Student Management Suite
5 results found
504 module similar to SE
I think it would be much more user friendly if the 504 module was more similar to that of the Special Education Module. Using entry by student and clicking through each of the dropdowns instead of being able to search and see a clear organized file for the student like you can in the SE module. The current dropdowns in the entry by student area could be made into the side tabs similar to the SE module. Is there a reason that the current 504 layout is so different than SE?
1 vote -
Clone 504 forms within same school year
It would be helpful to be able to clone 504 forms within the same school year of their creation. Right now, you are only able to clone forms from prior years, but I have had staff members who have wanted to be able to clone within the same school year.
1 vote -
504 Indicator
Our special education department has requested that when hovering over the 504 indicator that the student's impairment is shown for quick reference.
2 votes -
Clone Section 504 Data (excluding Dates) in Special Programs - Section 504
When entering the Section 504 Data in Special Programs for each individual student, it would be nice to have a Clone Tab so it would clone all the information as far disabilities and Student Accommodations. Most of this information stays the same each year; but dates would need to change.
3 votes -
Add Next Eval Review Date to Section 504 Details View
In the Section 504 Entry by Student, we would like to see the Next Eval Review Date field added as a column to Section 504 Details View. That way we can have a filter or sort on when upcoming students are needing their 504 re-evaluated by their review date. This would help administrators in knowing when to re-eval students accordnig to their Section 504 plan and not let the student's needs fall off the radar and conitnue to serve them as best as the school staff can.
18 votes
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