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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1593 results found

  1. A Parent/Guardian communication log for each individual student

    With school being permanently closed for the rest of the year, it would really be helpful to have a centralized communication log. Our district is working together to ensure everyone has the most updated information which requires school administrators, office staff, counselors, Deans IT support staff, Special Education staff and coaches in addition to teachers who are in constant communication with parents/guardians to somehow document the date, time, subject of the communication, who they spoke with and more detailed notes field if needed. This needs to be attached to each individual student not as a family note. If the setup…

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  2. Ability to Set a Post Time

    We send a lot of emails at a specific time of day but I cannot control when it posts. As soon as I click "save" it will post even though I set the message to go out at a later time that day.

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  3. Make it easier for existing FA users to register New students w/out duplicates

    There needs to be a way to keep RETURNING students from submitting a NSOE application. I know that we can disable displaying the link to new enrollment on Family Access, but if you do that then existing users will have to request another acct to register a new student. Say a parent has 2 in school and now they will have a PK. Parent already has an account. If the register new student link is not visible in Family Access she will have to go to the district site and click on the new student enrollment...which defaults to register for…

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  4. Message Center - Favorite for quick access

    Teachers would like the ability to make the Message Center page a Favorite when logged into Educator Access Plus.
    Currently, they must navigate to each class first.

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  5. All Fields in Data Mining Should Also Be Available As Insertable Fields For Automated Emails and Messages

    It seems odd that only specific fields are available to be inserted into Automated Emails and none are available in the Messaging Center. It would be extremely helpful to have the ability to create an Automated Email using all the fields available via data mining.

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    Attendance Letters are sent by TYPE code only. We need the ability to send Attendance Letters by Type AND/OR Reason Codes. TYPE It works great for unexcused absences... but when we use the letters for CREDIT DENIAL WARNING based on 90% attendance, we need to pull by REASONS instead of Type because the 90% reason includes excused absences (dr appt, college visits, bad weather, military enlistment visit, etc. etc.--there are many).

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  7. Currently, we are being asked to create multiple schedules for multiple scenarios. Would it be possible to have several Future Scheduling o

    Currently, we are being asked to create multiple schedules for multiple scenarios. Would it be possible to have several Future Scheduling modules? Such as a 20-21A, 20-21B, 20-21-C? This would allow is to build all of the options and then quickly pivot when decisions are made in August.

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  8. New Student Online Enrollment Reports

    Parent email address should be added to the user-defined reports in application processing-prior to approving the application. you can print them in the portal. However, it only picks up new parents. If parents went through an already established family access account(those with students already) they aren't included in the excel spreadsheet and there is no way to generate a list of them all in one report, especially for kdg. reg.

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  9. Data Mining Report

    Is there a way to format a Data Mining Report so that the fields will print underneath one another rather than across the page. With the maximum Report Width of 172 for a landscape report, when the fields print across it limits the amount of data in the report.

    Parent Name
    Phone Number

    instead of Parent Name Address Phone Number Email

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  10. Mass Delete for General Staff Conferneces

    There really needs to be a way to mass delete General Staff Conferences. You can mass delete Regular Parent Teacher Conferences. This would really help with clean up.

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  11. Family change history report

    We would like a report the would pull family change history, including family order change and address change. We have numerous requests to provide documentation showing where a student lived and with whom for any given date. It would be helpful to have a report that showed family information - what family they were (1, 2, etc.) and when. Also what their address was and if/when it was changed and changed from what address. Lastly, what students were attached to that family and who the guardians were at that time.

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  12. Other name fields needs a greater reach

    The other name field needs a greater reach. We have students who go by different names and the other name field only applies to the class roster report and the gradebook. Would love to see the other name field utilized in student/family access. food service POS. Fee management customer fields. etc

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  13. Allow Parents/Guardians to reset their Family Access Password

    Parents and Guardians become frustrated when they are required to contact the school for a Family Access password reset. It would be beneficial for them to have the option to reset their password on their own using a verified email or phone number.

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  14. Custom Forms - Skyward Fields

    Working on an Emergency Card/Form for our buildings to send home. We need "Custodial" and "Pick Up Rights" added to the Skyward fields so we can pull what we have on file and send home to parents.

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  15. Message Center - One per Student

    Sometimes a teacher has a student in more than one class, please add the option to only send "One message per student" when multiple classes are chosen to receive a message.

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  16. Hide all tabs in Family/Student access until the parent has completed online registration.

    We understand this is currently an option for the scheduling tab however we need this for ALL TABS. When a parent logs in they should see nothing but online registration. When a student logs in it would only show them a message that their parent needs to complete online registration before they can see anything. There are 6 other tabs a student can look at to figure the schedule/teacher. We have them disabled however it is a campus setting so we cannot enable them only to parents who have completed online reg. So for example Endorsements, this would be a…

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  17. Check Box - Select All

    Anywhere that there is a check box to choose courses, students, etc., we should have the option to select and deselect all. Checking boxes individually is very cumbersome.

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  18. Automated Email for Staff Changes

    We would like to have an automated e-mail generated when a staff member becomes inactive in an entity. An e-mail could then be generated to the Skyward admin who handles the User Accounts, prompting a change in their Active Secured User status to NO.

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  19. Other Name Field Added to the Medical Areas

    All medical input fields should contain the Other Name field. Example, Student > Student Profile you can customize the line to add "Other Name" field. On the Office > Health records > Student Profile and "Other Name" field is not available on the customize line. Add to medical fields: Health Office Visit, Entry by Date, Office Visit add, etc. any input screen a nurse would work in so they can see the students' other name when working in the file. Other Name field should be close to or under the field of student name.

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  20. Online Registration Grade Levels

    When setting up online registration, we are allowed to limit forms by grade level, however, it is not taking into account the school year that the online registration is for.

    For example, we are setting up for 20-21 school year and will be opening long before the 19-20 school year is completed.

    The restrict forms for a grade level and grade level displayed on custom forms are using the 19-20 school year grade calculation.

    Since we are specifying which school year we are setting up and the system knows which school year is our current school year, it would be…

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