Display Next Year Schedules - Options
In working with our schools specifically in setting up the On-Line Registration, the question has come up is if there is a way to display Next Year Schedules ONLY AFTER FEES have been PAID? In the past we have utilized the option in the FA Entity Set Up to check the box that reads: Only Show Schedule After Online Registration Completed however this does not ensure that fees have been paid. Also we have noted the Option at the bottom of the screen to HIDE Next Year Schedule for Selected Students HOWEVER it would be extremely convenient if there could be an option to DISPLAY Next Year Schedules for Selected Students as students could be added by staff AFTER fees are paid AND On Line Registration has been completed.
Is there any other way to accomplish having NY Schedules displayed ONLY AFTER fees have been paid & on line registration has been completed?
Please Advise.
Thank you!
Lee Loomans
West Bend School District
Lee Loomans commented
A number of our schools are asking if it would be possible to give the option to instead of "hide" schedule that there is an option to "display" schedule for selected students. This would be the reverse of having to input all students into the hide option and than deleting them once schedule can be displayed.
Please see attached and advise.
Thank you!Lee Loomans