Texas - Industry Based Certifications (IBC) Module
On the course master add a field similar to the course groups (use the certifications table as the look up table – WS\ST\TB\SP\TB\PO) allowing us to associate certifications to the course. Would need to be school specific.
In the gradebook give teachers an option to add the certification, date, pass/fail. They would only be able to select from the certifications associated with the course they are currently in the gradebook. Data entry for the teachers would have to be simple and fast.
Display certifications to the student and parent in Family Access.
Populate the certification under the Special Programs tab in Student Management to pull for PEIMS.
Add this certification information to data mining if it is not already there.
Create a district report that would pull any course that has a certification associated with it with filters options. One option would be all students who did not take the certification test. Other report filters as needed for planning/projecting, Perkins....

Hello everyone,
We’re currently exploring potential solutions and identifying how we can simplify the entry of these records.
Janell Martin commented
Allowing teachers to enter via gradebook and then the posting to student record could be similiar to 'grade change' process???
Sheryl Moulden commented
Great idea!
DeVaughn Resczenski commented
This would greatly improve accuracy on the data entry for certification courses offered by districts, especially with the new date earned requirements.
Shawn Lee commented
I know James Matthews, and I support this RFE.