required to enroll/register their children at multiple schools in our district. If one registrar searches for them by using a parent's middle name, another uses the parent's middle initial, and another one leaves it out entirely then we end up having to combine multiple accounts. We do keep stressing to them to check for matches. If the student is already registered and they need to add a Family #2, if they could have the screen open of a sibling and pick that same family ID number instead of having to type in the name that would simplify our processes. Also, if we could run reports and have the Family ID be a field within the reports, we would be able to catch these errors faster. Right now, we have to wait until they use their Family Access accounts and then contact us stating that they cannot see all of their students.

Anonymous commented
If I could vote for this 100 times I would. If this was the only thing I could ever vote for again, I would choose this!